
Saturday, October 25, 2008

WTH is it answers!!

Apparently my pictures weren't as easy as I thought. I guess they seemed easy to me because I knew what they were so they looked EXACTLY what they were to me. But...notsomuch to everyone else. We had some very interesting guesses. crack me up! It was funny how many people guessed the same wrong answer on many of them. Let's get to the answers...and then I will name the big winner!

1. Buckeyes

2. Matches

3. Edamame

4. Noodles the Cat
5. Cat food

6. Onion

7. Corn cobs

Most people got 1 or 2 answers correct. BUT, the big winner with 4 correct guesses is...

TIFFANY T at Alabama Redhead Adventures

Congrats, Tiffany! You can email me with your address for your mystery prize

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. If you have a second, say a little prayer for my IRL BFF, Deb at Finding Normal, and her family. Her daughter, Addison, had to be taken to the ER last night and they are awaiting tests today. Hurry home, Addison!


  1. wow, really cool idea! some are very intereting! L A

  2. Dang, Tiffany must be a freakin' genius because I had NO IDEA what any of those were, except the cat. You did a seriously awesome job taking photos for this. I may hire you to come do my photo contests from now on.

    And thanks for making me realize how much I suck at this. lol

  3. I do suck at that game. Still! Edamame is still a stumper. You need to tell me how you cook that anyway!

    I just updated. She's looking good, but they didn't find anything except some bumps to biopsy. I would've liked a fixable answer, not just a diagnosis of irritation. Instead she gives us the mystery, in typical Addison fashion.

    Not sure about tomorrow yet. I expect her to come home at some point, so if she comes early AM, Noah and I may come over. If she comes late PM, Noah and I may come over. He hasn't asked about it yet, but I know he will at some point. If not, we'll have to make a playdate for next weekend or something!

  4. I had no idea what they were but so loved little miss's observation of poop. Kids are so dang funny!!!

    Sorry that I missed out on the give-away, but after looking at those pictures I would have not gotten a single one right so there you go.....

  5. oooh nooo! I came in on answer day. Those were really hard!! (I went back and looked at the first day)

    My thoughts for Addison - I hope they do find answers (saw her reply up top). Cowboy seems to stump us all of the time too with mystery things we have to get tested and retested.

  6. great blog some how i found you when i was looking for stuff on our son and his birth defect on esophageal atresia such a great blog site you have i wish you all the best.

  7. Congrats Tiffany and hope Addison comes home.

  8. Oh gosh...that is so funny! I didn't guess ONE thing right! :)

  9. I really love these photos and the whole contest idea. So creative! BTW, I'm running another Pop'rs Giveaway, with special prizes for previous winners, like you! Please come by and see what's Poppin' over at my place!

  10. hehehe... I waS WAY off!

    Make it a great day!

  11. I knew I would never get them all but can't help but think I should've gotten more. I really am not good at this! Now, finding the hidden words or how many words you can make out of one big word. And Where'e Waldo.....Oh, well.........

  12. How did I get this far behind? I missed it completely! Not that I would have known any of them. But I still can't believe I missed it...

  13. I can totally relate to the tractor obsession...we have machinery in general obsession around here! Stop in and visit me sometime.

  14. Holy crap!!! I knew the random useless information would get me farther than all the book, knowledge crap! :)
