
Sunday, March 16, 2008

Farm Fun

We spent part of our Sunday at the barn watching the guys work on the storm damage from a few weeks ago. Good times were had by all: kids, dogs, cats, and cows.

Especially these cows. Little Miss on a round bale.
Take me to your leader.

Hangin out with the girls.

How you doin'?

Ebony and Ivory.
Farming in Under-roos.
Ba-Buttons the Barn Cat.
Hear no evil (or at least hear no circular saw.)
Smell ya later.


  1. I followed the link to your blog from your comment on Chatting at the Sky. Your blog is adorable!! You are so funny and I've been reading all morning. I'll be back!!

  2. Cute pics! Noah would be crying at all that action! He was asking me this morning if Cole has bulldozers, and I told him probably. He said, "He has wots of twactows mommy. I sink he does have buwwdozews too." bulldozers???

  3. These are sweet. Thanks for sharing your day.

  4. If you haven't heard/seen/checked out this blog, you so need to do so!! Sounds, and looks, like the two of you are going to have much in common :)

  5. How can pictures of cows not make someone happy? They really are rather endearing looking animals....if only they weren't so tasty.

  6. Just love all the captions so cute! Have SO much fun being showered in comment lovin'!

  7. Your captions are simply hilarious! Can't wait to read through some of your archives...

  8. I love your blog so much...grew up with horses and friends had dairy farms so I can totally relate to the whole "Farm Fun"

    I live in the city now, probably one of the only women that mows her own lawn and shovels her own sidewalks and driveway!

  9. Adorable pics! What a nice little snapshot of life on the farm.

  10. Adorable pics. I love love love farm animals

  11. Those cheeks, those adorable cheeks!!! Whatta cutie!

  12. My toddler would have a great time on your farm...every time he sees a cow he's compelled to "Mooooo!" He'd be so "Moooo'd" out by the end of the day he'd sleep like a log! So... when can I visit? ;)

  13. love the cow pic "having a good time" too hilarious.

  14. Totally loved the "Take me to your leader one"! Ha!

    I so want cows now (they have cute earrings, my girls will LOVE that). Good thing I have NOTHING to do, but read your blog. You're sucking me in, girl.

    Loved your pics! And yes, your captions are the cows moo (get it...get it...I didn't say "cat's meow")...

  15. my boys would be in cow heaven. they haven't played with cows in about 2 years. my poor deprived babies

  16. LOL...Your too funny!

    I'm surprised, you didn't have a picture of sweetness holding her nose!
    I know the barn smell all too well.

  17. I love the photos.

    I'm a reluctant city girl, as I grew up in a rural area. Can't wait till we move back to New Zealand as we are going to be living in the country again. YAAAAYYY :-)

  18. Great pics! I love cows....I don't know why...but I collect everything cows.

  19. I love blogs with lots of pictures! Kids are too cute!

    Thanks for sharing!

  20. The closest my kids have been to a farm is at the local fair.

    I'm super jealous.

  21. I'm smellin' it now ~ oh wait the pig farmer next door just 'fertilized' the field. YUCK! I guess I won't be hangin' out any laundry today ... no clean underoos for anyone today! ;)

  22. I love the under-roos shot!! haha!! too cute!!

  23. I used to live on a farm, your photos are making me miss it!

  24. LOL! I see cows doing that all the time where I live. It's usually as I'm driving down the road. The first time I saw it happen, I was drinking some water and it shot out my nose I was laughing so hard. Now I'm used to it.

    Horses, on the other hand, still make me laugh when I see them do it.

  25. I always wanted to be a farm girl. What a great experience for your cute kids.


  26. Ahhh Farm life. I miss the smell of thawing poo in springtime. We lived in SD for 5 years and still have that fond memory to hold on to....The mounted bull is too funny! Only a devoted blogger would have her camera ready for such an occasion! Your kids are so adorable!

  27. Found you via SITS. That first picture is too freaking much! I bet he had a good time. :)

  28. These pictures are great! The cows crack me up. My son had his first real cow encounter when my husband was helping his dad give vaccines & stuff (I'm not sure what that "stuff" is; I'm not a farm girl). But your kids seem to enjoy it a lot more (granted, they are over a year old so that fits).

  29. I love the pictures!!You're kids and cows are cute!
    We are wanting to farm and my hubby is a John Deere mechanic!!

  30. Too cute. How fun is it to live on a farm??? I'm in the middle of the city... 5 minutes from Target. I'm not sure I could manage!!

  31. I don't know how you do it. Kids..all those cats and dogs..cows..lions and tigers and bears -oh my!

    The closest thing I have to that is 27 Webkins animals and two kids who are allergic to pet dander.

    Roughing it for me is going 3 weeks between nail appointments.

  32. I love pics of cows. They have soft eyes.

  33. Cute pictures, look like fun was had by all.

  34. So did your kids see the cows... you know... mating? How do you explain that? Mine recently witnessed dogs "doing it." My kids are 5 & 6 so I immediately covered their eyes and demanded that they ask NO QUESTIONS.

  35. Ah, yes. If all kids lived on a farm, they would never have to watch THE MOVIE!

  36. Hilarious photo and captions. Love the "take me to your leader" the most.

    Great post!

  37. ...take me to your leader...


    Man I want a farm.

  38. Seriously--were you in my back yard when taking all these pics? Huh-larious!

  39. These pictures are like AFV - they are WAY funnier with the captions!

  40. Gotta love the cows. I can definitely tell you're having fun there!

  41. Awwww. I want to come to your farm! Love your pics!

  42. I can almost smell the cow kaka!
    We use to live down wind from a cow farm and a pig Can't say I miss it too much,

  43. great set of pics. so much fun!

  44. Love the pics! Your daughter is adorable.

  45. Popping in by way of SITS today, Angie. I've never seen this post--it's a treat :)
