
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spring Has Sprung Giveaway!!

I don't know about you all, but this has been a l o n g winter! It is finally, finally starting to feel like spring around here, and to celebrate...I'm having a giveaway!!

One lucky reader will receive all this loot!

Let's take a closer look, shall we? Up for grabs is:

a spring-y lined basket, jelly bean eggs, spring cookie cutters, cookie sprinkles, Reeses pieces in the cute carrot bag, a magnetic notepad, a copy of Jodi Picoult's The Pact, and a $10.00 Wal-Mart gift card!

Look at the cuteness of this gift card. It doubles as a red poppy seed packet. How clever!
Want it? I bet you do! All you need to do is leave a comment between now and 9:00 p.m. Thursday, April 9. Easy like a zucchini martini.




Edited to add: First of all, I need to apologize to the people in the Midwest. About an hour after I posted this "It's finally spring" giveaway, I saw the weather report. Yeah. Here's Monday's forecast-

High: 38°Low: 30°

Light Snow

Flurries & snow showers

But, the giveaway goes on!

Secondly, apparently I need to be more thorough with my rules and regulations. Some people (coughSteffcoughcoughDeb) are anal and need firm guidelines. So here they are:

One comment per person.
Contest ends next Thursday, April 9 at 9:00 p.m. EST.
Winner will be chosen with the Random Number thingamajig.
I think that covers it. Now go forth and comment! But only once, you big cheaters.


  1. Hmmm ... I want a zucchini martini! With a cute little blossom floating in it. Your giveaway looks so cute and springlike.

  2. Oh I'd love to enjoy this basket of goodies. It would definitely put some "spring" in my step!


  3. I think I'll pass on the zucchini martini - but the giveaway I'd def. go for!!

  4. YAHOO! Please count me in! I would l♥ve to win this! What an awesome giveaway! Here is my e-mail address:

  5. Oh count me in!! What a wonderful stash of stuff:)

  6. oh man count me in!! That is such a cute idea for the giftcard!

  7. looks great.... pick me pick me -- I work at a John Deere dealership !

  8. If you are accepting entries from Paraguay, count me in too! If not, that´s ok too.
    I hope you continue to get the warmer weather!

  9. I could save you tons on shipping ! pick me !

  10. comment,comment, comment, comment, comment, comment, comment, comment, comment, comment!!

  11. Can we comment more than once? Are you doing the drawing a number thing? These are need to know questions!!!

  12. What a cute basket of goodies! Count me in to get some spring over here in Alabama!

  13. Steff is a woman after my own heart. Where are the rules? What are the hoops?
    And...I am soooo winning this! LMAO

  14. Fun Giveaway!
    And I think I a Martini, now that you mentioned it!

  15. MEmememememe! I want to win!

    {{but hold the zucchinni}}

  16. Very cute! I am glad spring is actually starting somewhere!

  17. I don't want to make you jealous or anything, but we discovered that we already have a TOMATO growing on those pot tomato plants I posted about three or so weeks ago. ;-)

    Yes, I'm ready for more spring, and ready to win this fun giveaway!

  18. Oh this looks like fun! AND I need to thank you for letting me in on where to find that cute barn play tent...I FOUND ONE!!!! My grandson is lovin' it!


  19. Too cute!! Count me in your drawing! Keep up the awesome work on your blog! I enjoy visiting and reading! :)

  20. Love the giveaway.....not so much the zucchini martini. Let me tell you, I LOOOOVE martini's, not that kind though! =)

  21. How cute is that pic of Claire!!! I hope you don't force feed the poor kid zucchini!

  22. I cannot wait for the spring asparagus! That is all!

  23. Girl, you know I need a boost, my winter has totally sucked wind!

  24. The calendar may say it's spring, but we're still getting snow.

    Nice giveaway!

  25. Can I still enter? It's not 9:00 yet here on the West Coast...Please please please?

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. Yes, oh yes!!! Put my name in the hat for that fabulous drawing of yours!! Woo-hoo---you picked out some SWELL stuff!

    I LOVED your April Fool's post--specially the "note to self"! :)

    If you have time (I KNOW, you're busy!!) and if you are interested, I have a challenge for you on my post!

    Happy Friday!! Dana

  28. Nice basket of goodies! Spring keeps peeking out at us and then winter blasts back with some snow. Not sure what the weekend holds, but I think they said something about a winter storm watch. Grrr.

  29. Oooh, I love goodie baskets! And the deadline for the giveaway is my anniversary...that must be some kind of sign! hee hee

  30. ooooh, i love jodi piccolt and walmart and reese's!! i'd also love to be entered in your give-away:)

    noelle ♥

  31. You are just so sweet.... thanks for letting us play along!

  32. I really really need that GIFT card...Just saying! :)

  33. You are so generous, what a great giveaway! Happy Spring!

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. Oooh - me, I want my name in!! :)

  36. HAH !!! Check my post today.I thought Spring was here yesterday. I even posted the proof. I should have known better...

    I'm just about to start reading Jodi Picault's 'My Sister's Keeper' ... It's the first I have ever read by her..

    Love the giveaway :-)

  37. This is such a fun post! I actually was about to just say how awesome the photos were- I absolutely love spring!

  38. Pick me for these reasons: 1. I have never won a contest from a blog 2. I'm feeling very overwhelmed and it's just gonna get worse over the next 3 or 4 weeks 3. I love Jodi Picoult books and 4. I'll do my best to send spring your way. :)

  39. I could use a Spring "pick me up!!"

    Pick me PLEASE!!

  40. Wow, great giveaway! I'm trying to get it together to have one for my one year blogiversary next week. I love the theme idea! Make sure to look for it.
    Happy Spring (sort of)! lol

  41. I am so hearing you on the long winter thing.
    In fact I just did a post about it on my blog a few days ago.
    We have snow right now about 40 mins away from my house, it hasn't hit here yet but I'm sure it will sooner or later.
    I don't even see sun in our near future. :(

  42. Zucchini martini?!! Surely someone somewhere makes these & I'm now quite curious...

  43. Very fun giveaway...please count me in. And you probably should come over and check out the winners to my giveaway...YOU might find it interesting!

  44. I enjoy books...and candy.....and everything else in this lil' beauty of a basket!

  45. wonderful giveaway! Even if it is pure snow in the midwest, we can pretend!

  46. That's a sweet basket full o' goodies that I could make good use of! The tiny bit of Martha Stewart that exists in me (the cookie maker, not the insider trading portion) thinks that making cookies in spring shapes would be super fun!

  47. Hi, what a sweetful of goodies in the basket!! I love everything that you've put in there! Hope to win! :)

  48. I wonder if a zuchini martini would be good? hmmm

    I am in the midwest and am in DIRE NEED of spring!!

    Good to meet you!!

  49. What a nice spring giveaway! It feels like winter here still. I can't wait for heat!

  50. My first time to ever comment! I have enjoyed reading your blogs this past year and your spring give-away looks like so much fun. April Fool's day brought snow to the the northwest this year!

  51. Stopping by from SITS! Love the giveaway!

  52. Such a darling giveaway for spring! :0)

  53. What an awesome your blog too cute! :) Stopping by from sits, please count me in!

  54. What a lovely Spring actually felt like Spring here in Eastern WA today...much better than the SNOW we saw on April 1st!

  55. I love candy, baking cookies and reading, and a GC to boot, who could go wrong. Stopping by from SITS, your blog is so friendly looking! I hope I win!
    Have a wonderful day!

  56. Look ma, I'm not cheatin'! ;o) Awesome giveaway, and it's great "meeting" you!

    Joy <--via SITS

  57. This is my one and only comment for this awesome giveaway, YEAH!!!! it is Spring..
    I love Spring...
    I am off now to tiptoe thru my tulips..
    Have a Wonderful day!

  58. Cute giveaway! It would be a great start for my son's easter basket which I DEFINITELY never wait until the last minute to put together.....hmmmmm....

  59. What a creative idea for a giveaway! Who wouldn't like all these goodies?

  60. What a cute lil basket! Spring has started to "sprung" here... until Tuesday when it snows on my pretty tree blooms and wrecks 'em!

  61. Cute giveaway! Sorry about the snow midwest people!

  62. here in the east it's the same. Rain snow mix. *sigh* BUT I started my seeds (inside, safe and snug), hope springing eternally!

    Fabulous giveaway!

  63. Yay for Spring! What a cute basket full of goodies! Thanks so much for the giveaway. :)

  64. Coming over from SITS!! I love those seed gift cards--very clever.

  65. What a great basket. Here in MS, spring has definitely sprung. It was so pretty out yesterday.

  66. Stopping by from SITS - yeah the midwest thinks its still winter may get up to 3 inches of snow today - booo!!

  67. What a fun giveaway! I need a little spring in my life, it has been snowing on and off all week. :(

  68. What a wonderful basket of spring items!

    Last night we received some pictures from my husband's family of "spring" in Minnesota. That's a lotta snow for April!

  69. how fun! I love the poppy seed/gift card combo. That's a great idea! (I'm sorry if this posts twice... I'm a little slow sometimes!)

  70. A zucchini martini...interesting. I can't wait for spring!

    jessbedard7 at gmail dot com

  71. What a great give-away........I hope I'll win!!!

  72. Zucchini martini! Love it! Enter me please:-)

    I see from your reading list that we both are fans of Jen Lancaster. Isn't she hilarious?!

    Happy spring.

  73. this giveaway is awesome! pick me pick me!!

  74. LOL@big cheaters!
    I would love to have my name thrown in the hat-what a cute spring basket giveaway

  75. Looks like fun, but I'm a little skeered of the zucchini martini :P

  76. Hi, I for ONE think your giveaway is ONE good deal for ONE in the midwest hoping that spring really is only ONE day away. ONE chance is all ONE needs I think, eh? ty for the chance, cher

  77. love your blog...i am also a 'john deere mommy!'


  78. Hehehehehe! Thanks for the laugh as I sit in the MIDWEST and we are supposed to get 5-8" of snow tonight. I like snow, but even I'm tired of it.

    I have a three year old, we say Easy-peasy, lemon squeezy. Like that zucchini martini, but she's not old enough.

    Hope I win, can I enter twice? hehehe, just kidding, we contest enterers can be a tad bit s-l-o-w, can't we? Need to hit us over the head! Yup, ya do!

    Thanks for a fun contest and at least a hopeful dream of spring....

  79. Awesome gift basket! Visiting from SITS, love your blog! :)

  80. Great basket of goodies. Visiting you from SITS!

  81. Awesome giveaway but I don't now about a zucchini martini!

    addeviant006 at gmail dot com

  82. I can't believe the snow this weekend in the midwest :(
    This giveaway should cheer me up though :)

  83. Great stuff! I am loving that Spring has arrived!

  84. Adorable basket! That poppy gift card is so cool.

    And now I crave zucchini.

  85. Count me in... I love giveaways!

  86. read about your giveaway on sits. spring cookie cutters, how much fun.

  87. Never heard of a zucchini martini, but I'll try it!!! Love the Spring Giveaway!!!

  88. Howdy! 1. Love the title of your blog! 2. That is a fantastic giveaway! 3. Send some spring my way, because it snowed this Friday here in SLC!

  89. It snowed here on Tuesday, but it's been sunny and beautiful ever since. The doors and windows are open and the birds are chirping - Aaaahhh, I L-O-V-E Spring!

    What a fun giveaway and great prize!

    But I have to ask... is there really such a think as a zuchini martini?

  90. I never win giveaways so my fingers are crossed that I win this time!!

  91. Looks like a great giveaway. I love spring. :)

  92. Thanks for the chance to win!!

    =) melanie
    melanieadey at hotmail dot com

  93. What a lovely little basket of goodies!

  94. From the midwest, I sure could use those seeds to replace my flowers that are about to die...

  95. Only two inches so far... *sigh*

    I would love this just for the spring cookie cutters! Way cool basket.

  96. your basket looks so springy! I'm sad that we're supposed to get SNOW tonight :( grr....

    Hope I win - I could use some "spring" in my life right now ;)

    Oh by the way congrats on being mentioned on SITS!!

  97. How nice to see a spring giveaway! We had 8 inches of snow today. Great giveaway.

  98. It was a lovely springy 70 degrees here today :) Looks like a fun giveaway, count me in!

  99. Please count me in.

    Waitress, I could I get a zucchini martini? LOL!

  100. How fun! I love the cool giftcard. =) Unfortunately in Florida, spring was 90 degrees yesterday! But I think I'd rather be hot than cold. =)

  101. Yeah, I'm one of those people in the midwest enjoying (I say that sarcastically) the 30 degree snow/rain weather. YUCK!

    But winning this loot would definitely make me HAPPY!!!! BOOOYAAAH!!!!

    OK, Blogger is jacking with me right if you see this 20 times..I'm sorry!!!!

  102. What a nice thing to do. Thanks, sign me up to win. Enjoy your blog

  103. Thanks for the Spring-y Giveaway, even tho it doesn't feel like Spring here.

  104. Count me in! Neat giveaway

    Oh, and I had to brush off my car before leaving yesterday morn at 4:30 AM NO MORE SNOW!!!

  105. I am curious about this zucchini martini thing. I wanna win!

  106. I can't get the zucchini martini thing out of my head. I'm picturing a zucchini sticking out of a martini glass. It's disturbing me. BAHAHAHAHAHA

    We actually might get to 50 today so I might feel spring-like!

    Thanks for the awesome give-away:)

  107. Hey, since in a way, I, too, am a John Deere Mom I need this. My hubby has restored several JD's and loves tractor shows. Besides, I NEED A SPRING LIFTER UPPER in te worst way. I'm wishing me good luck.

  108. I'm beginning to think I'm a Jonah. Everywhere I go, cold weather follows!
    I need some sunshine!
    Please make th esun shine here in my little corner of the worls---draw my name---puleeeeeze.......
