
Saturday, January 24, 2009


Today I am 32. Jeesh, that sounds like such a grown up age. Can I really be a grown up? Let's see...I have been teaching for 9 1/2 years, married for 8 1/2 years, been a mom for 5 years.

Okay, okay...I admit it. I'm a grown up. But don't tell anyone.

My students threw a surprise party for me yesterday. It was the cutest.thing.ever. I had been out Thursday (my husband's grandmother passed away) so the kids had ample opportunity for planning and decorating. When I walked in Friday morning, there were balloons everywhere, messages written on my board, and presents waiting for me. Some of the girls had assigned items to be brought in for a party. Kids brought drinks, cookies, candy, plates, napkins. It was hilarious that they pulled it all off without my knowledge.

The kids walked in beaming and grinning from ear to excited to see my reaction. Needless to say, we didn't get much accomplished. There was a lot of balloon throwing, candy eating, and movie watching. Hey, we had just finished reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. So we COMPARED the book to the movie. It's educational, I tell ya.
One of my boys bought me a tiara and some girls had leis for me. I was a sight. But the kids loved it so I played along...despite the headache I was getting from the tiara squeezing my temples all day long.I also got the funniest freaking birthday card I have ever seen from my IRLBFF, Deb.

Oh my cracked me up! Thanks, Deb!
Last night I made a birthday dinner of steak and baked sweet potatoes. The sweet potato was looking a little too healthy sitting on my I quickly took care of that.
Here's the potato when I was done with it.

Why yes, that is brown sugar, cinnamon, caramel sauce, and marshmallows.

Shut up. It's my birthday.

Tonight we are going out to dinner...the 4 of us. Next weekend my sister is coming down so the husband and I can go out like the grown-ups that we are.

Do you have big weekend plans? Are you younger than me? Probably. I am 32 now. Hmpf.


  1. Happy Birthday Greetings from Southern California! I love, love, the card! Best Wishes for a wonderful day and year too! I'm 47 y/o and loving it. No, really, it just gets better, you totally reach a point where you don't care about unimportant stuff.

  2. I forgot (see the memory is going...) today is my youngest son's birthday too, #11.

  3. LOL I do love that card !!! WIsh I would have found it first. 32, that does sound a little old, makes your Mom sound REAL OLD !
    Great pics, have fun going out as a fam !

  4. Oh yeah, about that baked sweet potato, looks more like dessert! but yummy.

  5. Ha! Younger??!! You are a young chicken compared to me! :)
    Happy Birthday!
    I loved that card too!

  6. Happy Birthday, you little baby, you!!! One day you'll look back and think, "WOW!! I was so young!!"

    Have a GREAT day!!!!!

    Love from Texas!

  7. Happy Birfday!!

    That card is perfect!! Can I just say that I love your post title? I gave my husband a card for his birthday in December, a super hero with XXX over his chest. "Don't say you're 30, say you're XXX!!" He loved it.

  8. Yes, I am younger than you. 4 years younger. I swear. I started teaching when I was 18. Or something.
    I still crack up at that card.
    Not sure about that potato. I'm all about a baked with tons of sour cream, butta, and cheese. Yum.

  9. happy birthday!!!
    ummm,older than you babe...big 34 going on 35...ugh
    teaching for 12 years, married for 7, mom for almost 7, 9don't do the math there...)
    Loved the card...Deb has good taste!

    have a super weekend...we are going to a crab feed tonight...which confuses me,'cause we are not feeding the crab...hmmm

  10. Happy Birthday...It sounds like you had an amazing celebration so far!

  11. First of all, I'm so sorry about your husband's grandmother.

    Secondly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Your surprise party and attire sounded awesome!

    That sweet potato = HILARIOUS

    I'm about to turn 32 too. In April.

    We can grow old together. :o)

  12. Oh, and I forgot to add, I LOVE that card. The best card EVER.

  13. Happy Birthday! Hope you are having a great day celebrating!

  14. Happy Birthday! That potato looks absolutely delish!

  15. Happy birthday! I turn 31 this year, so I know what you mean... it does sound like a grown up age :) Last year my students brought in cupcakes for my birthday, but this year is a state testing day, so I doubt we'll be able to party:(

    I bought that card for the language arts teacher on my team this year. It cracked me up!

  16. I turned 34 this year and I don't feel a day over 21!! Seriously....I am not joking. My students tell me that I look 26!! WOO HOO....I think they want an A.


  17. Happy Birthday!!

    What sweet kids to throw you a birthday party. And that card is hilarious;)

    I must confess, I am OLDER than you, but I'm not telling how much *wink*

  18. happy birthday! and that card is HI larious. So funny. Hope you had a good day!

  19. Happy Birthday! So glad you had a great 32nd! Wait until your 40th!! heheehee! It is fabulous actually! I love all the pics of your daughter on your posts because I think I remember you saying she changed clothes many times a day and seems to love dressing up in fine attire!! A woman after my own heart!!! I see the change in clothes!! I know I don't post comments often but do read your blog faithfully! Love your b-day card by the way...perfect for you teacher!! Happy B-day!

  20. Happy Birthday! For the recond, I am older that you by a few years!

    Hope you had a nice night out!

  21. LOL you crack me Happy Birthday, well girl I have you beat by 6 months ;).

    Love the dinner! Stopping by from SITS :).

  22. Happy happy birthday from another 47 yr old (like Martha, not you, you young whippersnapper...)

    bite me

    Oh, and Tori and I both LOVE the card! And if I was a GOOD blogging buddy, I would've known that it was your birthday and have a present in the mail for YOU.....

    just you wait......

  23. Happy birthday!! The card is hilarious!!

  24. I hope you HAD a Great Birthday.....and I love the card.....and oh yeah....I am W-A-Y Older than you....enjoy being so young!

  25. Happy birthday Angie! That card is too funny!!

  26. What a cute surprise and all from the little BIG hearts.

    Happy Birthday.

    I really enjoyed reading your blog for the first time.

  27. Happy Birthday! I turned 42 this month. Getting older and wiser :)

    That's cool that your class had a surprise party for you.

    The card is great! I try to never send a note to school that ends in a preposition.

    And the sweet potato looks delicious!!

  28. Happy, happy day!!!!32 is a wonderful age! Enjoy the heck out of it! Make tons of memories!
    How sweet to be remembered by your students! The only thing better would be a paid day off!!!
    BTW-- I think you ruined a good sweet potato. We love them baked with butter.

  29. happy birthday to you!! Even though, its belated!

  30. 1st -- I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's grandmother.

    2nd -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! That is SO sweet your kids had a party for you! :-)

  31. OK, you officially have the best students in the world. What I would've done for a classroom full of those when I taught! You're very lucky!

    That is DEFINITELY the way a sweet potato should look! I always like to make mine mashed with butter, brown sugar, and lots o' marshmallows melted in. No wonder my daughter eats them!

  32. I'm not far behind you at 29. Just turned it on the 15th. I too can not believe I am the age I am. It seems like yesterday I was just getting out of HS and now I'm a year from 30. Crazy to think how fast time flies!

    Hope your bday was special.

  33. Happy belated birthday! Let's see, I'm 10 years older than you, I have 17 years of teaching experience, and we just celebrated 16 years of marriage.

    As a high school English teacher, I LOVE the card!

  34. Hilarious card! I love it. Happy Belated Birthday!!! :)
