Monday, November 10, 2008

Just your average Monday evening

Just when I thought I wasn't going to have anything to blog about tonight, my husband came in and said this.And then I looked out the window and saw this.

He was burning the remnants of an old building we had taken down. However, at one point the fire was about 3 times this big.
That's when I heard the sirens and saw this fly into our driveway.
Followed shortly by his friend, the other fire truck.

And no emergency would be complete without a police officer.

Apparently they were getting calls from all over the county from housing additions nearby, to passers-by on the interstate, to employees from nearby factories. They all thought the barn was on fire. Many thought the entire farm was going up in smoke.

Nope...just my husband trying to burn an old building. At night. In the 30 degree wind. On ground that hasn't had rain in 2 months. That's all.

When the fire fighters arrived, my husband was casually standing near the fire with a 2.5 gallon bucket of water in his hand. One (of the six!) firemen walked up and asked, "Everything under control around here?"
My husband looked at him surprisingly and said, "Well, yes...why?"

They had a good laugh. The fireman asked him to call and notify the sheriff's department next time he was going to try burning the place down so they knew how to handle the dozens of phone calls they were getting in.
The kids and I watched in amusement with the dogs while the fire trucks left. One of the fire fighters jokingly asked me as they were driving off, "Do you want to come with us?"

It was tempting.

Pin It!


Anonymous said...

LOL somehow that doesn't surprise me, I too had a similiar experience with your father. It was a Saturday night, I was watching TV, suddenly there was firetrucks with lights and sirens in the driveway. Yes, your father was burning a BIG brush fire and someone had called the fire department.Nothing like being married to a pyromaniac.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, if those were really the firemen who asked if you wanted to go, always say YES! but first you have to pick up your MOM. lol

Caroline said...

I'd be setting everything on fire if the firemen around here looked like that.

Tristan said...

My husband is a firemen..and he just laughed when I told him this!!

Shannon said...

LOL! Great story! BTW, that is the CUTEST header I have ever seen!

Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

Cute story....and Im glad it wasnt a real fire. Hate to have that happen and your hubby think he couldnt handle it with a bucket of water :-)

Betty said...

Great story! Something to laugh about, when you´re old... :)

Connie said...

We have a volunteer fire department and they look NOTHING like those studs - pot bellys, barely shaven and have a grumpy look of being woken from sleep or a football game no matter the situation. If ours looked like yours I'd be burning something once a week. ;)

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

Rawr! Yummy. I'm thinking I should set something on fire around here. ;o)

"The Queen in Residence" said...

Love the new look!!!

I wish our firemen looked that good, I would be fainting on aregular basis.

Husband's, I think it would have been great to get the marshmellows out and start making smores.....

Queenie Jeannie said...

LOL! Thank you for the funny story!!! We ALL have crazy families don't we???

sassy stephanie said...

Ha ha ha. My hubby and two friends started burning trees that Hurricane Ike took out TWO WEEKS ago. The pile is still smoldering.

John Deere Mom said...

Oh girls. If those really WERE the firemen who had come to my house. I would not be typing this...I would be on the back of a fire truck right now...a very happy woman. ;)
If you look closely at the fire truck pic, you can see one of the actual fire fighters. Nice, cute, brave, and wonderful...but no calendar pin-up.

Mrs4444 said...

You're hilarious (even when you're recovering from illness; impressive!) Our neighbors became enemies of many when they did this same thing in at a dry time (we live in the woods). Their fire was at least 30 feet tall and ENORMOUS. It really scared a lot of people, and the piromaniacs (JK) didn't understand why. A simple, "Oops. So sorry for scaring you," would have saved them some dirty looks... :)

Mrs4444 said...

Oops-Sorry. Mixed you up with your sick friend!

Christy said...

drool....firefighters.....drool.... totally worth setting the place on fire.

Anonymous said...

hahahaha....what a great post!!!!

I love your new layout too!!!

Knocked Up in Bama said...

Hee hee...I caught me a fireman, it was totally worth it and I highly suggest it for any of you single gals. :)

I love the 2.5 gallon bucket of water to contain the massive fire. Men!

Anonymous said...

Hi! New to your blog and just found you. I've enjoyed reading through your posts! You've got a great way of looking at life and you're pretty funny as well! I'll be back for more reading. I just hope that next time I'm over, there are no fires!

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

LOL...that was just what I needed great! And tempted? Ummmm let's try not even giving it a second thought!

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

LOL...that was just what I needed great! And tempted? Ummmm let's try not even giving it a second thought!

Lindsay said...

I'd be tempted, too! ;)

That is so typical man. And too funny. My husband's a little more cautious than that, though. We fried a turkey last year and he made sure that sucker was VERY far from the house.

Tinabean said...

Men are so funny.
At least he knows what he's doing huh?
I wish our firemen looked like that, I'd set fires just to get them to come.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

A few weeks ago, one of the houses in our neighborhood was burning leaves. And it was windy. And we have been in drought conditions for over a year. So, it should have been no surprise that the fire department showed up. Now those guys. Mmmmm. Calendar pin up be thy name...

Shannon said...

That's so funny!! I'm not sure how I came across your blog, I've been jumping around. My dad was a firefighter but my hubby is the type to burn a barn with a little bucket of water for emergencys.

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

This happens all the time around here I swear. One time I rushed up the hill to my neighbors to get a photo of his house burning down for the newspaper. Nope...he was just burning some wood, but hadn't notified the county emergency office, so fire trucks came roaring in.

Let me tell you one thing...if our firefighters had looked like that...mmmhmmm...would have gone with them in a flash. Oh yeah, baby.

Love the new look. It is awesome.

Yeah, I know it debut a while ago, but I'm catching up here! :-)

Rick said...

Burning th place down at night was probably not the best idea, but is was nice of the firemen to stop and pose while you took their picture.

Mama H said...


Nik said...

ROFL!! I LOVE this story!!

If it was those guys that stopped by your place, you better hop on that truck and then trek cross country to pick every single one of us least let us have a little look see.

Great story and I love the new look!

Rhea said...

Dang, girlfriend, those fireman are HOT. I would have gone with them. I like how they posed for you with their shirts off before they left. hehe

Just kidding.

Your husband's hilarious. This whole story cracked me up.

Anonymous said... they ever think? LOL

But hey, if the firefighters really looked like those you pictured, then hopefully he'll do it again real soon;) LOL

Anonymous said... they ever think? LOL

But hey, if the firefighters really looked like those you pictured, then hopefully he'll do it again real soon;) LOL