It's over! Another school year has come and gone. It has actually gone very quickly. I feel like I just met this group of kids and now I have sent them on to
6th grade! It was a fairly uneventful, yet crazy day. The kids walked in to find Bob nametags on their desks. :) Then we had our awards program from 8:30-10:00. It was L-O-N-G. It looked funny to see most of my class standing for attendance or honor roll awards with Bob nametags on. LOL
Then we went back to the room for corn snacks. The kids made "corn salad" out of Corn Pops cereal, corn chips, and cheedar cheese puffcorn. (The corn cupcakes ended up being way more time consuming and expensive than I had realized, so I opted for the cheaper corn celebration!) All in all, it was a good morning. Then we cleaned the room up and out. Then I sent them off to lunch and recess. Thank the Lord it wasn't raining then! After recess we went to the 6th grade graduation program, then inside the room for an extra recess. Then we sent them off to the buses. All the teachers stood in the rain to wave those buses on! Phew!
Somewhere in there daycare called to let me know Tractor Boy was running a 101 degree fever! So I asked them to give him Tyl...
See how I stopped in mid-sentence? Yeah. Tractor Boy started throwing up on the couch. So, the Tylenol I had just given me 10 minutes before is now on my couch and the floor. Good times. Now I have him changed, blankey and Teddy in the washer and a BUCKET next to him on the non-puked on couch.
Did I mention I am glad school is over?! Yes, yes I am. Although I have to admit, going from a full-time working mom to a SAHM is always a tough adjustment in the summer. I love having more time with the kids, but it is tough getting used to being at home all day. I have to remind myself to stop and just ENJOY the summer and not worry about staying busy working/cleaning/picking up, etc. I just need to enjoy my summer with the kids. I hope to stay plenty busy with play dates, trips to the playground, park, library, Grandma and Grandpa's house, zoo, Children's Museum, etc. This will be the last summer before Tractor Boy starts school. :( I DEFINITELY need to make the most of it.