
Thursday, July 3, 2008

Red Potato Salad

I have never been a big fan of potato salad, which is strange because I have never met a potato I didn't like. However, I found a recipe in this magazine and decided to give it a try (with a few of my own special touches.) Are you intrigued? No? But I said special touches! That is exciting stuff, people. Here's what you need:

2 Tbs. sweet relish, 2 Tbs. red wine vinegar, 1/3 C mustard, 1 1/4 C mayo, 1 tsp. mustard seed, 1/3 C sour cream*, sliced red onion (you will notice mine is not red, but it should be), 2-3 stalks chopped celery, 8-10 slices cooked bacon*, 5 lbs. red potatoes

* special touches

First you need to boil the red potatoes until fork tender, about 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, add 1/3 C mustard. It's your choice what type of mustard to use. I chose spicy brown mustard. Cause that's how I roll.

Then add 1 tsp. mustard seed.

Next, (and this is a very important step) find a chubby cheeked helper.

Let your chubby helper add 2 Tbs. red wine vinegar.

Then add 2 Tbs. sweet relish. (Or if you aren't a very sweet person, you could always use dill relish.)

*Note to self: Must paint helper's nails.*
Then add 1/3 C sour cream.

Then add 1 1/4 C mayonnaise. (Please don't talk to me about Miracle Whip.) Then mix all together. Add salt and pepper.

Drain and allow potatoes to cool. Cut them into chunks.

While the potatoes are cooling, finely slice a small red onion, 2-3 stalks of celery, and 8-10 strips of bacon. Try to keep chubby cheeked helper away from bacon.

Add the onion, celery, and bacon to the potatoes. Then pour the sauce on top. Mix thoroughly.

Stir the mixture well and allow to cool. Serve with grilled hot dogs, these baked beans, and macaroni and cheese. Oh, and beer. Definitely beer.

Next, take a really cute picture of you and your chubby cheeked helper. Then to go Picnik to spruce it up.
Bon appetit!


  1. I like the recipe, but I'm thinking I like the cutest little chubby helper much better.
    Oh & the last picture of you two, I LOVE it!!!
    Have a wonderful 4th!!!

  2. I love a good potato salad, but that's WAY too much work for me. I'd rather paint the fingernails of the red-cheeked helper.

    Cute pictures!

  3. I'm not thinking that is Weight Watchers friendly, but it does look yummy...and I'm with you, do not talk about Miracle Whip, at least not in potato salad! LOL ICK!

    And you have to have the CUTEST helper EVER!!!!! Love the picture of you two together!!!

  4. Can't wait to try this recipe, it looks great. Your chubby helper is too precious for words.

  5. when should I expect you at my front door with my own personal bowl of this salad? I expect it to be delivered by the cutest little cheeks I've ever seen!! How can you keep your pinchy fingers off them?!?

  6. Love all the pictures! How is it I gave you that magazine and didn't see this recipe? Or is it that I did and your step-by-step made it enticing enough to actually write down???
    YUM! Putting that stuff on a grocery list!
    Thanks for the linky!

  7. mmmmm, that sounds scrumptious! I am so looking forward to eating al kids of goodies this weekend!

  8. I am so picky about my potato salad. I should just make my own. Cause I have issues. With celery. And relish. And onions. And I could add things like hard boiled eggs. It would be a potato salad free for all. And I think I would keep your special touch intact. But, can I borrow your helper? Tell her I'll sneak her some bacon :-)

  9. Oh yumm. I'm just about to make a potato salad, so I'm thinking that I might just use your recipe. Will it taste the same without the help of the chubby cheeked, chubby fingered little helper?

    That really must make up for all the not so great times, when you see it :-)

  10. Let me tell you about Duke's mayonnaise. Oh my word - it is a dream come true for mayonnaise girls like me. Yum, yum!!!

  11. I love the picture of you and your chubby cheeked helper. Very, very cute photo!

    Nice recipe, instructions and photos!

    You know, I never liked potato salad growing up, and it's only been in my late 20's that I developed a taste for it. Weird. Nice to know I wasn't the only one. :o)

  12. I will take a helping of both, I would never get anything done with the cute helper around! You guy's are adorable. When are you going to give the answer to the quiz? I can't remember???

  13. I'm so not big on potato salad. I just made this one, and it was super good! I left out mustard seed cuz I didn't have any and it looks creepy. I chopped the (red) onion and used half spicy and half yellow mustards. YUM! But can I just tell you I have enough salad to last for decades? TWO bowls full. Seriously.
    And I'm glad to see you've included non-generics in this recipe! :)

  14. Thanks, everybody!

    Deb-Glad you liked it! We have a bunch too. I think I am taking it and your baked bean recipe to a get together tomorrow. There are a few foods that I won't buy generic...ketchup and mayo are 2 of them.

    Teach-I will check out Duke's mayo...if I can get it around here.

    Mamahut-Answer to quiz on Monday!

    Karen-Potato salad should be great...chubby helper or not. It might even be better without the helper as there will be more bacon for the potato salad without her around!

    Kat-I will drop off the helper tonight. See you in a week! ;)

    Tasha-Food is always one of the best parts of a holiday!

    Rene-I would bring you some if I could...I have a ton of leftovers!

    Kimmyj-Thanks! She is actually a really good helper...if not a bit too bossy at times.

    Lane Boyz Mom-Definitely not WW friendly...although you could use low fat mayo although I personally think it is the food of the devil. I don't mind most things low fat...but not mayo. It's not even close to the real thing!

    Tina-Thanks! Hope you had a good 4th too.

    Cupcake-It wasn't too much work..especially with a little helper.

  15. The potato salad was very yummy, even with out the helper :-)

    I made it a little more WW friendly, by using 'Best Foods' low fat mayo and 'Naturally Yours' fat free sour cream. Yeah, yeah, I know its LF and FF, but those brands are the ones that taste the best, IMO of course.

    BTW ... am I imagining things, or has your blog changed ??? In my defense, I have been out of it slightly, due to the drugs my Doc had me taking. Anyway, it looks very nice.

  16. Karen-It's not the drugs...I did change my header! I have been playing around with a new site and made it myself!

  17. I just ground some up in the mini-food processor, and Addison gave the potato salad 2 very slimey thumbs up!

  18. LOL. Good! Little Miss WANTS to like it because she helped make it...but every bite she tries ends up being spit back out. The Boy won't even pretend to try it.

  19. Seriously, this is one of your cutest posts; loved the recipe and the commentary. YUM>

  20. Mrs. 444-Thanks! It is a great recipe...even better with the help!
