
Friday, March 20, 2009


The kids and I spent a few hours at a "new to us" place called Bouncertown yesterday.

Think Chuck E. Cheese without the mouse.

It is a large building full of inflatable bouncers, slides, games, and a snack area complete with overpriced food. Luckily we had already eaten different overpriced food at Cheeseburger in Paradise.

Here are the 3 areas my two monkeys spent the majority of the day...2 really big slides and a large obstacle course type thing with a slide at the end.When we first walked in and saw the big slides I thought, "There's no way they are going to climb up those."

But I was wrong. Without a moment's hesitation, they bolted up the steps and slid down.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
Luckily we had our trained operator on duty. I am not sure what this operator was trained in. Sliding? Bouncing? Tuning out the screams of 20-some kids?

All in all, it was another great day of Spring Break. It's hard to believe the week is coming to an end. Why can't work weeks go this quickly?!


  1. Man, that looks fun! We'll have to go there this summer. Which I'm praying will be here very shortly since my week "off" has sucked.

  2. That looks like so much fun.
    They have a place out here like that called Kangaroo Zoo.
    I haven't taken my boys yet but I think I will this summer.
    They have certain slides etc for the different age groups so the big kids aren't knocking down the little ones.

  3. We have Pump It Up. We can spend hours there. It is FABULOUS! The little kids get EXHAUSTED at places like that and sleep for days afterwards.

  4. So where were you on that big slide, do not let the kids have all the fun!!!

  5. That looks like so much fun!
    ♥ Hugs :)

  6. Those things are fun. They had one at a food festival in October, and I went with my daughter on it since she's a little small to walk up it herself. Five laps up those tiny stairs are quite the workout!

    I always hated the end of spring break :( I'm glad you had a good week!

  7. I want to go!!! How cool is that? It's like the fair...on steroids!

  8. My kids would have gone BANANAS for that place! Looks like you had a blast!

  9. That looks like so much fun. I wish there was one of those places around here.

    (p.s. Your new blog look is very cute.)

  10. That looks like a very fun Spring Break day! What a good mom you are:)

  11. THAT IS COOL!! I want to go to Bouncertown!! TAKE ME!!

  12. This looks like a blast! Of course, Deere babes are Fearless!

  13. We love the jumpy places! Even Melody, who is teeny for two, can scurry right up those jumbo-slides!

  14. K we just went to one like this today! Total blast for the kiddos...ours is called Jumpin Jacks!

  15. My kids love stuff like this. I don't remember ever playing on those when I was little.

  16. Spring Break rocks. We won't have one this year, but I'll take the four-day weekend at Easter :)

  17. We had one of these, called the jumping bean, where we used to live and i miss it SO bad. Zilla always had the best time there. We live in podunk now and there is nothing even close to this cool here..boohoo. Glad the kiddos had a good time.

  18. I'm thinking maybe the operator has the Tylenol for the parents who have had a little too much of the screaming. Looks like fun!
