
Saturday, May 16, 2009


Did you know...

*that I got new glasses?

*that I used the "gritty" effect on this picture with Picnik?

*that I always take a self-portrait in front of my Nester-like plate wall?

*that I have 12 days of school left?

*that I couldn't handle 13 more days of school because the kids are

*that I have a giveaway for John Deere lawn toys going on right here?

*that I cringe every time I see another wedding, graduation, and shower invitation in the mail?

*that I do not plan on spending even one minute of my summer on silly committees and classes?

*that I DO plan on taking the kids to daycare one day a week? I call those my mental health/clean the house/shopping days.

*that I am out of wine but luckily have a bottle of vodka and orange juice?

*that my son graduates from preschool on Wednesday?

*that this is my new ringtone and I love it?

*that my sister got a swanky new iPhone and wanted that ringtone but couldn't get it on iTunes so I stole it? Neener.

*that my sister is moving an hour and a half closer to us? Yay! Let's hope we get several baby-sitting sessions in before she starts popping out babies of her own!

*that in a few short days I will have nothing to watch on TV? Amazing Race? Over. DWTS? Finals this week. American Idol? Winner chosen this week. Bones? Season finale last Thursday. What's a girl to do?

*that it is now time to get the kids fed, bathed, and in bed so I can pour myself that cocktail?


  1. Great photo! Love the new glasses, very cute!

    I am having bittersweet feelings about the season finales, but then again the Bachelorette starts on Monday :)

  2. I'm so trying to figure out what I'll watch. Big Brother will be on in July, and Next Food Network Star starts the first week of June (Noah is excited for both!) That's all of the good stuff I know of. I hate May sweeps!

  3. I have only 2 full days, 2 half days, and one teacher work day left. If I had any more, I'd shoot myself. Like you, my kids are driving me crazy! Love 'em, but it's time for 'em to G.O.

    Congrats on your son's graduation. I love preschool graduations. They are always so cute.

    I have a summer-related contest going on at my blog. Check it out. There isn't any alcohol involved, but there WILL be Koozies in the prize. :)

  4. Did you know

    I like your glasses, I had a cuh-razy dream about you the other night, I'm so stoked about school being out, there is an awesome show called Burn Notice on USA that the new season starts June 4, I wish my sister lived closer, I also watch a great show called In Plain Sight on USA, that you should have a great Sunday!!

  5. did you know...that I love your Did you knows?.....Hilarious.....enjoy your cocktail...I'll be having one with ya....thanks so much for coming over to my the comment

  6. The glasses are great! I am going to miss t.v. after this week as well!

  7. I did not know any of this!
    Your new glasses are so cute.
    Hang in there summer is almost here &yeah Cole for graduating pre-school!

  8. Hmmm...that was a lot of information for one post. Lovin' the new classes....very posh. And the ring tone rocks...I just might have to steal it too!

  9. First of all, love the glasses and how they look on you! Fun photo.

    Secondly, love the ring tone! Hilarious. And I really want a swanky iPhone like your sister even if I can't have that ringtone with it.

    Glad your sister is moving closer! I wish mine was. She moved to California two years ago and I MISS HER!!!

    And I'm so sad all these shows are ending right now. I loved The Amazing Race.

  10. You deserve a toast to 12 more days! Now, get those kids to bed!

  11. cute glasses! I love Bones! And greys anatomy, lost... just to name a few more..! :( too bad I have to wait...

  12. After a day of cleaning gutters & windows and planting flowers pour me a cocktail too!

  13. Your new glasses do rock. You might try watching re-runs of NCIS like I do nightly lol.
    I am glad your sister is moving closer too, mine lives some where in Newfoundland. Still seems a little too close for comfort lol.

  14. Love the new glasses.....

    We have 13 days left and I just cannot wait.....but we have 3 days of finals and I have to get my kids ready....UGH!! They have been awful since Swine Break 09!!

    I am ready for summer....

  15. Poppin in from SITS to say hi.
    What a CUTE blog!!! YOU sound like a gal that I could be buddies with. Hope you enjoyed that V+OJ. I've always got a few bottles of wine on hand, so feel free to come by. : )


  16. Mental health day are necessary. That's awesome that your sister ismoving closer. I live about a block from my parents and brother. If you get a chance visit my non profit website and blog. We need help spreading the word.

  17. Love the glasses. I'd love to be in line with you at the grocery store-or church! when your ringtone went off. ha ha

  18. Vodka and orange juice is not only calming, but nutritional healthy:) Good choice!

    I bet you are ready for summer break! It is sooo close!

  19. Love the list, glasses too. Let me buy you a case of wine to celebrate Summer!!

  20. Looking pretty swanky there, lady!

    Love the ringtone. My son bought a very inexpensive doohickey that allows him to turn any song into a ringtone; it's awesome.

    Fifteen days for me. I'm so glad you're going to be taking a day for yourself every week; the kids AND you will benefit. Hang in there! :)

  21. Congrats on the new glasses and 12 days of school left!

    Once Idol is finished, hubs and I look forward to So You Think You Can Dance. Its the next best thing to all the good shows (and its also really good) and it helps us through the summer slump.

  22. thanks for stopping by my blog!!!!
    love your glasses.
    LOVE picnik!!!!!!!
    i agree about all the invites....ugh!!!!!
    love your ring tone....and the iphone!!!!

  23. Your glasses are SOOOOO cute and HOLY mother of EYELASHES I'm so envious right now!

    I'm not really excited school is going to be over... that means I have to play teacher for the next couple of months! lol!

  24. OK.
    Point 6 - Ditto.
    Point 12 - I miss my neices and nephew
    Point 13 - seriously twisted Bones finale. Jerks.

    Have a great last 12 days.

  25. Ever. Still occasionally have nightmares.

    I'm also thankful that I won't have to deal with the weddings and showers for awhile. Everyone except my brother is taken care of, and kids are a long way off. And I don't see him making any life changing steps anytime soon.

    You should definitely hit up the sister for free babysitting. You need some nights out sometime.

    Hope you have a great week. It won't be long now!

  26. as a former teacher, i totally understand what you mean about counting the days til the end of the school year. btw, you have an award waiting for you at my blog.

  27. Love the glasses! I SO want to take Zilla to daycare and i'm seriously seriously considering it LOL - even SAHM's need a mental health day! Sorry your shows are over. YAY on summer coming!!

  28. Well girl, you look good in grit. And your new glasses.

  29. My kids are grown, I DO have a wedding to go to in 6 days, Diet Dr. Pepper is my cocktail of choice and I don't watch tv. Even so I feel for you, girl. By the way......Love the new glasses.

  30. Did you know that I couldn't teach school for 13 MINUTES and I think you're awesome?
    And did you know I love that picture of yoU?

  31. Love your new glasses!! Enjoy those last few days of school. We go until the end of June, but it is coming up quick too.

  32. Nope ~ well 'cept for the final day of school count down ... I'm having something similar here but it deals with more panic that the last day is coming up. ;0

  33. Love the new glasses. I need to get me some new ones too.
