
Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Blogging. I wonder if anyone has ever done a WFMW post about blogging and how it works for them. Hmmm. Maybe I am a pioneer. Maybe not. Anyway.
Blogging really works for me. I have always been a fairly social person but only have a couple true close friends...not a huge circle of girlfriends. Since having kids, my personal life has pretty much been put on hold. I used to get my nails done, tan, go out to lunch/dinner with my friends/family/husband, go shopping an hour away, take weekend trips. I was able to be pretty independent and do what I wanted when I wanted.
Having kids is so life altering, or at least it has been for me. They are the center of my world on all levels and once everything is done for them, I don't have anything left for me.
In comes blogging. I am not even sure exactly how I got started, but I am so glad I did. Blogging gives me a chance to have something that is just mine that I can do when and where I want. Even though I am a working mommy most of the time, I go to work, pick up the kids, and come home to start the evening routine. Blogging makes me feel more connected to the real world, especially other moms. I have made friends since starting this little adventure and truly enjoy being able to sit at the computer in the evenings with a glass (or frozen mug) of wine to "catch up" with my friends' daily happenings, as well as share mine. Blogging definitely works for me.


  1. You are so right! I am a SAHM, and if it weren't for blogging I think I'd have hardly any connection to the outside world. There aren't many moms with kids my daughter's age near me (and those that are work), so it's nice to share stories with people going through the same thing, even if I might never meet them.

  2. I am right there with you on this one. Blogging is just about the only thing I do for myself. I love it. Plus, without it I wouldn't have met you. So yay blogging!

  3. I love blogging! I learn so many new things and 'meet' such interesting people. I've even gotten to meet a few of them in real life!

  4. You are a pioneer - this is a great Works for Me!!

    I'm not a mom, but I frequently find myself isolated because I work from home. Blogging keeps me social.

    Have a great day!

  5. I am a newbie at this blogging thing and living hundreds of miles from our family and friends started just to keep them updated with the ins and outs of us. What I found is a way to express myself and a way to reflect upon my days in a new way. Yada Yada Yada!@! Our eldest children do share the same birthday. How random! Thanks for checking us out!

  6. It works for me, too! I'm so glad I followed your lead, especially since myspace was being evil and I stopped blogging over there. This format is so much more social and interactive and fun!
    I'm sure you had a wonderful afternoon! We almost followed you out to lunch but went for pizza instead. Then naps. Then library, Hobby Lobby, and spray painting. I think I'm trying to become a nester. Not THE Nester, just a nester. Who'da thunk it.

  7. Absolutely. When I finally started a blog after Sam had been born, I finally had something that was mine and connected me with other moms, which I so needed at the time, especially since he was so fussy it was hard to actually get out and interact with humans. Blogging really saved me back then.

  8. Blogging is a great way to express your feeling, vent about life, make new "friends" and it's a perfect reason to sit at your computer and drink

  9. I love blogging, too. There's such a large blogging community with anything you need!

  10. I love mommy blogging. I started blogging as a record of our homeschooling. It rather quickly morphed into being more about me than about Katie. And I so very much cherish all the connections that I've made.

  11. Hey Sis (reference from last week in case you've forgotten:)),
    I'm with you on the value of blogging.
    I started blogging last year when I moved across the country to take care of my mother. Even though I find myself in my home town, most of the friends I knew years before had left.
    Blogging has helped me keep in touch with some old friends and introduced me to some new ones. It also is a great tool for venting when you just have to get something out of your system.:)
    Have a great Thursday!!

  12. It SO works for me. I love all the ladies I have met. And, it's so nice to catch up on your own time. Like now, 11:00 PM.

  13. Amen to that! Blogging is my outlet and reading other blogs is my fun!

  14. I love how blogging means different things to different people. I'm so glad you blog!

  15. Bravo, bravo! Blogging works for me too. Great post!

  16. I have a treat for you on my blog!!

  17. I really enjoy reading your blog too.....just wanted to say that. I visit you about every day now. :)
