
Friday, July 11, 2008

Friday Feast

When was the last time you had your hair cut/trimmed?
I had my hair cut and colored (highlights, thank you) on Tuesday during a kid free day! Yay!
Name one thing you miss about being a child.
The lack of responsibilities.
Pick one: butter, margarine, olive oil.
Olive oil. There is nothing better in this world than dipping a piece of fresh baked crusty bread into a little olive oil with some herbs, salt, and pepper. To.die.for.
Main Course
If you could learn another language, which one would you pick, and why?
Well, I took Spanish for 2 years in middle school, 4 years in high school, and 2 years in college. I can speak it kinda sorta okay. But if I were to learn another language, it would probably be Italian so I could order fancy pasta dishes correctly.
Finish this sentence: In 5 years I expect to be…
in a very similar place as I am now only with considerably less whining (not me, the kids!) Maybe in a different house or seriously looking at a different house. Still teaching in the same school. Probably running the kids (who will be 7 and 9 ACK!) to various activities. Let's not talk about it anymore, okay?


  1. The thought of your kids growing up is pretty scary huh? All I have to look forward to now is them learning to drive eeekkk.

  2. *holding my fingers in my ears* la la la la la - not thinking about my baby growing up!

    And I second the Olive Oil...somehow that bit of oil with just the right seasoning compells me to consume copious amounts of bread!

  3. I agree with you about the responsibilities. When I look at kids today who are SO eager to grow up... I just shake my head... if only they knew.

  4. The upside to them growing up is that later there will be grandbabies which are even better -really! I wasn't convinced when "older people" told me that but now I'm the "older people" and I know they were right.

    Enjoyed visiting you.....

  5. My answers are so similar to yours. Scary!

  6. We had similar answers -- I'm a little ahead of you in the child rearing so my 5 years looks a little more relaxing to me!

  7. Cute meme! I like your answers. We never know where we will be five years from now, though, really. :o)

  8. In 5 years...I'll have a child that will be almost ready to get her driver's permit. I don't think I'm ready for that. Or that the world will be ready for that...

  9. You, my friend, are pure crazy! How did you do 9 garage sales with 2 kids? You must have some crazy secret! Did you get good deals? Watch for a bumbo for me, please. I want one to keep at the sitter's. And I so want to spray paint your little rocking chair!

  10. Maybe your crazy secret is those booster seats! I have one in my trunk area, waiting to try out when we get the rental car tomorrow. This could be interesting!

  11. As someone else said, the upside to them growing up, is grandchildren!!

    And those, you can hand back when you've had enough :-)
