
Saturday, May 31, 2008

Clearly I have lost it...

I just threw a birthday party for a McDonald's Happy Meal toy. I will give you a moment to let that sink in.

I feel the need to explain. Tractor Boy fell in love with a goofy little 2 inch teddy bear from a Happy Meal a few months ago. Very out of character for him, but whatever. Lately he has been obsessed with Teddy. Grandma "had" to make clothes for teddy. He must sleep with Teddy and "share his food" with him.
Well, this morning he announced that it was Teddy's 3rd birthday. AND that it was absolutely necessary to have a party with a cake.
Cut to an hour ago. Nearly had a meltdown when it was realized that we had NOT in fact bought a cake for Teddy. Thankfully we had a few mini-cupcakes and 3, yes 3! candles. So, being Mother of the Year, we put Teddy in his nicest outfit, lit the candles, sang Happy Birthday, and then had cupcakes. Teddy even shared his. Luckily, I fixed the camera so here is proof of our craziness.

Please don't ask about the snowman plates. You're talking to a woman that just celebrated the birthday of a deformed teddy bear. Clearly, the snowman plates are the least of my problems.

Speaking of cupcakes...this pretty much says it all.

I hereby vow to get some exercise in everyday. I am not sure how exactly, but I will figure something out. I will also get back to drinking more water and less Starbucks. I will also eat a Lean Cuisine type meal for lunch rather than my children's leftovers. No more Pop Tarts for breakfast. Oatmeal and Special K bars only. 6 months and 5 days until the bridesmaid dress becomes a reality. I need willpower, people. And any advice that you might have. Any secret weight loss tips you've been keeping to yourselves?


  1. Umm, no secrets here. I'm going to start writing it all down, so that I might shame myself into NOT eating the crappola.
    As for Teddy--first of all, I could understand if it was a tractor, for heaven's sake, but a TEDDY BEAR??? Second, Teddy needs a bath, or so it looks on my screen. Third, a birthday party? With candles? You've officially lost it, my friend! And blogged about it. It's all downhill from here.

  2. I know. I have lost it after only 4 days home all day with the children. How will I get through the rest of the summer? Teddy is actually quite clean as we did wash him with his "best friend, Blankey." Although I did have to wash his face per little man's reqest after "eating" the cupcake. Good Lord. It's going to be a l-o-n-g summer.

  3. Oh, my. At least you didn't have to go back to McDonalds to celebrate with an actual party and gifts...

    Does Teddy ride in the tractors?

    I have no weight loss tips. I need to get my act together. I was doing well with Weight Watchers until the girl scout cookies arrived. And then, somehow three months went by and I never got my act together. I want a magic pill...

  4. You are not crazy having a party for a bear. We have a birthday party for our dog every year here.

    I've decided that my weight loss tip for the summer is Hula-Hooping!

  5. My kids have this freakish fascination with happy meal toys and i think they're junk, lol!

  6. You are Mother of Year. Please don't tell me kid that you have done this, as then I might have to....
