
Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I love the Redbox movie rentals. Do you know about these? We have a Redbox near our local McDonalds. You walk right up to it, find the movie of your choice, pay ONE DOLLAR! and you're on your way. One of the best features is that you can return it to any Redbox. So if you are driving an hour or two or 5 can rent one for the ride there. Return it to any Redbox and pick up a new movie for the drive home.
We just took an hour drive to the "big city" to do some shopping and our Redbox movie kept the kids reasonably quiet the entire trip there and home. There's also a website with Redbox coupon codes here. I haven't used them yet, but plan to try them out when we return this movie tomorrow. So if you need a quick, cheap movie...give Redbox a try!

For other great tips, check out Rocks in my Dryer. Have a wonderful day!


  1. We have one of these in our local grocery store. It's great, especially for a last-minute movie selection. Some of my friends are on NetFlix, but I think if I were a member, I'd spend all my time watching movies!

  2. I get the free code sent to my phone - that is the only way that I do RedBox cause it is just too habit forming. Enjoy though....

  3. Thanks for sharing the site. I usually get the Monday codes from Momadvice and put them on my lens:

  4. I CANNOT wait until Zander will sit through a movie!!!

    For now its Blues Clues...over and over and....

  5. I Love LOVE Redbox! I also love your new blog couture, I'm inspired....

  6. I had no idea such as this existed. At first I thought you were making it up...and I'm not kidding.

  7. Veggie Mom-I am clueless with the whole NetFlix thing. Kat from Sunshine and Lemonade speaks highly of it, but we rarely watch movies at home...only on the go! BTW, got the Pop'rs today! Gonna try them tomorrow!

    Da Queen-On your phone? Tres chique!

    Kama-Thanks for the Momadvice tip!

    Z's mom-Don't will come. My two are still a bit squirrely and won't really watch an entire movie often but in the car, there's nothing else to do so they are usually pretty good. BTW, don't you LOVE Steve and want to choke Joe? I know I do!

    Mrs. Parks-Thanks! I've learned how to change things up pretty easily. I'm already itchin' to do it again!

    Lula-Seriously?! You need to go to the website to see if there is one near you. It's super great!

  8. Netflix is great; you choose like 100 movies (if you want) on line, and they send so many at a time. You could easily take them on a roadtrip, as to return them, you just drop them in any mailbox. And just today, my niece told me that Netflix has FREE workout videos you can watch on your computer. I am definitely checking these out tomorrow. Curious; do you know what the Redbox late fees are?

  9. They're springing up all over the place around here, Even got one at my local Walmart.

    Remind me a bit of the Tardis...

  10. I love, love, love the red boxes!

  11. These things are the best. We use our local one all the time!

  12. We have one in our grocery store, so the kids have to check it out and see if there are any good movies just about every time they go shopping with me.

    The bad news is that it's sold out a lot of the time because everyone seems to use it!! I love it though.

    OH, btw, here in Houston, I saw one of those at a McDonalds!! Weird.

  13. I saw one of these at Walmart - very cool. By the way, your kids are just downright precious! :)

  14. Rhea-I think they are affiliated with McDonalds somehow. Ours is too and they run McDonalds specials on the screen.

    Mrs. 4444 and Karen-Each day is a dollar more. After 25 days (and 25dollars) the movie is yours. :)


  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I've seen that thing at McD's but I never even watch movies. I guess you got your car DVDs fixed? Or did you just buy more? And I'm sure the codes must work because I read on someone's blog about them not paying for a movie (can't even remember who!) and everything in the blogosphere is true!

  17. Deb-We never watch movies either, but I do use them in the car. I got one DVD player working...which is definitely better than nothing!
    Oh, and I did use a coupon code thingie and it worked!

  18. There's a redbox in Marsh, fyi. I'm just trying to catch up on Big Brother. I don't watch.
