
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bueller? Bueller?

Day 3 of my class. It pretty much looked like this the majority of the day.

The class has been so boring I have had way too much time to sit and miss my kids. When I am teaching, I barely have a second to breathe, go to the bathroom, or collect my thoughts. Thankfully, that keeps me from missing my kids who are in daycare 30 minutes away. This class, however, does not keep me busy enough.

On a brighter note, I did keep my feet out of the toilet....and although vodka might have made the day more enjoyable, I did not sneak any into my water bottle.

Note to self: Bring vodka Thursday.


  1. Absolutely bring vodka Thursday. I hate certification requirements with a passion.

  2. Just try not to do any out loud vodka induced laughing out of the blue. He might catch on.

  3. Teach-It's a plan.

    Merrie-You sound like a woman who knows what she's talking about...:)

  4. Don't forget that vodka, and just is hump day;)

  5. Crap. Are you at least getting some mental work done? I'd so be planning bulletin boards. That's what I've been doing since I'm trying to get my supply order done by Friday. I still have $$$ to spend--what should I get???????
    I need an idea for my hall board. I was thinking something IN related would be good. Help? See, you have all this time to think on it. I expect something genius that I can do in 4.9 seconds!

  6. Lane Boyz Mom-Hump Day...that's what everyone kept saying but it didn't really help the fact that I was stuck in a boring classroom for 7.5 hours with a 30 minute lunch. And I MIGHT just have some vodka left to bring tomorrow. Maybe.

    Deb-You would think I would be able to get things planned and thought out...but I can't. I am stuck. Not sure if it's denial, lack of creativity, being overwhelmed...I am just not sure. I have not done one ounce of planning or really even given any thought to this year yet. I don't know. Maybe after I get a day in at school things will improve.
    As for your board...maybe the title could be, "Hoosier Students or Hoosier Classmates..." something to sound like Who's your. Then you could have their names on little Indiana cutouts. That's about as creative as it's gettin, sister.

  7. My kiddos used to say to me--"Mom, do you have to go to stupid teacher class today?" BTW, don't forget the Great Pop'rs Giveaway! The more you comment, the better chance you have of winning--Check it out!

  8. Oh I thought by the time I would get this far I would have remembered the name of the movie, yes I just did ... Billy Madison!

    Adam Sandler, Norm McDonald ... Billy has to go through school to take over the company. And he teaches the kids that it is cool to wet their pants. You wonder where I am going, right? Well, I am laughing at myself thinking I should delete this but you could teach the other teachers in your class how cool it is to fall in the toilet and every one will stand in line for a chance at the one-seater!

  9. Bring along Bloody Mary mix, too...then you can be all, "I'm gettin' my veggies on while drinking this 'tomato juice'!"

    'Cause that's what I'd do. Seriously.

  10. Let me just tell ya' I was laughing my b-o-o...anyone?, anyone?, booty off. I heart Ferris. I can't believe Jennifer Grey was in that movie and Dirty Dancing and then BOOM - fell off the face of the earth. Funny I should use the word face considering the got a nose job and totally doesn't look the same and that's why she doesn't get any work in the industry anymore.

  11. I love Ben Stiller and I love the movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off! Hilarious comparison!!!

  12. I had a teacher at high school that was like that.

    Our Art teacher. His class was in one of the original school building. It had a coal fire at one end for heating. We
    would see how many kids could crawl around the classroom and out through the coal hole that was behind his desk. We managed, on one occassion, to empty out everybody but those in the front row.

    take the vodka tomorrow, it will make things more bearable!!! :-)

  13. Ohhh, not a bad idea!!! I was thinking Exploring Indiana on a map, with little basketballs around it, but yours sounds easier!

  14. I love ferris Bueller that was a great movie.
    Know you know how warped I am.

    I'm sooooooo sorry you have to be stuck in a boring class I would sneak over & entertain you at the window or in the hall way if I lived closer.

  15. mmmm...lovin' the bloody mary mix idea! I totally support the vodka in a bottle idea. Mom was a teacher...I got to be her "assistant" when I was in grade. What am I saying...I was stuck with that job through high school. She taught 4th and 5th grade - all subjects.

    My favorite story was when she taught 4th grade science and the body parts. She had them trace out their bodies on white paper, and then fill in the organs inside the body outline. Making sure everyone knew where the brain, the stomach, the lungs, the digestive tract and all that other good stuff went. Sounds kinda gross, but really it was cute because you had all these little people putting the "body puzzle" together. My point? The funniest thing was that year after year, there was at least one kid who inevitably connected the windpipe to the brain, and they got tickled when she asked them if they thought they were an airhead!

  16. I read your other post about this class too, and I think you're right - we teachers really are the worst students, which is so ironic to me. When I went back to school for a teaching degree we were all so critical! I guess we feel justified:) Hope you get through your class soon - you could always play sick and drive around in a convertible for the day...

  17. so funny!!!!! thanks for the laugh today....and I, too, heart Ferris Beuler

  18. I think that is the best part of the movie. So what do you do (as a teacher) when you turn around and tsee those blank faces? I think I would start laughing at them.

    You deserve an award for wanting to teach again, and again and again!!! Thank you for your dedication.

  19. I just got talked into giving up two of my precious remaining days for DATA RETREAT; UGH! I feel your pain...
