
Sunday, May 18, 2008

Well Worth the Wait

Today was such a great day! The kids finally got the Gator surprise. Grandma and I waited in the garage facing the door. Grandpa opened the door for the kids and we caught their first glimpse of the Gator on video. They were so cute! Little Miss liked it and took a few rides, but Grandpa is pretty much the only toy she needs. She definitely has him wrapped around her little finger.

Tractor Boy, on the other hand, not only loved it but drove it endlessly the entire time we were there. The tools and bucket were just icing on the cake. What a great weekend!


  1. Your dad is as cute as ever!
    Looks like a great day. Coleman will have to take Noah for a ride!

  2. Great pictures! What an awesome gift. Looks like a lot of fun for the kids.

  3. Look how cute he is loading up his Gator!! It looked like everyone had so much fun, including Grandpa!

  4. OMG! A kid size gator!? How adorable!

  5. Cutest pictures EVER.
