
Sunday, November 2, 2008

I'm John Deere Mom and I approve this message

I am the least political person you'd meet. But, I do have my opinion and will proudly vote this Tuesday.

However, if a certain presidential candidate calls me past 9:00 p.m. or on Sunday morning again...I might just have to change my vote.

That's all I'm saying.


  1. I know that's right. What makes them think that hard working Americans are up past 9 pm or that we want to give up our only sleep late morning. THE N E R V E

  2. It seems that the one I am not voting for calls me like that. I consider it a crank call.

  3. I feel the strong need to knock wood...but I havent' had any calls. But yesterday I spend the day with Lizzy...and she had several cell phone calls from Obama. That would drive me nuts.

  4. I get lots of emails from Barack and Michelle and Joe (Biden, not 6 Pack or the Plumber), but no phone calls from anyone. Perhaps it's your political affiliation and you should come to the other side. Just sayin.

  5. That is why I only have a cell phone. No house phone = no calls like that. :)

  6. I'm in Georgia, visiting my parents for a few days. This morning (SUNDAY!) their phone rang and the Caller ID showed the call originating from Washington D.C. I picked it up and began talking without waiting for the other person or robot to start their spiel: "Get over it, we've already voted and I don't care if this is for McCain or Obama. STOP CALLING!"

    They hung up. I'm sure it was Ralph Nader's people.

  7. SERIOUSLY!!! Michelle Obama, Christine Gregoire, Dino Rossi, and several other local and national candidates have left messages on my machine. On my DO NOT CALL listed number. Punks.

  8. One more day and it's all over! Well, the ads will be over. I don't see the presidential election being over for some time.

    I'm so sick of all the local/national ads on TV. I want to watch my America's Next Top Model and Dirty Sexy Money in peace thank you!

  9. That madness it will be over shortly. I received xxx number of calls and what seems like endless pieces of mail. And don't get me started on the commercials.

    Thank goodness I have DVR.

  10. I have been receiving multiple calls from both sides for the last 2 weeks! I'm SO ready for this to be done!

  11. Its FINALLY over now!

    And I am freaking happy!!!!! :)
