Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 is the new 2008

If you haven't yet entered my blogiversary giveaway, click here before proceeding. If you wanna. No pressure.

People always say how quickly your kids grow up and not to blink or they will be grown. You don't truly understand the meaning of that statement until you actually live it. Someone recently told me, "The days drag on forever, but the years fly by." That pretty much sums up our 2008. I really coudn't remember any specific events or milestones we experienced over the past year until I started looking through the pictures. What a year it was...

I started blogging.

Cole began sleeping in a "big boy" bed and Little Miss gave up paci. My gosh that seems like a million years ago...

The Russian Peasant became an internet phenomenon. Okay, not really...but she is darn cute.

We lost one dog...and gained another.
Cole overcame his fear of the cattle...and Little Miss became Fair Queen.
Cole saw his first movie at the theater...Kung Fu Panda.
We survived a major flood...and Hurricane Ike.
We got a swingset...

and a new car.Cole started preschool...
and turned 5.
Claire turned 3... and became a princess.

We had a visit from these guys.

Aunt Susie got married.

And before I knew it...I blinked. And my babies weren't babies anymore.

Pin It!


nikkicrumpet said...

What an adorable look back. I enjoyed all the pictures...but that little girl of yours just melts my heart. She has the cutest smile ever!

Finding Normal said...

Great post!
That shot of the 2 of them in Cole's bed looks much older than a year!

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

OMG--what a fabulous journey you have beem on. Makes me miss my babies and ever so glad we have grandchildren. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I loved it!

Unknown said...

That popcorn bag is almost as big as Cole !!!

Love the look back. Before you know it, they'll be like mine, all grown up with babies of their own. :-)

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

Love your new look!
You always do such neat headers!

Vickie said...

Those are sweet pictures.

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Great recap! That is so sweet....and so true! I know exactly what you mean.

Carolyn said...

So true that the days drag and the years fly-my kids are 23, 22 and 20!

Maternal Mirth said...

I know! Damn dry eyes and the blinking!

Kids ... they grow up way too fast.

Judi said...

What a great family you have. I love the look back. I might try to do something like that. Happy New Year!

Judi said...

What a great family you have. I love the look back. I might try to do something like that. Happy New Year!

Shari said...

What a great post and a great look at the past year. I Love it!

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

What a great recap of the year in photos.

I am going to start following your blog.


One Crazy Chick! said...

OMG! The Peasant Girl was an Internet Phenomenon! It's crazy how slow and fast life seems to go, isn't?

While on the one hand making it until 6pm everyday seems like climbing to the top of Everest it seems that Christmas time comes barreling at me every year as if I was sprinting the 400 meter Dash.

Anyway, the kids are still adorable and I hope 2009 is just as happy as 2008!

KimmyJ said...

Aww - a great year indeed! I still love the russian peasant photo!!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

You know...I was thinking that the growth is more obvious when they are that young. And that the changes are pretty big after a year. Until I glanced over at a picture of my girls taken last Chirstmas. And you know what...they have really changed too. Blink!

Mama H said...

What a great post! It is amazing how much they change in such a little amount of time... :-)

Betty said...

....and you blink again, and they are gone!! You are so right about that blinking part! :)
I love your little Claire. She is sooo cute, I want to squish her!

Jen said...

I totally know what you mean. Why does it have to happen so fast?

Lula! said...

But seriously...

The Russian Peasant WAS and still IS an internet phenom.

Loved this post!

Tiffany said...

Wow. What a year it was for you! I'd love to know the secret of getting rid of the paci! I'll be needing it soon.

Katie Stacey said...

I feel the same way. Time is going too fast, I'm scared for the day when my baby will no longer be a baby!

Anonymous said...

Phew! What a year, and what incredibly adorable kids!

Farming Fabulously said...

What a great recap....Time really does fly by. This really makes you stop and think to take advantage of every moment.

Merrie said...

*sigh* What a year. And they just keep getting more fabulous as they grow older. Happy New Year!

Rhea said...

Great wrap up of the year. Love it!