
Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's 9:54 and I'm still up! You know it must be Fall Break!

Day One of Fall Break is over. I took the kids to daycare and went shopping in the big city with my mom. I got some Christmas shopping done and had a fantastic lunch. It was a great day. Now it feels like Saturday and I get all giddy when I realize I still have 3 days off! The kids and I are looking forward to a relaxing day tomorrow. Hopefully they can keep the arguing to a minimum so I can enjoy my extra day off.

I usually pay $140.00 a week for daycare. I know that's very inexpensive compared to many other places, so I am grateful that it is "cheap." But it still pains me every week to write that check. Today I was excited that I would save a few bucks since the kids were only going 4 days this week. When I picked the kids up and asked for the total so I could write the check...she told me it was going to be exactly the same since the per day rate is more than the weekly rate. $140.00 for 4 days. Hmmm. This is not what I was hoping to hear so I threatened the daycare lady with bringing the kids back tomorrow. She quickly knocked the cost down to $130.00. :)

Last week the kids and I went to a local farmer's market for pumpkins. I forgot the camera but managed to get a couple decent pics on my phone.
They have a pumpkin launcher that they run every 30 minutes in the fall. They put a small pumpkin (about 8 inch diameter), set it off, and the pumpkin is OUT OF THERE at 400 mph. The pumpkins we saw went way beyond the row of trees you see in the distance. If you look close you can see an old beat up car in front of the bald gentleman that got in my shot. They lower the cannon and shoot the pumpkin (still at 400 mph) at the car. The pumpkin hits the side of the car and EXPLODES! It's crazy!

We took Jose, also known as THE MOST SPOILED DOG IN THE WORLD, with us last weekend to Grandma and Grandpa's house. It was a little cool out but he was begging to stick his head out the window. He thinks he's such a badass farm dog.
But then he started shivering beyond belief and fluffed Cole's blankie right over him. How badass are you feeling right now, Jose? Or should I call you Josefina?

This picture has no point other than I was making a funny sound to get Jackie the Cow's attention and she did that sideways head turn that dogs do but I swear I thought she was gonna rotate her head all the way around. It was hysterical!

The kids and I took a nice, long Gator right last night while waiting for Daddy to get back from his trip. It was a great evening...warm enough for the ride but with a chill in the air warning of cooler temperatures to come. Cole kept hopping off to collect corn cobs for his "collection." He now has a rock collection and corn cob collection. Good times.

Little Miss was posing and showing off her multiple personalities. Here is serious Claire. Well, as serious as anyone can be covered in cherry popsicle and ketchup.

This is crazy Claire. She will get a wild hair and start grinning so hard her whole face shakes. If you don't know what I mean, you must click here to watch this video of her from last winter.

And this is mischievous Claire...otherwise known as the face I see every minute of every day. Just look at that grin....the twinkle in her eye. You KNOW she is up to something.

Hope everyone has a great Friday. I know I will!


  1. that pumpkin launcher looks like fun! I'm sure your kiddos had a great time.

  2. those pics are precious! I wish we had a fall break!! lucky!

  3. Hey,
    Wow a fall break. We do have a three day weekend this week because Monday is a teachers planning day so they can get the report cards ready. Three days, I'll take it.,,no more getting up early for three days.....
    Man, I would love to have one of those pumpkin cannons. What fun I could have. I could blast pumpkins over the fence at my hateful neighbors who don't even wave when we go by. Not really, but it sure is fun to think about.

  4. Oh I love all the pics!!!! The kids are still adorable I see!!! And your dogs are funny and cute as well....poor lil cold Jose!!!

    Enjoy your time I'm off to look at Claire's video to see her cheeks jiggle...

  5. Love the photos.

    And little Miss Chubby Cheeks, what can one say. She's adorable !!

    That pumpking launcher would be just my cup of tea. We built a launcher like that at a cub scout camp, that I went to with my boys. It was heaps of fun!!

    Thanks for stopping buy today. Just working my way through the list of visitors I had today. Was lots of fun though. :-)

  6. My Ladybug used to do that when she was little, and she had all the different faces, the crazy face, the mad face, the sad was so funny! Claire is so cute, and the farmer's market looks like fun.

  7. Great pics of the kiddos. Love that little Jose too. Wow, a day of shopping, without kids AND with your Mom ! It can't get any better than that.

  8. oh my your kids are DARLING!!

    i love that the daycare lady knocked $10 off...hilarious!

  9. I love this post! It is so light hearted and happy. I kind of need that right now. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

  10. Just shut up about your $140. heh

    Love the market pics. We didn't make it to see the pumpkin launcher. Did they MEAN to hit the car? That sounds like a dangerous mistake.

    And I can't believe you let Jose in your new car!

    We had an awesome Thursday, and I'm also giddy that it's only Friday. I think we should have 2 days off every week. My desire for Paxil is much decreased as of right now. Ask me again at 8:15 Monday. I bet this peaceful easygoing feeling won't last long.

  11. It looks like you all had a blast at the pumpkin patch! That pumpkin launcher would have been neat to see.

  12. Paying for daycare when my kids aren't there always drove me nuts.. i understood, but it drove me nuts.

    Love the pumpkin launcher - there was one at the pumpkin patch near my mom in Minnesota and the girls ADORED going there every fall!

  13. That poor little pup! he must have got excited. Good thing he didn't pee all over like ours does.

    You guys had a blast, I see!

    Love it and love the photos of your "crazy" and awesome kids!

  14. I miss having a fall break. i am dying to take a couple days off. The pics of the kids are so adorable, as usual. :)

  15. I love all the photos. My boys would LOVE the pumpkin launcher. Totally awesome.

    Jose is hilarious. Bad ass to wussy in 10 seconds, right? hehe

    Your kids are adorable, as always! Love it!

  16. your kids are killing me with those adorable faces! Holy cow they are just so cute. I love the T-shirt "I still live with my parents" too funny. Thanks for stopping by today on my sits day. It was unbelievable fun! And I really appreciate you coming by!

  17. Pumpkin launcher?! That's fabulous! I know enough rednecks...can't beleive I haven't heard of one of those around here yet!! Saw you on SITS and thought I would stop by...

  18. Ok, so I am calling this my catch up comments...

    How cool is that pumpkin launcher??? I want one in my backyard. We could have so much fun!

    I love your purse. I worship your purse. If you ever decide to give it away, can I be first in line?

    I wait long summer days to get a pumpkin spice latte. and mine is not the no fat, no whipped variety. Hey, I am 8 months pregnant, I get to have a little fun. I also sit and wait for my favorite micro-brewery to make their Harvest Spice and they rim the edge of your cup with cinnamon and sugar. So yummy.

    hmm, maybe I didn't miss too many posts. Whew, I promise... I will be better!! What else do I have to do on maternity leave?

  19. Hooray for Fall Break! Teachers deserve monthly breaks, they really do. I haven't taught in almost two years and I still have nightmares about it.

    I love those fall pictures, and I could just eat little "Josefina" up. He's so cute!
