Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Did you hear the one about the lady with too much time on her hands?

No. Not me, sillies. I'm talking about the lady who did this.

We're not talking about dressing your dog up here. This is extreme dog grooming. You can read more about it here.

Is there really a need for such a thing? This dog actually had her fur dyed and sculpted.

And really...isn't being a poodle embarrassing enough without looking like a peacock?

What do you think? Funny? Mean? Crazy?


Pin It!


Sandy said...

That is CRAZY!

Anonymous said...

Oh my...someone should rescue those poor dogs...

Heather said...

I'm speechless...and yet kind of impressed. The dogs look less than enthused, but I have to admit the teenage ninja turtle job is impressive. Fur Sculpting. A new art form?

Anonymous said...

OHMYGOSH! Who would do that to their dog? Poor thing. And they wonder why animals attack!

Sarah said...

I think it is CRAZY. (and maybe a little mean) Do people really have nothing better to do than do this to thier dogs?

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

I feel so sad for those poor dogs.

SHANNON said...

Shouldn't PETA know about this?

SHANNON said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...


Shauna said...

Wow! Sorry I haven't been here for a few work has been crazy busy! L♥ve and Hugs :)

Linda said...

I think it's crazy, mean and "stoopid". Those dogs do not look cute...some people!

Tiffany said...

Wow those are strange and certainly creepy to say the least! I'm all for putting sweaters on cute tiny dogs who need to stay warm but um yeah thats just totally wrong! I had to look at the first one a few times cause I thought it was a plush animal at first LOL. Wow just wow.

Smoochiefrog said...

WTHeck? I'm almost afraid of where you found those pics!

That's just wrong and frightening on so many levels. So many.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, if the dye is a harmless vegetable dye, and if it doesn't hurt the dog, then I say DO IT !
My dog loves to be brushed and told what a pretty boy he is, and he isn't some wimpy poodle, he is a long haired..(wait for it)
...chihuahua. I have been known to dress him a little funny, but it makes me smile, and he likes the attention, well, until someone actually tries to pet him, then SNAP.

Unknown said...

I don't even know where to start... but this is NOT a good thing.

Susan said...

That is just plain mean! Those poor pooches!

Finding Normal said...

Crazy. Period.

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

My dogs would think they are being punished!

Kimberly said...

Terrible terrible. I cannot imagine doing this to my dog, or thinking it is cool. People are crazy!

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

Definitely crazy! And I agree, being a poodle is punishment enough.

Unknown said...

That is humiliating...and I think it's so cruel...

Happy blogging,

Pet Grooming Supplies

Kimberly said...

There is something on my blog for you!!! :-)

nikkicrumpet said...

Alright...I will be the first one to confess to dressing my dogs and getting a giggle from it. But making them stand there for countless hours while their hair is dyed and sculpted seems pretty abusive to me...and I agree...being a poodle is punishment enough lol

Teri said...

That is just weird. But I have to admit, that camel dog looks funny.

Mamarazzi said...

i. have. no. words.

and that's so unlike me.

what the hell?!?!?!?

Lula! said...

I don't think it's fun, mean, or crazy...more like RIDICULOUS.

Don't you think those dogs are mortified? Seriously. I'd be mortified.

Mrs4444 said...

I'm thinking mushrooms? (The hallucinogenic kind.) Kind of sick.

Connie said...

Wow ~ I can't even get our dog to look at a brush let alone sit that long for something like that.
Any who ~ had another blessed diorama assignment. Seen as how Mr is home I made him do it this time. Worked out so much better for me.
Here's to another warm day this weekend!

Anonymous said...

I think it is MEAN. The dogs look ridiculous....and you know what? The dog even KNOWS it!

Merrie said...

Yeah, on some level they don't appear to be happy. You can usually detect joy in dogs, and I'm not picking up on that with them. I prefer my husky to be a happy husky. :)

Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...

Hahahahahaha..........those poor animals!