
Saturday, June 14, 2008

Feeling down? Get thee to thy nearest Target!

What's better than shopping at Target? Shopping 50% off clearance at Target! That's right...their uber cute seasonal items were 50% off today. (Okay, confession. I am acting like this is a new discovery when in fact I was there on Wednesday and bought a bunch of stuff for myself.) BUT, my best cousin's 30th birthday is coming up. So, the kids and I headed back to Target to see what I could put together. Want to see what I got? Huh, huh, do ya, do ya? Okay! Here it is!

Let's take a closer look, shall we?

Cute metal bucket/beverage tub: $6.49

Matching napkins: $0.99

Margarita glasses: $1.98 (At one point during the shopping trip, I looked in the cart to see Little Miss eating a recently opened package of Yogos out of the pink margarita glass!)

Dishcloths $1.49 (Don't worry. Now that I see that loose thread, I will trim it!)

Pitcher: $0.49

Wine bottle stoppers: $1.49

Relish tray: $0.99

Flip-flops: $2.49

I got everything for $15.51! How flip-floppin' awesome is that?!


  1. Seriously??? This stuff is 50% off now...after I paid full price on most of this two weeks ago for a SIX-YEAR-OLD's birthday party?? Geez. Love your blog, btw!

  2. That is incredible! Love Target, especially the stuff on the end caps. I hate shopping, but Target tends to soften the sting a bit. Excellent finds!
    (found you at Kat's site)

  3. I am a TARGET ADDICT...I cannot lie. I know right where they have all of their clearance items, the ones that are not right out front and uh, shop their a little too often, just ask the old man, LOL

    You put together an awesome gift, btw!! She is going to love it AND think you spent TONS on her;)

  4. I love finding me some bargains!! That's on of my favourite things to do!!

    I hink I want a pair of those jandals (flip flops). Adds Target to list of places to visit today...

  5. I will so be going there today. After I hit Penney's...Shawn's polo shirts that he wears are $9.99. Seriously! $26 shirts for less than $10. And I have a $10 off coupon. Wooohooo!

  6. I love me some Clearance at Target! I'm headed there NOW! Because it's thinking about warming up past 55 today and I want that!

  7. No way! That's an awesome buy. I love that you broke it down for ME and explained what everything was and how much it cost. You ROCK. What a great gift for your cousin. I want a cousin like you. :o)

    Ok, good, glad we had this talk. Now, Cousin John Deere mom, my birthday is in April but you can give me my gift now...

  8. Wait, I want flip flops that match my beverage bucket, because that would just make my day!

  9. I adore Target. Wee One and I have a Saturday morning ritual while The Husband is playing golf. Go to Target, for no apparant reason. Walk around the store for awhile, usually spend too much money, grab Starbucks on the way out. Perfect morning!

  10. Pretty awesome girl! I'm kind of jealous that I don't have a Target.

  11. I was stocking up the other day...amazing deals huh?! Summer hasn't even 'started' yet!

  12. That's awesome! I love finding deals like that. I hope my Target has some good deals, I have to go tomorrow.

    I'm addicted to Walmart and Target....I always spend too much time and money at both.

    I do love how you found all of that matching stuff!!!

  13. I love their little dollar section...I just love them in general.

  14. I must have that bucket. Right. Now.

  15. I'm very sad to tell you I went to Target today and that section was marked 75% off. Unfortunately, there wasn't anything left that I wanted. I really wanted another little lunch box thingie. I bought 2 things at Target today and spent under $10. Now that's a miracle!

  16. I am MAD for plaid! So cute! I need you to email some recipe posts for SITS!!

  17. Target makes me HAPPY! I love their sales. Everything you got rocks! :) Great blog!

  18. Yay for Target! I hope you all were able to find as many great deals as I did. It's a little sad (especially to a teacher) that they are already "clearancing" summer goods. The Mom was right...Summer hasn't even officially started yet. Sigh. What's next in that section? Back to school supplies? Don't get me wrong. I LOVE back to school supplies. But in June? Uh, no. Late July is fine with me.

  19. O

    I have been avoiding Target b/c of lack of funds but I am dizzy with anticipation of going in and finding something wonderful!

  20. I heart target.

    Seriously, I heart Target.

    I just wish the closest one to me wasn't 2.5 hours away.
