
Thursday, December 25, 2008


Christmas came and went as quickly as ever. There were presents galore.

Little Miss was THRILLED with every gift she received. Her favorites? Puzzles, sticker books, and Barbies.

Please note that this picture was taken at 7:00 a.m. this morning. Fancy Nancy, indeed.

Cole was thrilled with most of his gifts. The books? Notsomuch.

His favorite gifts? A foam disc shooter, his bicycle, and....oh yeah, TRACTORS!

The kids also got these awesome Fisher-Price digital cameras. They take real pictures that you can upload. They LOVE them. The cameras have 4 buttons and are super easy to use. Obviously, the picture quality isn't great...but the kids love them!
There were gingerbread houses, painting projects, candy and cookies, and Pop Bead creations.
We had a pretty relaxing, stress-free time. Well, the kids and I did. (Except at church.) Daddy isn't quite so used to being home so much. He was giddy to be going to work this morning.

Speaking of church...Daddy stayed home to put the bicycles together. So the kids and I went to 4:30 mass on Christmas Eve. It was PACKED. We got the last possible seats. We even got there an hour early to make sure we got a seat. The kids were pretty good for about an hour but by then mass was JUST starting. It quickly went downhill from there. They were on the floor, standing, sitting, yelling at their friends from across the church...but the funniest moment? All day we had been talking about how we were going to go to church to celebrate Jesus' birthday. Shortly after the music started, Little Miss leaned over and yelled, "When's Jesus gonna get here?!" I am pretty sure she was expecting cake at his "birthday party."

In addition to all the fun things we did together and the family and friends we got to see, I received a few wonderful gifts as well. My favorites?

AND, I took this picture with my NEW CAMERA! Woo hoo! I was in desperate need of a camera. I was down to a loaner from my parents. It was an old camera with like 2.7 Mega Pixels. My new camera? 10! I LOVE it.

And now that Christmas is over and life is returning to's giveaway time! To celebrate my first blogiversary, I am holding a giveaway of some of my favorite things. Check back tomorrow for your chance to win!


  1. Love all the pics! Those bikes are super cute! Noah got a camera too, and loves it. I love both purses, but especially that top black one. Super cute!
    Can't wait to hear about the giveaway! Have a great week!

  2. Love those JD bikes LOL!! We have a Caterpillar dump truck bike that my littles loved!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  3. Your kids are so darn cute and they look like they had a wonderful Christmas! The gingerbread houses turned out very nice and you were worried... Loving the black and white purse!

  4. Looks like a beautiful Christmas! Love the bikes!

  5. The pictures are wonderful! Glad you had a great holiday. And I thought of you today as I bought a new purse. And passed on the matching wallet. I knew that you'd be thinking bad thoughts about me :-)

  6. WOW!!! Santa was GOOD to all of you!!! Lil Miss cracks me up...her expressions....AND what she says! She's looking like such a big girl all of a sudden it seems....not a baby anymore!!! I mean....look at her coloring in the lines....Zander is still coloring on my table and furniture!!!

  7. Ethan got the camera too! He loves his, although he turns it around and takes pictures of himself instead. Which Jodi Picoult book is in the back?? Perfect ... ? The Pact is a good book, just reread it, and I got Plain Truth (as well as The Pact, which I already had) for Christmas too. Love Jodi Picoult!

  8. I can't believe your kids got JD bikes!! Those are so cute! I have read Bitter is the New Black.. but none of the other books. I know I have said this before, but your kids are absolutely adorable. I'll be back tomorrow! Giveaways all week on my blog...

  9. Great books! I love both of those authors. I love the pics of the kids! I'm so glad you all had a good holiday.

  10. Looks like everyone at your house had a great Christmas!! Love the purses. I am loving the different designs you're using on your blog.

  11. Question--does the Pimp Your Profile include the header? It all matches so nicely, and I'm thinking you've found an easier way than what I'm using! Love the new look!

  12. Great pictures and congratulations on the new camera !!!!

    Looked like you all had a great Christmas. :-)

  13. OH MY...that happy smiling face on your little girl just kills me. How sweet that she is so excited about everything!
