
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Of Easter Past

I played my Bad Mommy card yesterday and took the kids to daycare while I had the day off from school. Some of you are probably thinking how awful I am. Others are probably jealous. In my defense, I had a million things to do and most of them involved running errands and preparing Easter baskets. Once my children see their loot, they will quickly forget that I needlessly abandoned them.

Speaking of Easter, I found some old Easter pics while I was wasting time on the computer doing important work.

This has become our standard way of coloring eggs...nekkid in the bathtub. I know it looks ridiculous, but I take no chances when dye is involved.

One thing about Easter in NEVER know what the weather will be. Apparently it was warm in 2006. Violets are edible, right?

The warm weather apparently produced some big freaking Easter eggs that year, too!This was Little Miss's first Easter. She must have been about 6 1/2 months or so. Oh, I can't believe she was ever that little!
We decided to recycle her Easter dress. Do you see it?

Yep! It's the lamp shade! My crafty momma turned the skirt into an adorable lampshade. Cute and sentimental at the same time!

These are some of my all time favorite pictures of Cole. He was about 5 months old and my mom was still watching (and humiliating!) him. Just look at that pathetic little look!

"What are you lookin at, Bunny Boy?"

We tried to do similar humiliating adorable pictures with Claire during her first Easter but sadly...her big ol' head wouldn't fit through the egg!

I hope you all have a wonderful, restful Easter weekend full of family, friends, love, and chocolate bunnies.


  1. Those are the cutest Easter pics EVER!!!!
    I love your daughter's room! I would love to have an organized theme look in Katie's room. I am not the good though!
    Happy Easter!

  2. So cute! That lampshade idea is so creative. And I don't know why the bathtub idea never occurred to me...I'm definitely doing that next year! Adorable pictures...those babies are precious! Happy Easter.

  3. I can't believe how incredibly clever you are!!!

  4. I love how you made Claire's dress into a lampshade. And I don't think it's horrible you took the kids to daycare. Sometimes you just need that time to get things done!

    Love the old Easter photos. Your kiddos were adorable babies.

  5. Ahhhh, the midwest! Where else can you get:



    and 70 degree weather


  6. When you said naked in the tub, I actually thought for a minute YOU PUT YOU KIDS IN DYE WATER! duhhhhh! I know! Then I saw the pictures! It is toooo early in the morning for me apparently! haha
    I laughed out loud when I saw Cole's picture in the egg basket. He is gonna LOVE that when he is a teenager!

    I loved walking down memory lane with yoU!

  7. Oh my goodness. These are the cutest Easter pictures I have ever seen. And that pink bedroom is to die for! Happy Easter!

  8. Dying eggs nekkid in the tub!!! I love it!! Happy Easter, JDM!!

  9. I love those Easter shots, so cute !!

    Like the 'naked kids dyeing easter eggs in the bath tub', idea.

    Don't know why I never thought of that one, when we were doing the egg dyeing thing.

    You're just too brilliant !!! :-)

    Happy Easter !!

  10. K that Naked in the tub is a BRILLIANT idea...and I wouldn't hesitate to take them to DayCare to get stuff are a thoughtful Mom for not dragging them to stores!!! :)

  11. Cracking up over dying nekkid in the tub. Too funny.

  12. K - your comment on dropping the kids off at daycare when you had off? I do that every other month or so - how else would I ever get to do a whole house cleaning? I figure you pay for the whole week and my Mags loves it so much - just makes life easier.

    Adorable pictures by the way!

  13. Those pictures are PRECIOUS! I especially love the last one of Cole--he really does look like he's saying something to that bunny! :)

    What a great idea to use the bathtub. Wish I had thunk of that when they were little. I used a white vinyl tablecloth that got very colorfully stained over the years. I still use it each year to decorate the eggs. My kids will probably find it in my keepsake chest when they have to clean out my house after I've gone on to my reward...hee hee

    Sorry it's been so long...been working some crazy hours!

  14. The bath tub idea is pure genius!

  15. Worse mom here...Zilla has never colored eggs and to be honest I'm not sure I ever want to LOL. He's a reckless crazy kid and IF we did eggs we'd have to do them your way or just wouldn't happen.

    LOVE the cute pictures of them! Don't worry Zilla's got a giant noggin too - means big brains - more to torment mom with my dear!!

  16. HAH I loved the Easter pictures. Cole looks SO THRILLED to be wearing an egg! And the idea for the lamp shade was genius! Happy Easter to you and your family!

  17. I am all for Easter games that keep the mess on the low low. Good thinking, Angie! Very smart of your mom to recycle that dress, too! Those suckers are so expensive that it's nice to see them get some real use out of them once the Easter morning photoshoot is over.

  18. Those pictures are the BEST and I love the lampshade idea :)

  19. Oh my gosh....those pics are ADORABLE!!!!! Especially lil Cole as an cute!!!! :)

  20. Those pics are great! I love the lampshade - what a great idea! And if I let my kids dye easter eggs we would so totally do it in the tub (or outside), but no dyed eggs this year.... Hope you had a great Easter!

  21. Count me in as a 'jealous' reader!
    Those baby pics are TOO cute! I love your method of dying eggs, too. Brilliant!

  22. Those are some great pics! That lampshade is adorable! I have two dress that would be perfect for that:0)

  23. great idea for a lampshade....
    really clever way to dye eggs. Sara does her kids on the driveway.
    i love- love love the pics of the egg hunt where the lawn is covered with violets! where do you live that you get that many violets? we just have a sprinkling of them.
    lucky girl....
