
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Math Lesson

2 year old





this guy.

Actually it equaled a really disgusting clogged mess requiring the use of the plunger. But, if this guy had been available...


  1. yeah, I need to get me one of those than mine!

  2. LOL!
    I need a suit like that for hubby...

  3. Oh you gotta love the minds of the 2 year olds.
    You know though she's way to cute to get mad at.

  4. Uh OH, little stinker. My son put a peanut butter sandwich in the vcr when he was 2. Ya gotta love em.

  5. We need Plunger Man in our house, for sure! What are his hourly rates? His daily rates? BTW, did you ever get the Pop'rs? I'll bet your 2-year-old cutie would enjoy sprinkling Chocolate Pop'rs on that banana (after mom peels it, of course)!

  6. What a sweet angelic face (on your daughter, not Plunger Man....)

  7. Can she be any cuter? Except when she puts bananas in the sink. What was she trying to do?

  8. I knew you ladies would get a kick out of plumber man's wrench...*ahem*.

    Mamahut-A PB sandwich in the VCR? Ugh. I thought a DVD in the VCR was bad...

    Veggiemom-He's probably pretty pricey...LOL. No Pop'rs yet. I will let you know when I get them!

    Sidney-That sweet angelic face is reserved for photo taking only. I have yet to discover that angelic like behavior...

    Kat-Yeah, she could be cuter if she would QUIT puttings things down the sink! Last week it was a row of grapes (which I easily got out using a skewer) but as she was "washing" the banana, half of it fell right into the drain. Or so she says.

  9. Yes. That's Juan the Gilded Plunge Master. Very powerful.

    It makes perfect sense to put the banana down the drain. It should fit so perfectly. How can you ever get mad at her with that face!!

  10. Aww I hope she didn't get in trouble, I mean...she's too cute to get punished! LOL

  11. She is too cute. Hmmmmmmm, not sure I like the outfit on Plungie man.

  12. AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! She is so yummy... AHHHHHHHHH! I just love her! Who care what she does with that face!!!!!!!!!!

  13. She is just so darn cute! Can't imagine she had any other motives other than helping Mommy clean up after a banana. Yeah, that's it.

  14. LOL ... but she looks just so darn cute!!!

    One of my sons, put a Mallowpuff* cookie in the toaster once.

    'But, Muuuummmeee, I just wanted it hot!!'

    * A Mallowpuff cookie, is a marshmallow concoction on a shortbread type cookie, all encased in chocolate. They are very, very good, but not when they set your toaster on fire!!

  15. Your daughter is so unbelievably adorable I could NEVER get upset with her ... no matter how many sinks she clogged with fruit.

  16. Oh, no! A banana in the drain, huh? That's a new one for me. I had one child put an entire apple down the toilet before...that required us to call a plumber who had to snake it. Fun stuff.
