
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

More freaking snow!

Edited to add: I made it home safe and sound. It was the worst drive I've ever had to make by myself. I was never so glad to be off the road and in my warm house.

This wreck happened about 3 miles north of where I was:
"According to Indiana State Police, 28 passenger vehicles, five semi trailers and a Fishers Fire Department truck were involved in the crash. Eleven people were taken to area hospitals. At least three vehicles had occupants entrapped. The two deaths were in a semi trailer.

Very glad I wasn't involved.

Good news: I am in a writing workshop all day with wirless internet. Yay me!

Bad news: I had to drive to this workshop (an hour away) driving about 15 mph on the interstate due to the SNOW we are getting yet again. Could someone please strangle that bloody groundhog?!

We are now under a winter weather advisory with blowing and drifting snow. Schools are closing, the interstate I need to get back on is closed due to multiple accidents, and here I sit sipping yet another cup of coffee feeling jittery and not even hearing this poor woman speak as I worry about driving home in this mess.

If I plan on getting home before dark, I will have to leave at lunch. Here's hoping the interstate is open and halfway decent.

We spent the weekend sledding and four-wheeling in the snow. Yes, it was fun. But I was really hoping that would be the end of the snow. *sigh*

I leave you with some pictures from our winter weather fun last weekend. God willing...this will be the last post with snow pictures.

Keep your fingers crossed.


  1. I love the snowman, that is what my hair is doing right now.

    Looks like fun, even all the snow. We are in inversion gunk and I would take a snow storm over that any day.

  2. Fingers crossed and please be careful on your way home, the drive sounds Scary. This looks like so much fun with the kids!

  3. I totally burst out laughing when I saw LM making a snow angel face down. I love her!

  4. Oh that poor little girl and her face down snow angel...

    That'll be one for her MENSA application :)

  5. I can't believe you are still getting snow! At least you made the most of it last weekend. Be careful driving home.

  6. Love the reverse snow angel and the bedhead snowman. That's my winter look---LOL
    Claire's little cheeks sure get rosy. Looks like everyone had fun despite the cold. I love snow. It covers so many 'blemishes' in our 'view'!

  7. I love the snowman's hair!

    You have no idea how much I wish we were getting that snow.

  8. I love the snowman's hair!

    You have no idea how much I wish we were getting that snow.

  9. glad you made it home safe N sound!!!
    Those pix are priceless! Looks like a great time...

  10. That snowman is great! AND- my family loved your spaghetti casserole dish! Thank you!

  11. We are so not getting snow, I went out today and bought a spring sweater.
    You just be careful.

  12. Little Miss must have wanted features on her snow angel's face.
    She is a smart one. Glad you made it home safe and sound.

  13. Right now, at almost 7pm, it's 72 degrees outside. It was a high today of 79 degrees ~ just wonderful weather!

    Ya know, ya could move to TEXAS!! (snicker snicker)

    On a more civil note, I really am thankful that you got home safely!!

  14. I cannot even comprehend that kind of snow! We MIGHT get a dusting this winter, if we're lucky.

    I'm glad that you made it home safely! That had to be nerve-wracking!

  15. Glad that you are safe home. That would've had my knees buckling.

    Love the pictures. The snowman is awesome:)

  16. Um, what's that white stuff all over the ground?

  17. I'm glad you got home ok :)

    Ok, lets talk about that picture of Little Miss laying face down in the snow....
    Will you give it to me for my birthday?
    Maybe you could have a contest that only I could win, like
    "When is Mrs Parks birthday including year and estimated time of day" and the prize would be that picture.
    Great idea huh?

  18. Looks like your snowman went to the same hairdresser as those poodles lol. I'm with you...NO MORE SNOW DAYS! Although I loved the pictures...looks like everyone was having a great time.

  19. That is the BEST snowman ever.

    I asked Scott if we could go 4-wheelin' in our snow...he said, "No...I don't want to mess up the 4-wheeler." As if he keeps it clean & pristine in the warmer months. His logic (or lack of) astounds me.

    So glad you made it home safe and sound.

    p.s. Love your new look--a bloggy make-over! Fun!

  20. You MUST put that snowman in your header!!! Absolutely fantastic.

    So glad you made it home safely!!
