Monday, March 23, 2009

Photo Shoot with Little Miss

After Little Miss discovered the daffodils growing behind the house, I had to take advantage of such a cute moment for some pictures. Surprisingly, she cooperated.

Cute, no?

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Christy said...

wow, I can't believe it's warm enough to wear spaghetti's still freezing here.

Calamity Lace said...

What adorable pictures!

Tiffany said...

Okay, you know I saw the title of this post come up on my blog roll and I ran on over....

She just makes me happy. Period.

Anonymous said...

She is too cute for words!

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

Totally adorable! I love that sassy pose in the 5th pic and I just love the 6th pic all the way 'round.

Anonymous said...

Love #2, totally impressed that she cooperated so nicely.

Sarah said...

Look at her hamming it up!
I am JEALOUS of the sundress and flip flops! We are in winter hats and mittens again today. Blah.

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Great pictures and YESSSSSSSS
VERY Cute!!! So precious, thanks for sharing.

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

I love that last one...those are my favorite when they are just belly gut laughing and you get it on camera!!!

Unknown said...

Last one is my fave! DARLING!

Michelle said...

I'm in love with your daughter, can I have her?

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Little Miss is a doll. I love her smile:)

Scary Mommy said...

Those totally have me grinning!!!!

Becky said...

I love the one with the daffodil slung over her shoulder like it is a purse or something. Too stinkin cute!

Renee said...

Those photos are precious!!! The first one is incredible.

Maternal Mirth said...

She is SOOOO worthy of her own shoot ... adorable :o)

Susan said...

Cute, cute!

The Mom Jen said...

Love them all, she's so cute! I love the innocent added touch of the off the shoulder strap!

♥ Boomer ♥ said...


Anonymous said...

Cute...yes! Those turned out great! What a cutie patootie!

Wunderwoman said...

Awww Little Miss is growing up;( Wish we could keep them small forever..She is adorable.
You've been playing with photoshop or paintshop haven't you? Looks great!

Lindsay said...

I love the first picture with the emphasized daffodil! Has someone been Picnicking? :) I think it's too cute that she's wearing a formal dress for her photo shoot, too!

Unknown said...

Ummmm, the bottom one is my favorite!

One Crazy Chick! said...

Cute? FREAKING ADORABLE! Thanks for sharing!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

She is a charmer. Those are faboolas pictures!

And it has obviously been a while since I've been by. I LOVE what you have done. Love the white background. The new title bar. I keep thinking about cleaning up my blog...making it less colorful. Maybe...

Julie said...

Love the cooperation. Maybe she could give my kids some lessons!

Unknown said...

That girl is TOO precious!!!

Unknown said...

Awwwww ... she is sooooo cute.

Great photos the first one and the 4th one. Actually, I love them all !!!

It's Spring Break...YIPEEEEEE !!!!

Anonymous said...

Adorable! She has such a lovely, sunny smile.

Anonymous said...

such a cute and cooperative model... quite mature. love your work and the new blog look.

Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...


Now how did you do the first pic...b and w with the yellow flower????

Rosemary said...

Hello, I happened over here via UBP hopping. She is more that cute, she is adorable. Great photos and her expressions are so natural and sweet.

Anonymous said...


I love your banner, too!

Our weather (Missouri) stinks!! We're bracing for several inches of SNOW this afternoon---it certainly has messed up many Spring Open Houses! Oh, well, it will be a great afternoon for lighting the gas logs and watching basketball!

Have a fun weekend! Dana

Mamarazzi said...

oh she is PRECIOUS!!

i love the over the shoulder and the one at the end but oh my they are all darling!

Heather said...

The one with her looking over her shoulder is too sassy! She's growing up so fast!!

nikkicrumpet said...

He smile always makes me smile. I just love her. I swear she has more joy in her little face than anyone I've ever seen.

Mrs4444 said...

Absolutely. She's a sweetheart.