
Friday, November 26, 2010

Thirty-One and Black Friday

If you avoid crowds as I do, then you are probably sitting in front of your computer in your jammies sipping on your second cup of coffee.


Now that is how to spend the day after Thanksgiving. Not to mention, it's like 29 degrees here, and who wants to venture out in the cold, getting into a shoving match with crazy people trying to get a $4.00 coffeemaker?!

Insanity, I tell you.

A few years ago, I ventured to the Wal-Mart at like 10 a.m. on this so called Black Friday. I asked the frazzled-looking electronics lady where the $79 Garmin was. She literally laughed in my face.

I guess they had been sold out for awhile...

I prefer to do a lot of my shopping online. As a matter of fact, I just placed a couple of orders on Target and Amazon. And I didn't even have to wait in any lines! And there were no people around bugging me! Well, there was a certain little girl bugging me to put up the Christmas tree...but I can handle her.

If you are looking for a gift idea, I have a suggestion. A Thirty-One bag! I may or may not be an independent consultant for Thirty-One. Okay, I am. And I would like you to order from me. See? No gimmicks around here. Just short, sweet, and to the point.

I decided to become a consultant for Thirty-One a few months ago, mostly to get the super sweet starter kit for just $99. But now, I am kind of loving it. People seem to love the bags and purses as much as I do. And if you know anything about me, I LOVE purses and bags!

My current favorite products are:

*Thermal tote

*Large Storage Tote

*Medium Purse

*Organizing Utility Tote

*Skirt purse

If you'd like to check out the fall/winter Thirty-One catalog, just click here. You can order online by clicking here. And I promise you, you won't be disappointed.

If you would also like to receive the super sweet starter kit for just $99, click here to find out more!

Happy Shopping!

Friday, November 19, 2010

A Void

Did I tell you my best friend/teacher across the hall moved last week? Not only did she move, but she moved 8 hours and 16 minutes away. That's 522.98 miles.


I lived in denial for months. Since July, to be exact. I knew she was moving. We talked about it all. I saw pictures of the new house. I helped her move things out of the old house. And yet when that day came? Her very last day to be the teacher across the hall?

Reality finally set in.

We cried. We hugged. And as she she walked out of that school that we had been teaching in together for more than 11 years...I sat at my desk and cried some more.

It has been a week since she hasn't been across the hall. And it just hasn't been the same. We had a staff meeting this week and I didn't know where to sit. How was I supposed to sit through a staff meeting without being able to talk to her? Or slip her notes? Or roll my eyes about the guest speakers?

And she wasn't just the teacher across the hall. Throughout the course of those 11 years, I got married. We both had kids. We both started blogs. We shared books and recipes. We started hanging out after school. We got our kids together for playdates. We had mommy days shopping and lunching.

We were the best of friends.

We still are.

522.98 miles can't stop that.

And while I am glad her family is settled and together in their new beautiful home, starting the newest chapter in their lives...

I miss her. A lot.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cheap John Deere Hats

Our friends at Rungreen are having a sale on John Deere hats. There are 10 styles available for only $5.00 each! Here are just a few of the hats available during this great sale that ends this Sunday, November 14!

To start hat shopping, just click here! And be sure to tell them JDM sent you!

Friday, November 5, 2010

My Third and Final (Feeble) Attempt to Win a New Camera

I have been a member of SITS since the beginning. I was the second ever featured blogger and for over a year...the only featured blogger to ever have a picture along with their FB post. I ALSO coined the phrase "SITSmas"...lest we not forget. I don't even receive any royalties from that phrase, which is still used. But, alas, that alone isn't enough to win a new camera from those beautiful divas over at SITS.

So today I shall share with you all my third and final Halloween post in an effort to gain the upperhand in the Canon camera contest.

I give you...the Halloween collage:

And I leave you with the Russian peasant, which I know Tiffany cannot refuse.

And Mama Kat? Have I told you how pretty you are lately?
