
Friday, June 27, 2008

What's up with the old people and the Buicks?

Have you noticed this? I venture to guess 97% of all Buick cars are owned by senior citizens. And not the 55 year old senior citizens who only use that term to get their 30% discount on Wednesdays, but the 90 year old senior citizens that um, maybe shouldn't be driving. Take the old man in the Buick who rear-ended me today. Yep. I got rear-ended. By an old man. In a Buick.
As I emerged from my rear-ended car he says, "I thought you were going." Um, yeah. I got that by the fact that you DROVE your car into mine. However, I wasn't going. I was stopped at a red light. Stopped. Not moving. He was all, "Your car is fine. Johnny can fix my headlight right up. So are we okay?" Well, sir, I am not sure about that. Let's take a closer look, shall we?

See how my bumper is kinda split right there? And bubbled up right here? And see these shards of orange headlight glass? That used to be on your car. Those weren't on my bumper before I met you.

See that big dented strip on the side? Oh wait, yeah. I did that. Oopsies. I backed right up into the hubby's forklift tractor. Tee hee. Maybe it's not so bad after all, sir.

What's the moral of the story? A Ford bumper can take a lickin' and keep on tickin'. And if you're driving a mid 90s tan Buick, and you are in your mid 90s...please, get off the road.


  1. I am all for mandatory driving tests to renew licenses after a certain age. Here is a perfect example why.

  2. My grandfather drove a buick. And he was driving long after he should have. Even with macular degeneration.

    Glad you all are okay...and have blog fodder instead of doctor fodder...

  3. Crap! Were the kids in the car? Cuz you know I'm the car seat freak and I will tell you that you should get new seats on the insurance's bill.
    I hope it's easily fixable.

  4. That will be us someday, too old to drive but too proud to give it up!

  5. Was he wearing a hat by any chance?

    In my experience, old men wearing hats are definitely a breed to be wary of, especialy when they are driving.

    I was t-boned at an intersection, by one, he drove straight through a red light and then had the cheek to blame me.

    The old man who hit the bus I was on, was also wearing a hat.

    Plus I've had an old guy in a hat almost run me down with his motorized scooter.

    Not sure if they were Buiks though!!

    Hope you're ok, no whiplash or anything?

  6. I love how Karen asked you if he was wearing a hat! That has me rolling right now....

  7. BUWAHHHAAAAAAA My Dad drives a was left to him after my Grandmother passed away at age 86, so you are right on target, although my Dad is only 64, LOL

    But now my friend drives one, she HATES it, but it does get her from point A to point B! LOL

    Oh and I was rearended not too awfully long ago, and really, what damage can you do to a Dodge Ram 1500? The guy who hit me was driving a smaller car, not even sure what it was, but he kept asking if he did "this" or if he did "that"...uh, no dude, we are good as gold, let's go on....I did "that" backing into my garage door, and I did "this" hitting the awning at school, oh and "this" was the fence I backed into...yup, I'm pretty sure we're good to go;) LOL

  8. HeeHee! BTW - I linked to your giveaway on my blog today!

  9. That's funny that you mention 55 year olds driving Buicks. My mother-in-law drives a Buick and the man and I joke about it sometimes. Yah, your fender-bender guy probably shouldn't be on the road. In his defense though, I can't imagine how hard it would be to give up such a big part of your independence, especially for a guy. Made for a great post!

  10. Bridget-I agree. And our state now gives licenses for 6 years. That's fine unless you're like 85 when you get it...then you get a free pass for 6 years. Eek!
    Kat-I do have doctor fodder about my little man. Luckily I didn't need it after yesterday's little accident.
    Deb-No kids in the car. They were swimming at Grandma's with Aunt Susie. Don't even know if we are going to fix it actually. It's not that bad and I hope to replace the car soon.
    Karen-No hat...but I totally know what you mean. And my new favorite expression is, "he had the cheek to..." Love it!
    Lane boyz mom-Glad I'm not the only one with a few of my own little bumps and bruises!
    Caroline-Yeah, 55 is WAY to young to be driving a Buick. My mom is 56 and loves to drive the Jeep with the top off and her songs blasting! I see no Buick in her near future!

  11. My husband and I talk about this all the time!!! I think few things annoy him more than old people and their Buicks ;)

    I'm glad you're OK!

  12. Please stop by my town on a Sunday morning, specifically in front of the Methodist church, where 80% of the congregation is over the age of 65. (I say "the" like it's the only one...wait, it is.) My husband and I have a running joke over the parking lot there:
    Buick, Buick, Buick, Buick, oh a Caddy! Buick, Buick, Buick, Buick, Buick, Honda (must be a teenager's), Buick...

    And I am NOT even kidding. Sorry for your catastrophe. Hope your car feels better soon.

  13. My husband's answer: They're big, heavy, and like old people, haven't changed a lot over the years." That continuity is probably a pretty big part of the draw. My mom drives a Buick, haha! Great post.

  14. I added you to my blog roll. I think old people drive buicks to let the other drivers on the road know they are there because the buick is the unoffical signal for younger drivers that "old people" are ahead.
