
Friday, June 20, 2008

Adios, Old School Dell

She's back. My beloved HP Slimline is back home where she belongs. I was never so glad to see a white delivery truck in my life (especially since they were 24 hours and 2 minutes late..but who's counting?) Now I can browse the Internet at my leisure, watch videos and hear my music, check my email, as well as upload pictures with ease. Life is good.

I have the best paci story. Let's see..Little Miss has been off the paci since Tuesday morning. Hasn't had it since. She asks for it pretty often, but I haven't given in. Bedtime is still a little rough, but each night it gets a little easier. Today, she had asked me for paci. I blew it off telling her she was a big girl. End of discussion. Literally 15 minutes later, she comes RUNNING into the bathroom where I happened to be (I swear I haven't peed alone in 4 1/2 years) screaming, "Momma, Momma, look! The Boy found my paci!" Sure enough, he had pulled a chair out from the wall and found one of her pacis. I just KNEW she was going to pop that baby in her mouth and we would be back at square one. She looked at me and said, "Can we give this to the baby?" I could not believe it! So then I was like what the he11 am I going to do with it? I finished what I was doing, ran to get an envelope (before she changed her mind) scribbled, "Baby Nicki" on the front, then we walked out to the mailbox to mail the paci to the baby. How great is that?!


  1. OMG that is GREAT!!!! I figured she'd want it back for sure!! Yup, she's done with it for good!

  2. That is awesome! Congrats! At least it was a paci and not the thumb you are weaning from... it's MUCH easier!

  3. YAY for HPS! Were your pictures there?
    And double YAY for Miss Big Girl! Seriously! I was so thinking, crap, she's poppin it back in her smug little mouth and you are so screwed!
    Now figure out how to get my kid off his thumb!

  4. Way to go Little Miss and Good-bye Old School Dell! Great song to celebrate the occasion.

  5. Mine are 10 and 7...I cannot recall the last time I peed alone. Or without one of them *needing* to tell me something through the locked/barred door. If it's not the girls, the cat has joined me.

    And how exciting about the paci and the computer. And I know that you are going to head right over to my blog and watch my jibjab video...because you are just beside yourself with curiosity to see what I created. (And now my girls are demanding to learn Irish dancing for real!!!)

  6. YEAH for the cutest girl ever!!! See, you did it, and she is not traumatized! Hooray!

  7. Tonight was even easier than the last. Tonight she called for me a couple times and spent forever on the toilet, delaying the inevitable. But, she did just talk herself to sleep much quicker tonight. I am so proud of her and myself!
    Deb-Yes, my pictures and everything else were still on the computer! I was so relieved! They had to replace the motherboard...whatever that does. It must not store pictures!

  8. That's wonderful!

    Any ideas on how to get the thumb out of the mouth? Can I mail that to the baby as well?
