
Monday, December 22, 2008

Weekend Update and More

This weekend was rather uneventful. The kids and I did go to Cheeseburger in Paradise for lunch on Saturday, then hit the Super Target.

Sunday we went out to breakfast, then the kids and I headed to Grandma and Grandpa's. I ditched the kids for awhile and hit Target yet again...this time buying new DVD players for the car. Let's just say the ride home was very peaceful and fantastic.

We then went to the library for books and movies. I managed to read the first 55 pages of a new-to-me Jennifer Crusie (LOVE her!) book while the kids played nicely with quiet voices. It was wonderful.

When we returned home my husband had been playing Mr. Fix-It. He rewired the garage so the new garage door opener wasn't plugged in via extension cord. He fixed the door to a closet. He replaced 2 light switches in the house that weren't working properly. He cleaned up two cat puke stains with John Deere spot remover. Seriously. It worked great and the house smelled cleaner than it has in a long time. He even took everything out of our "broom closet" and replaced everything in a neat and orderly fashion. To be honest, I wasn't sure I had come into the right house. But then he grabbed my butt and stuck his cold hands up my shirt to reassure me that yes, I was in the right house.

This morning I dropped the kids off at daycare at 6:45. I was at Wal-Mart with a large cup of coffee my 7:00. An hour and $220 later, I was heading home. However, I did learn a valuable lesson.

When it's 7:00 a.m. on a Monday morning and the temperature is 1 degree (yes, you heard me...1 degree) you will be the only person at Wal-Mart besides those blue-shirted employees. And it's so quiet you can almost forget where you are. Almost.


  1. That is seriously the only time to go to Walmart, especially this time of year. I like going after my daughter's in bed at night, because I can stroll around without being bothered (by Walmart crazies and a toddler's desire for toys).

  2. I have to go to Walmart today for more Santa wrapping paper and tape. And to return a toy that I ordered from the leapfrog site and I don't want to mess with shipping back. It works (fridge word maker-but it uses lower case letters and won't work with the letters we already have) but I'm dreading that.
    And I have to go again tomorrow. With Noah. For groceries. I'll go to the west side though. And maybe go out to lunch with him. It'll be like a date. At Walmart. With a 3 year old.
    I cannot believe you got up so early today. I set the alarm for 7 and groaned. And I cannot believe your hubby is over there being all handy. I need valances and shelves hung....send him over!

  3. Ahh, yes, a small reminder of my husband and his "handy" work for 3 weeks.....sounds like you had a great weekend!

  4. What is it with husbands? Mine likes to do that with his cold hands too. Did you see that picture I posted on my blog of the two of us? It was on the post about do you like facial hair on your man. Anyway...he has his cold hands down the back of my pants :-)

    Yep...I just typed that. Sorry.

    How exciting to be at wally world with no one else. I can't imagine!

  5. In all my 30 years, I have never been at a quiet and/or empty WalMart.

    Then again, I *do* live in one of our countries most crowded cities.

  6. You always crack me up!!!! Sounds like you had a really great weekend!

  7. I love those super productive awesome weekends and they are few and far between!! I finally got my Christmas lights no tree though.

  8. you so cracked me up with the butt grab and boob smooth.

  9. I usually go to wal-mart at like 11:00 one is there then either! It was 7 here this morning!

  10. It sounds perfect to me, even the cold hands part! LOL
