
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Can you feel the love tonight?

Since Crazy Daisy gave me the most adorable little bloggy award, I decided I should share the love. So, here are 10 blogs I love, in no particular order. (I am really sorry if you are reading this and I did not pick you. Seriously. I had to pick 10. If I gave the award to every blog I read and stalk, we would be here all night, people.)


  1. Aw, shucks.

    Mille grazie, and right back at ya.

  2. Thanks! You just gave me a new list of blogs to stalk!

  3. Me?? You are so sweet! Thank you so much. I needed that happy-happy feeling you just gave me.

  4. Oh my stars and hearts!! Thank you so much!

  5. Aww...I'm feelin' the love! I have a lot of stalker love to share...

  6. Oh my gosh, thanks! That's so cute and I am feeling the love.


  7. Aww, my first award ever! I'm excited!! Thanks!

  8. OH MY GOSH! I HAD no idea until today! I swear I must have read every OTHER post! I don't know who to thank more; you, or Christy (who asked me today why I hadn't put mine up!) Thank you SO much! I love you, too!!

    P.S. Now you know for sure that the award I gave you was not a "gift!" hehe

  9. Too funny! I guess blog etiquette would probably say I should have commented everyone about receiving the very lovey award, but I guessed you would figure it out eventually! :)
