
Friday, July 10, 2009

Everything I Needed to Know, I Learned at the Zoo

Over the weekend we took our first family trip to the zoo. I learned a lot of important things during our trip to the zoo, things like...

*Rhino butts are slightly bigger than mine.

*Little Miss loves flamingos because they're pink.

*A male walrus looks a lot like Mike Sr. from American Choppers and is scary big. (His flippers are flat on the bottom of this VERY deep pool.)

*My children are more interested in ducks than lemurs.

*Giraffes and elephants are my favorite animals.

*Tigers, lions, and bears are very big and very lazy.

*Baboons need pants.

*The zoo is very exhausting.

*You can take the boy of out the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy.

*And most importantly? I learned that my kids loved all of their daddy time and that being together as a family is a great way way to spend a day.


  1. You make me laugh!:) Yes, baboons do need pants, diapers, something!

  2. Baboons do need pants or diapers or something!! Looks like you'all had a great time!

  3. Se funny! Baboons need pants... I almost peed my pants!!

    Loved the pics of your kiddos with their daddy - so sweet!

  4. It's been forever since we have been to the zoo. We really ought to go. And there is a place near here that just does kangaroos. But all I can think about right now is sleep.

  5. Does John Deere Dad have double vision?
    The zoo is SO great = )

  6. very insightful and true...male walruses DO look like the guy from american are more interested in the darn ducks than the lemurs, and YES YES YES those monkey need pants!!lol!

  7. What a great Zoo. I love Family time when everyone gets to go, Dad too!!

  8. awesome pictures!!!!!!
    and boy does that monkey ever need some pants!!!!!
    have a great weekend!!!!

  9. Great post...I love it!
    The first one is my favorite...It made me glad to know that there are creatures in the world with a larger butt than mine!

  10. lol, monkeys do need pants!! we LOVE the indy zoo and have been there many times! did you go to the dolphin show?

    we seem to always end up at the zoo when it is mating time!! giraffes in hot pursuit, turtles, donkeys, you name it!! ewwww!!

    noelle :)

  11. Enjoy that zoo time because my kids still talk about the times we went - we had yearly passes and went when they were bored. Just hopped in the car and looked at some baboons in need of some pants. Or some stinky elephants. Or whatever. And we had a bumper sticker that said "We Belong in the Zoo!!" They loved it.

  12. It does seem like all of the animals are a bit lazy doesn't it? We just went to the Milwaukee Zoo over the weekend and most of the animals were just kinda laying there. I LOVE the giraffes though!!!

  13. That was cute...I enjoyed that post! Thanks for the laugh! Happy weekend! :) Stop over for a visit!!

  14. Love the pics!

    Rhino butts are slightly bigger than mine.
    LMAO, yeah, those rhinos also outdo me in the booty contest

    Stopping by from SITs

  15. Love the pics!

    Rhino butts are slightly bigger than mine.
    LMAO, yeah, those rhinos also outdo me in the booty contest

    Stopping by from SITs

  16. great take on the zoo trip photos...very cute and funny!

  17. Visiting from SITS. This looks like a terrific zoo! Great photos!

    Love the backpacks above too!

  18. All good things to know. And the baboon...ewww!

  19. Elephants and giraffes are my favourite too!

    I soooooo have an xrated pic of a baboon to show you.

    Are you on Facebook???

  20. SOOOO funny!
    I love the Rhino one!

  21. Awww...great recap! :)

  22. What great pics of Daddy with the yungins! (animals AND humans)
