
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Field Trip

Our two 5th grade classes went on a field trip on Friday to a historical museum. The kids were great. When we got back to school, the man in charge at the museum had sent this email to our principal.

Your students were absolutely wonderful. Not only were they well prepared (your teachers deserve kudos of the highest order); they were polite and were very well behaved. What impressed me most was that they were able to infer. Your kids were able to draw upon prior knowledge and use that information to process new things-they were not afraid to learn. That may seem like a bizarre statement.but your kids were not intimidated at the idea of trying.and were not daunted by the prospect of new information. Students like yours.I do not see everyday. They were engaged on the task at hand and they is such a joy to say things one time and have people listen-I never had to say one word about discipline to your kids. They were
perfectly behaved. Your students had real depth and were just wonderful people to spend time with. I wish they could have stayed with us all day. Today was not work.I can not believe that I draw a paycheck on days like this. I can not overstate the praise I have for your 5th grade teachers and your students.

What a great way to end a hectic work week! I can't wait to tell the students the praise they earned during the trip. It made an hour+ hot, bumpy bus ride well worth it.


  1. Congratulations to you! That has to make you feel so good about yourself and your charges. I doff my wig.

  2. Holy Smokes! Not one child acted up? That so deserves them a pizza party, or a movie during class or something!....Goes to show what influence good teachers have on their students!

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  5. Way to go!! It is so nice when someone goes beyond and sends a lovely e-mail. This will make their Monday.

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  7. It sounds like you've got a great group of kids!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog (again) and saying hello! I hope I see you again.
