
Sunday, January 4, 2009

Best Party Mix Recipe Ever

Today's recipe is my new favorite snack. It is very addictive, but oh so good. This would be a wonderful snack to serve at your Superbowl Party. That is, unless your team just LOST to San Diego and is out of the playoffs. *sigh*

To make this super easy snack mix, you need: Bugles, Crispix cereal, Goldfish, White Cheddar Cheez-It crackers, small pretzels, butter flavored popcorn oil, cashews, one packet of ranch salad dressing mix, and one packet of ranch dips mix. Oh, and a really big pan.

In your really big pan, dump in the entire bag of Bugles.
Then, while trying to open the Cheez-Its, ram the corner of the box under your fingernail about 1/2 inch deep...or just deep enough to cause bleeding and cursing. On second thought, don't do this. It hurts. It hurts bad.

I wonder if my bloody finger is going to prevent some of you from making this. It's probably not the best advertising technique.

Instead, carefully open the package of Cheeze-Its and dump the entire box into the pan.

Add a 6 oz. bag of colored Goldfish crackers.

Now you need 3 cups of your favorite small pretzel.

Then add 2 cups Crispix cereal.

Then pour in a 16 oz container of cashews.

Mix it all together.

Now slowly pour 3/4 cup of the popcorn oil into the mixture, stirring as you pour.

Then add both packets of ranch seasoning, stirring well as you sprinkle. Please don't let the ranch scare you. It's not so much ranchy as just really deliciously seasoned. There's something about the ranch seasoning and the popcorn oil together that make it unbelievably good.

Bake at 250 degrees for about 40 minutes, stirring occasionally. Let it cool and enjoy!

It makes a ton, so be sure to have your Tupperware or freezer storage bags ready. Okay, it doesn't actually make 2,000 pounds, but it does make a lot. Not that there is any left over at my house because we ate it all in about 1 day, but the average family might not scarf it down quite so quickly.

If you make this recipe, I'd love to hear what you think!


  1. This looks really good! I can't believe you got a "Cheez-its" injury!! :)

  2. yum, deliciousness!!

    Sorry to see, um, hear about your finger though. OUCH!

  3. You poor thing!!!

    Look at what you go through for snackmix!!!

    :) it looks delish!


  4. Anything with Ranch makes my mouth water ...

  5. I'm sorry about your injusry but it sounds too good not to try.....I'll let you know how it turns out......

  6. Ok, my fingers feel really bad for your finger.....OUCH!!!

    That mix looks awesome! Perfect timing....Z likes to eat a variety of things at once, so he will love this mix.

    I might have to make a 'the girl' version for myself nuts...hahahaha

    Ok, dumb question on my part...where do you find popcorn oil?

  7. You need some of those steel chain gloves like the shark swimmers wear!

    The snaks look delish, but I'm not sure OSHA would alow the preperation of such a dangerous mix in my kitchen ;)

  8. Yummy! I will have to try it! Thanks, and sorry about your finger!

  9. Stopping by from SITS - that looks YUMMY...and all my favorite things! Oh yeah, and I know my Little Princess would love it too! ;) Sorry about your traumatic injury... :)

  10. YUMMMMMM! This sounds so good. I will be buying the ingredients tomorrow at the store. *minus the cashews-my daughter is allergic :(

  11. Oh, I love to try new recipes. This one definately looks like a real winner.

  12. I could've done without the finger picture, but that recipe sounds YUMMY! I definitely will need to try this sometime.

  13. Sorry about your finger! And Sorry about your team!! I might have to make it at my Super Bowl party. I am a Charger Fan . Everyone in San Diego loves the Chargers. Go Chargers!!!

  14. hmm that looks yummy! Thank you for sharing

  15. Stopped reading after looking at the finger injury. No but really that looks good.

  16. OMG...look at all of your followers! Wow!
    That finger looks painful. But the good news is that you don't chew them off anymore!
    Here I was thinking "maybe she'll just bring me some" because it would be very very dangerous for me to have that in the house. But alas, you have none left. Maybe the next batch? Cuz you know you're gonna make another batch!
    I'm skipping breakfast in the AM. Even though I'm the one who arranged it all. I just want to get work done and not screw up the kids' routine too much. And then I can go out for lunch with you and not feel too guilty. Wanna?

  17. ~HAPPY NEW YEAR~! I am now following your blog :) ♥ Hugs! Shauna

  18. Oh that sounds WONDERFUL!!! May have to fix a big batch and take it to work, too!!!

  19. that looks MOREISH with a capital M!!!

  20. I love chex mix. But not so much the pretzels. And this...I am thinking I could do...cause there are so many other yummies. Or maybe I could substitue those mini bagel things. looks really delish. Really...

  21. Tried it ! It is YUMMY.

  22. Hmmm -- I do love to find a good mix for Superbowl Sunday! I'll give this one a whirl. Thanks!!

  23. That sounds fattingly good.

    Can't wait to try it.

  24. this looks so good...I definately have to try and make it...
    but I have no idea what popcorn oil is????? Remember I am from you know that things are different here...LOL....

  25. How long do you think this party mix will keep in an airtight container? I would like to make it for a cocktail party and I like to make as many things in advance as possible.


  26. I made this last night, and it is delicious!

  27. I got to nibble on this last night. It was so GOOD! Ours had some peanut butter filled pretzel puffs, it added such a delightful twist. Making this SOON!

  28. I henceforth dub this Snack Crack©.

  29. will use all GF items, omit cheez its.... so glad Chex are GF at least. btw: popcorn oil is found where they sell the popcorn kernels.

  30. I tried this recipe a few years ago and my family loves it! We made ten batches last year for my daughter's wedding and it was a huge hit! A friend is making it next month for her daughter's wedding. This is truly the best snack mix ever! I just made two to send with our Pastor and his wife as they move from IA to GA and one for us to enjoy and home. Thanks for sharing the recipe!
