
Monday, August 3, 2009

The Obligatory Vacation Post

We had a great time at the dairy farm! If you are within driving distance to Chicago and have little ones, I highly recommend it!

Despite not being able to have any contact with the actual cows on the farm, there was plenty for the kids to do. Cole didn't even complain about not being able to get in the cattle barns and work!

The milking wheel was so cool. The cattle were so calm and loved the ride. Some of them even try to sneak a second ride on the wheel!

And look at that holding pen! A sea of black and white with one lone brown cow. Chocolate milk, perhaps?

But the highlight of the trip for me was the birthing barn. We were able to see 2 calves born. My husband has seen this before, been right up in there, but it was a first for me. It was awesome to watch. The cows were so calm. They simply laid in the straw, chewed on their cud, and quietly delivered their 70 and 90 pound calves. I'll spare you the gory shots, but here are just a few of the awesome experience.

This calf had JUST come out and was already trying to stand and nurse. Unfortunately, it kept going for the knee cap.

This little guy was mesmerized.

They even have a nursery! Is that not the cutest thing ever?

After our trip, we headed to the hotel where there was lots of swimming and bed jumping.

And eventually, there was some sleeping, albeit with kids sleeping horizontally with feet all up in our business.

The end. That wasn't too painful, was it?


  1. Nope... not too painful at all ;)

  2. I love that they show you the birthing. How neat for the kids!

    And what vacation wouldn't be complete without bed jumping and swimming!

    Very FUN!

  3. That looks like you had a great time. I agree with the comment above. It's wonderful that you guys got to see the cows give birth. I grew up on a farm and raised livestock. I am a firm believer that it adds something to one's character to see something being born. I think it gives children a different kind of understanding and appreciation for life and death.

  4. I wondered when you guys were going. Looks like you all had a fabulous time. And that picture of your little miss - jumping - she is so freakin' photogenic!

  5. That looks cool! I saw a pig being born at the Wisconsin State Fair and that was pretty neat too - not the part where the woman put her WHOLE ARM up the pig - but the piglet actually coming out!

  6. Not painful at all! Looks like so much fun!
    Very cool seeing the calf born!

  7. What is a milking wheel? I would have love to have seen a baby cow born! aww so sweet!

  8. A merry go round for Cows?!? My life is complete, thank you for this. Thanks also for the kiddos pictures, so adorable. Love the babycow crib. So cute!

  9. Never thought I'd say these words, but cow birthing looks amazing! ;) Glad you had a great vacay!

  10. awesome pictures!!!!!!!
    we love jumping on the beds at the hotel!!!!
    glad your vacation was a hit!!!!!

  11. LOL... I must agree with the horizontal sleeping.

    Cute pics though!

  12. was adorable...and I can't believe how much I missed your kids! The dairy farm looks like it was a blast!

  13. How fun! Glad you had a great vacation, horizontally sleeping kids and all.

  14. Great pics and a very cool it for real?!! I guess it is a good idea for making extra money since farmers aren't well paid!!! hehehe! I am going to send the website of the farm to my cousins in Northern Ireland. They run a dairy farm and would be fascinated by this farm! I know my cousin is fascinated by some big dairy farm in North Dakota. Apparently an Irish guys immigrated there and started this huge dairy farm!!! Thanks for posting these pics!

  15. the boys would l-o-v-e that train! it is so awesome that you were able to see the birth of a calf. Love it!

  16. I would love to take the daycare kiddos to someplace like that. The pic are awesome. And as a matter of fact, I would to visit some place like that myself. But the kiddos would love it.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me some comment love.

  17. what a fun trip!! i bet the kids loved all the cow adventures!! you are such a cute family!!

  18. It's me again. Thank you so much for telling me how to get that Queen award on my post. I can't believe how simple it was. So, in honor of your helpfulness I added you on our list of Awe-Summm bloggers (even though there's only supposed to be seven). What's going to happen, the blog award police going to arrest me? Thanks again.

  19. Wow, that looked like tons of fun! Thanks for sharing.....will have to keep that place in mind........

  20. Stopping by from SITS. Looks like you and your fam had lots of fun!

  21. very interesting - some of that my kids would totally adore!!

  22. Looks like you had a fun time!

    Tania (via SITS)

  23. I can't imagine how cool the birthing room would be!!

  24. This really looks like a cool place! Very interesting!

  25. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun!

    My parents use to have a cow pasture in the back of their home until a Coca Cola plant was built. It was fun growing up watching the cows graze.
