I see you flitting around in the Electrolux commerical doing your "dirty" laundry in 36 minutes, all the while being "even more amazing."
I would like to do my laundry in 36 minutes. I would like to be even more amazing.
But have you seen my laundry? Please refer to Figure A.
Figure A: The dirt-covered jeans worn by the little man last weekend.
The caked-on dirt covered the entire surface of the jeans. They could practically stand up on their own. Let's just say it took longer than 36 minutes, thankyouverymuch. In the time it took to pre-treat, scrub, wash, rewash, and dry, the little man had time to dirty yet another pair of jeans. See figure B.
Figure B: Yet another pair of filthy jeans worn by the little man last weekend.
Upon first glance, this pair of jeans doesn't look quite as bad as the first pair. But that isn't dirt, my friends. That is honest to goodness cow manure.
Electrolux, have your people call my people. Momma needs a second washing machine.