
Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I have a million things I could share with you tonight. I could go into detail about school and how I had a nervous breakdown today. Or perhaps the fact that my husband had eye surgery today and is REALLY hurting right now. Or maybe a list of my favorite things about fall. Or I could tell you all about conference week next week and how much I am dreading it.
I could.

But I won't.

Because this is all I can think about right now.

Seriously. If I ran into him, say, in a hotel room...or perhaps a dark corner of a bar...I just don't think I could restrain myself.



  1. I tell my kids and hubby I watch Dancing with the Stars for the Stars. But really it is all about Maks.

  2. hope your hubby is ok! and the pic is mmmmmmm.

  3. I am SUCH a retard...
    I don't even know who that is :(

    He is cute though, and he has TWO good eyes!

    Just kidding, I hope your husband feels better soon.

  4. MMmmmmmmmaks. He makes my loins ache.

  5. I have no idea who that is. Though based on the comments, I think I know where he came from :-) I'm intuitive that way.

  6. Okay, last things first :-) I did a bit of detective work, based on the photo and clues in the comments. Maksim Chmerkovskiy from 'Dancing With The Stars'?

    Hope your hubby is doing better and that the nervous breakdown was minor and is now all cleared up. What happened?


  7. Uhm, who is that scruffy looking guy? Looks a teeny, teeny tiny bit like Farm Guy, minus the earring of course. Sorry about the nervous breakdown, maybe you should go on Paxil ;) Hope Farm Guy's eye feels better today. Give kisses to Farm Boy and Claire Bear.

  8. YUM!!! There are a couple on there who I find just delicious. And you know the hubbies love all those little outfits. It's a win-win situation! Even Noah likes it, although dancing naked during it the other night has me a bit concerned. :/

  9. ONGosh!!!!
    Who is that? Yummy....
    Yes, I am happily married, but its like my grandma always says,

    It's alright to look at the menu, so long as you eat at home.


  10. Honey, I was so bummed last season when he was not on. He literally makes me drool. I hope Misty May plans to work hard, because I need my Maksim.

  11. I have no idea who that is...hmmm, maybe I'm missing out on something.

  12. I don't even know who that is, but names-schmames, he's HAWT!

  13. He's a cutie! Have no idea who he is though.

    I'm sorry about the hubby's eye surgery and the nervous breakdown. Glad you have something to look forward to tonight to keep your mind off of it all.

  14. I hope your husband feels better soon and that things go better for you! I've missed reading your blog!

    Am I sad that I don't know who that is? I don't watch reality TV, so I'm completely clueless.

  15. I share your guilty pleasure. I have watched every season and he is soooooo HOT. He was great last year. I won't miss a minute of this show. I record it. Can you believe Cloris is still there? And did you not think Joey Fatone was a great dancer? and that Mario Lopez should've won?

  16. You will think I have been living under a rock, but...I don't have the faintest idea who this is.

  17. are hilarious!!! Maks is awesome, he's hot!
