
Sunday, March 29, 2009

What has the John Deere Mom been up to?

Trying to teach, mentor a student teacher, prepare for science fair, and gear up for yet another round of state testing. It's not looking too promising.

Counting down to the end of school.

Praying for this little guy.

Prayers for Stellan

Making my way through this stack. Almost done!

Fighting and losing this battle.

Registering this guy for kindergarten.

Going on field trips.

Laughing at this.

Watching my sister and Jackie the Cow make out.

Making these.

And these. They taste great, but how does she make them look so cute?! Mine look like they have measles. Or worse.

Gearing up for a giveaway! (Check back later this week for details.)

What have YOU been up to?


  1. I've been reading a new book, downloading angst filled music, and failing to keep up with the TV shows I have on tape. Fun, fun, fun. :)

  2. I have been spackling, cooking, sanding spackle, cleaning the kitchen, and drinking my version of a low cal margarita, tequila and fresca.

  3. Oh wow, I have that same book by Jodi P, My Sister's Keeper. I really need to find time and read it.

  4. Come see me, and you'll see why I'm dragging around today!!!

    I just love the energy behind your blog! And in 46 days ~ goodness! Seems like the school year has flown by!

  5. You've been busy!
    The peanut butter balls look good to me! YUM!

  6. I love the pictures. I need a good peanut butter ball recipe, will you take a chocolate bribe for one??
    This weekend I am getting over the flu while recovering from the 14y/o's birthday party/sleepover.

  7. You were really busy. What are you doing with those books, when you´re finished? You should join, so I could mooch them... :)

  8. Cute pics!! You're a busy girl... are you taking time to ... ahem... relax???

    I've been... deep cleaning the girls' bedroom. Oh so fun.

  9. Looks like you've been busy. I registered my guy for Kindergarten this week too and I wish I had some of those yummy treats to eat!

  10. You are and have been busy. I notice the little guy is not sitting in a John Deere. What's up with that?

    We're getting ready for our youngest to go to kindergarten next year. The chocolate looks wonderful :)

  11. I might need to hear more about that nudy show...

  12. love the fraction shirt! my oldest in 5th grade is a fraction nightmare! this sounds like something he would say!

  13. you are a riot!! nice field trip; lol!! i have been busy too and sick:(


  14. Now we know! I am going to have to figure out how many days of school we have left.

    Have a great week!

  15. Well you've been busy. And the "morans" sign had me laughing. Sort of defeats the purpose doesn't it.

  16. OOH. I'd love to read your books. Are you giving them away?
    And chocolate, I can't even begin to know how to make those delicious looking morsels. I'm drooling on my desk blotter.
    Thankfully, state testing is done here for this year. I feel so bad for all the teachers and staff while this stuff is going on.
    Hope it ends for you soon.

  17. My class never went on fun field trips like that. I'm not sure what I've been up to, mostly shirking responsibility.

  18. I love your blog! Found you through In the Real World Venus vs. Mars.

  19. O!
    I have heard the Jen Lancaster books are GREAT!
    I am excited to hear if you like them.
    What are the white balls?
    The brown balls look delish.

  20. OK....The Morans thing! Hysterical.

    And your list of books...Bright Lights Big Ass! Hilarious!

    I love a blog friend kind of way!

  21. OMG you are cracking me up! Morans!!!! Priceless!

    I love your choice of, can you say issues?

    I finally posted today if you have time to catch up on what I'm doing.....all though yours sounds like more fun!

  22. Your big guy starts kindergarten! Awww! They grow so fast!

  23. Looking at my HUGE pile of laundry and my cluttered living room and wondered if anyone else lives like this? Oh, and stressing about trying not to gain 60 lbs with this pregnancy!

  24. p.s. I would like to borrow your Jen Lancaster books please.

  25. OH, I feel TERRIBLE you had to look at my horrid big TOE the first visit you make??? Thanks for visiting.. I'll be back to check in regularly! But oh, the reminder of only 46 days of school left? Can you tell I'm not a teacher??!!!

  26. In the Olden Days, when I was working in the pub. school setting, I didn't have a minute to spare! I feel for you right now.

    You do such a wonderful job of documenting your life/family through your blog! What a treasure you are creating for you and your family! I love it that you have such a sense of humor about the craziness in your life right now, too. I recall making 'xs' on my school calendar (counting the days left until the end of the end) starting with the FIRST day of classes! :) UGH! Those end of the year state tests! I feel your pain!

    I'll bet you have a great little "prank" ready for your kids at school today, don't you? Have fun! Dana

  27. Busy, yes, but chocolate to get you through it all! :)

  28. Thanks a lot - I looked at that bakerella site and now I'm friggin hungry! Thats SO not good for my diet lady! lol

  29. that shirt is too funny. my mom, a hs math and science teacher, would love it. where did you find that shirt?
