
Sunday, February 8, 2009

Random drivel...and a giveaway!

The snow is melting! Can I get an amen?! Maybe we can actually get through an entire week of school without a delay or cancelation. My last full week of school? December 8th.

And while I do believe this will be a regular week with no weather issues...need I remind you about Friday? That's's Friday the 13th. Not only that, but we will also be having our Valentine's Day party. I think it's safe to say we can write Friday off.

Grandma brought over this cutest little barn for Cole. He could not love it more (unless it had come equipped with a real calf and fresh manure.) It even has a separate little overhang with an attached fence for a separate little corral.

All was going well until he found one of those large, decorative straw bales I had gotten at Hobby Lobby on clearance for like 9 cents. Not only did he proceed to open the package and spread the straw all over the floor of the barn, but he piled it all over my carpet. It was an itchy, sneezy mess.

After a lot of sobbing (him) and vacuuming (me), I'm happy to report the straw is gone.

Meanwhile, Little Miss decided the house needed a little flare. She went to work putting Cinderella stickers on every glass surface she could find.

Pretty, no?

I submitted this picture in the Snapfish "What does love look like?" photo contest. It's one of my favorite pictures of the 2 monkeys.

I ordered this print in a 16 X 20 poster size from Snapfish for a blank wall in my dining room.
My sister drove 3 hours yesterday to baby-sit for her favorite niece and nephew. The husband and I? Are you ready for it?

We saw a movie!

The last movie we saw together was in 2003 when I was pregnant with Cole. Needless to say, we were big, excited dorks.

What did we see? What else would 2 big dorks see?

It was actually even funnier than I expected. It was great to laugh out loud throughout most of the movie. I love his stand-up, and he was equally funny in this movie. I definitely recommend it!

And I am even going to pay for you to see it! Well, one of you.

Remember a few weeks ago when I won this movie gift card from my IRLBFF who won it from Kat? You don't? Okay, then click here.

Since there are no Regal/United Artists/Edwards theaters around here...I am paying it forward.

If you would like to win this $25 gift card, just leave me a comment! That's all...easy like a zucchini martini!

You must leave a comment by 9:00 p.m. EST Friday, February 13. A random comment will be picked as the big winner!

Even if you don't have these theaters near you, you could still win and give it away on your blog!

Good luck and happy commenting!

I am going to stop using exclamation points now!


  1. I have been wanting to see this movie for some time now! How awesome that you guys had a date night! Woohoo! Princess stickers are any necessity when decorating! Don't you know?!? LOL

  2. What a mean mommy, straw is a 100% all natural, organic product, it almost sounds healthy to have it in the house! Love the Princess stickers, adds a bit of pizzazz.

  3. Great post and present too, but the straw in the carpeting, I'm feeling itchy just thinking about it. Your children are adorable! Princess is quite the interior designer. I would love to win the gift card, thank you!

  4. Where did Grandma find that barn? I love it, well, minus the straw. Those pic's are adorable.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. it would be fun to see how many times this card can be regifted around the blogosphere!

    i think that movie would be hilarious! love him!

  7. Well, maybe I could win it back. LOL

    I love the barn, but was that REAL straw in there? Surely not. Poor Cole. Better than him putting REAL manure in it.

    I do love the stickers. And I would like to see that movie, if I were to ever see a movie. I'm thinking we're due for a date night this week, too.

  8. My daughters would be most grateful if I win...


  9. Oh man! A date night, Whoo Rah!

    Oh a little straw never hurt anyone... except allergies...haha

    Thats so funny about the princess stickers.

    My little brother loved Blue Clue's when he was a baby, so my mom bought him his own Handy Dandy Notebook. It even came with a little green crayon...( i think you know where this is going)
    Anyway my mom and I were de-junking my room and we come back like 20 mins later and he had drawn a "train track" all over our living room floor... in green WAX crayon...
    We just had to laugh.. :D

  10. Hey now, isn't hay in the living room the right location? I'd rather it there than say, the bedroom.

    And now I'll leave that one be.

    K does that same thing with stickers. I have a Nemo decorating the file cabinet beside my desk. Thanks K!

    I thought that movie looked cute. Anxiously awaiting you to decide I need to get out and send me that card. :)

  11. That pic is PRECIOUS!!!!
    Your children are so so soooo cute!

  12. I can't even remember the last time I saw a movie in the theatre. Pretty sure it's been at least three years or more. (Movies are expensive and teacher's salaries don't stretch that far). It would be cool to see something! I really want to see Handmade Nation, and Coraline. And that picture of the two of them is ADORABLE.

  13. I haven't been to see a movie in forever!! Awesome giveaway.

    Love the poster you ordered for your dining room. Really nice.

  14. Can't even remeber the last time I went to a movie. Glad you had a date with your hubby.

    That picture is adorable!!!!

  15. I'd like to see that movie and I love the picture you entered....and I LOVE the print you ordered....I've never ordered from snapfish but I'm going to check them out......the barn is too cool but come on....let the little farmer have some straw....and I thought ALL houses had stickers....too cute!!!!!

    And we have Regal so I hope I win!

  16. I am so glad to hear that it's good. All the critics around here were negative about it. And since you're so cool, John Deere Mom, it must really be a good movie!!!

  17. I'm almost positive we don't have a Regal Cinema around here, so count me out. I just wanted to say hi and tell you that your photo collection there is wonderful!! P.S. ARe you the one who gave me the recipe for Taco Soup? I'm going to make it soon on my cooking blog and wanted to give credit. Let me know....thanks.

  18. You know, I saw the straw in the barn before you said that he had the straw in the barn and I thought, hhmmmmm theres straw in that barn in the house.
    I'm not going to say ONE word about those pictures because, well, you already know what I think.
    I will say that I am SO jealous that you and Mr Deere got away to a movie ALONE.
    I think I am going to try and up you on this and shoot for dinner AND a movie sometime soon : )

  19. You saw Paul Blart -- right on! I'm doubtful I'll see it in theaters, but it's SO going to be on my mailing list. Glad to know you enjoyed it. If I win your gift card, I'll be more than happy to use it for a date night myself. :)

  20. We loved Mall Cop too!!

    AND....we have a Regal theatre near us...pick me!!

  21. I would love to see Mall cop and my kids too. Count us in!!!

  22. Love the kids pics.
    That barn is most awesome. I bet you're happy there was no live calf, etc. LOL
    You've never had the sticker experience before? Hmmmm, seems that all parents have that one....

  23. Ok, first of all...I LOVE exclamation points!!!

    I love that barn cool is that! Hmmmm...those stickers everywhere....not so much. :)

    Glad you had fun at your movie! :)

    And I love all those pictures....they look fantastic!

  24. Oh to see a movie in the theater... it seems lie a life time ago! I do have a regal theater near me, quite a few, but the hubs doesn't enjoy the theater experience. I on the other hand have an arm's length list of movies I would love to see!

  25. That picture of your kids is wonderful!! And thanks for the giveaway

  26. I love the big post collection. You have some supper cute kids too.

    So here is my comment and I think that I do not have one of those movie theaters here too but I love me some free things.....

  27. Wow I would love to win that card. I have wanted to see that movie. It looks quite funny. Thanks for hosting a great giveaway.

  28. A DATE!

  29. Love the barn! I need to be a good grandma, too, and get that for my tractor-loving grandson. But I'm going to learn from you and omit the hay -- it was a good idea, though! And the stickers made me remember all the bottles of Goo Gone I used up when my two daughters were little. That stuff is like gold!

  30. I like random drivel. And I like giveaways. AND I like movies. Coincidence? I think not! ;oP

  31. We don't have a theater like that either. :( And I can't remember the last time we even went to the movies! Failure to Launch I think!

    FYI: I'm giving away a good home cooking cookbook so come on over and sign up!

  32. That little barn is absolutely adorable. And I have to admit, that was pretty creative of the little man. Everyone knows that a barn needs a bale of straw.

    Oh, and how I would LOVE to go to the movies with my man. We need a parents night out. Need.

  33. That barn is awesome! It's like a Rose Petal Cottage for farm boys. I love the picture of the two of them hugging it out.

    You're so lucky to have a date night! You deserve to go for one, especially after not seeing a movie since 2003!

  34. I tagged you for a meme, because I think You Rock! Plus, I think quirks are endearing, please stop by for details when you can. Thank you.

  35. I LOVE that photo of both of them. I need to blow up some pics and put them on my walls...canvas style! :)

    And the Paul Blart movie was all right...

    But I love him in King of Queens!

  36. Ahhh...getting to see a movie would be heaven!! I hope I win!

  37. Count me in! And also, please include a zucchini martini. Thank you kindly.

  38. Oh i might be too late - oh well I still wanted to say congrats on getting to actually see a movie!!

  39. Your kiddos are so precious!!! Love the farm set and Princess stuff. Kids are pretty awesome, even if they're sick!

    I'd love to win! We have a Regal theatre here and it's so stinkin' expense!!! So...PICK ME, PICK ME!
