
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tweet Tweet

I started an account on Twitter. I really have no idea what I am doing there, exactly. But it's kinda fun and easy to use. Some lady had already taken johndeeremom as a user name. I know-THE NERVE! So if you want to find me, you'll have to look for johndeeremom1. I haven't quite figured out how to find all my favorite people (read: you) so I have a simple request. If you're of the Twittering persuasion, leave me a comment with your username so I can follow you!


  1. Sorry. No texting nor twittering from moi.

  2. Here ya go girl

    Just wait, you will be addicted just like the rest of us.

  3. I've thought about it ...

    Still thinking about it ...


  4. I gotcha added on mine. I'm Smoochiefrog. :)

  5. Been twittering 4 a while :) I think my name is blessedmomto7 You will be freaked at the random people that follow you-I have no idea WHY anyone would care what I do! LOL

  6. Have NO idea how to twitter.

    Can't even text.

    I just got this blogging thing down!~

  7. I am on twitter. Sorta. I have an account. I think it's Katinga. But it's been forevah since I tweeted.

    Steven Colbert was on Good Morning America. And Meredith Viera asked him if he tweeted. He said that he "twatted" with this wicked glint in his eye. Everyone on the set was cracking up. And then Meredith said that she thought she might have twatted too.

    Oh...I wonder what kind of google searches are going to come to ya now! Sorry :-)

  8. I twitter sometimes! I'm SleeplessMerrie :)

    Come enter my giveaway before it ends tomorrow!

  9. I think it's @housewife or something... I should probably check - I don't tweet much. Okay. Apparently it's See ya there!

  10. Im on there once in a awhile but not as much as I would like to be....I am Niecer71

  11. Not a twitterer yet, but you are the #1 John Deere Mom for me!

  12. I got so into Twitter, I had to give it a rest. I haven't twitted, tweeted, whatev in so long!

  13. I have an account but I'm not really sure what I'm doing.
    I'm tinabean1988

  14. Won't tweet...I'm afraid of starting another addiction!

  15. I got sucked in a couple weeks ago. It can very easily take over, especially late at night. But there are definatley some interesting conversations on there!

    I can be found at

    Can't wait to catch your tweets!

  16. awesome! I'll go over and add you!!!

  17. Hey there! visiting from SITS!

    Great blog! Give me a visit if you get the chance...

    ...and I don't tweeter either...or is it twitter? I get confused.

  18. I am starting to like twitter, what about you?
    I tagged you on my blog, take a look if u want.

  19. You can tweet, as long as you don't quit blogging!!!

  20. I followed you on there, my name is CyndysZoo. I just got into twitter but I like it! I can't believe someone STOLE your name. As if!

  21. i am still learning the ins and outs of twittering i am @georgienba

  22. Try me at teachergirl82!! I need to be followed. Just one. Come on johndeeremom1. I need ya.

  23. I'm barely hangin' on to what I've got now .... don't go getting me started on Twitter!

  24. I have not yet crossed the Twitter line. I'll wait to see how you survive.

  25. I have to figure out twittering. Could be fun!
