
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Reason #59 Why I Love Blogging


I poured my heart out. Shed a few tears. Shared my concerns.

And you listened. To a sappy mom. Worrying about sending her son to kindergarten. Which, in the big scheme of things, is such a minor concern. I get that. But it was my concern today.

But more than that you shared your experiences, sympathized with me, and offered words of encouragement.

You helped make a sad-mommy day a little brighter.

On a normal day, the 30 sweaty and smelly 11 year olds sitting in front of me are more than enough to keep my mind occupied. I typically don't have time to worry and wonder about what my own kids are doing.

But today, I wondered. I stopped. I looked at the clock. I desperately wanted to call someone just to find out how he was doing. Was he crying in a corner somewhere? Was he getting mad and stomping? Did he spill his lunch all over his shirt? Was he locked in a bathroom stall, unable to button his pants?

There were all questions I needed answered.

But then I read your comments during lunch. And on my way home. And I felt better. And I am so thankful for those comments. And for you.

And, as most of you assured me, Cole had a good day. Better than good, actually. When I picked him up after school today, he literally jumped up and down screaming, "IT WAS GREAT!" He grabbed Claire in a big hug as she ran on the sidewalk towards her big brother. He told me all about his day. "We got to watch Clifford! I got chocolate milk and sat in the cafeteria! WE HAD TWO RECESSES! I loved it!"

Behind my sunglasses, new tears were shed. Tears of joy. I knew, then, that this was going to be okay.


  1. I'm going to be the worried one next week... my little guy starts kindergarten too!! I know they'll be ok, but it's so hard to face the fact that they no longer NEED us! It's bitter sweet!

  2. My little man is in 2nd grade this year, and even through all 95 junior high kids I have to worry about over the course of a day...I find myself worrying that he is sad, scared, confuse, frustrated, and many other things that mommies imagine. I also relate to the tears of joy you shed too. Isn't it amazing how these precious children we were blessed with can bring us to tears without even trying or knowing they are doing so? Motherhood is indeed amazing and such a sweet and wonderful blessing! Glad your little man loved it!

  3. My son is 22 and married now, but I will NEVER forget sending him off to school. Sadness, for sure!
    I had my son wear elastic waisted pants (they were really cute) so that if he had to go to the bathroom, there would be no problems. He also wore velcro shoes, just to make that easier for him too.
    I am sure your son will continue to have really good days at school. Who wouldn't like 2 recesses? :)

  4. I am so glad he had a great day and that you made it through fairly well.

  5. Awww...I am so glad that he had a great day. And that you survived. And made it to joy!

    And about those smelly 11 year olds...any idea as to why I have to remind Katie to put it on? Every day??

  6. I'm not sure it is possible to ever stop worrying. I'm glad that he had such a great first day. I hope you did as well.
    What a cutie he is!

  7. I'm so happy he had a great first day!

    It's funny but this isn't the fist place I've read about a thrilled little one exclaim over the TWO recesses. Apparently that's a real selling point! So cute.

  8. Let me remind you how things went down in the land of Sassy this time last year. New city, new school, putting my babes on the bus for the first time, ever. All ended up with me in tears in the corner, curled up in the fetal position. Luckily, it passes least until the next year.

    I knew he'd love it!

  9. What awesome pictures! Hold onto those big sunglasses! They will come in handy at kindergarten graduation.

  10. Aww! He's adorable, and I'm so glad his first day went great!

  11. I am crying.....I am so glad he had a great day!!

    My mom always tells me that we did a good job & raised a very well adjusted kid when they can go off and have a great time without us!! However, I still will be crying next Monday. I didn't have much trouble sending my kids to daycare because I had a lot of control over it. But public school--very tough for me and I teach in the system!!

    Glad you are crying tears of joy!!

  12. My baby boy started middle school today. I'd love to say it gets easier, but I'd be lying. I watched that clock today and ran through his schedule in my mind several times. I didn't cry like I did when he went to kindergarten, but I still missed him somethin awful.

    To his credit, he gave me a big hug and told me all about his day and made me feel all better again...just like he did in kindergarten.

  13. Okay, I can't handle crying 2 days in a row! My contacts can't take this abuse!
    Seriously...glad he loved it. Cracking up at the boots. It was dark!
    And am I supposed to be teaching Noah to button pants? His slide right down, so we don't even bother with buttons. Looks like we've got some work to do in the next year, including wiping oneself, which he promises to do when he turns 5. Sigh.

  14. I'm so glad he had a wonderful first day!

  15. I am so glad he loved it and you made it through the day!

    Mine start Kindergarten too. Even though he is #3, it doesn't make it any easier!
    #1 10th grade
    #2 8th grade
    #3 Kindergarten
    #4 Preschool

    So crazy!

  16. My little grandson started 2nd grade yesterday, and he was worried too. Which made wundermama worried. But he loved it too...even had homework! Oh, how it hurts to see them grow...

  17. I have tears of laughter in my eyes! Each year is the same, just wait until they hit 3rd and don't want to kiss you in front of their friends- I did manage to get one behind the safety of the wall of the garage from view of his friends today though- sweet progress! LOL! I'm glad he had a great day, bittersweet huh?

  18. OK you're making me cry. I too took my son to kindergarten Monday. I worried about the same things as you. Could he button his pants, could he find the bathroom, would he drop his tray with his lunch? He loves school but I'm still dealing with dropping him off in the mornings. I wanted to cry yesterday when I dropped him off and he just stood there by himself not knowing where to go. He doesn't want me to walk him to class and seeing him standing there broke my heart. He told me after school that he DID get lost going to his class but he turned around and went and asked a teacher. She sent another kid with him to show him the way. I wanna ball my eyes out right now thinking of that but he's so independant. He can do it but I sure wish he would let me help him. I don't know if I can handle my heart breaking everyday. LOL Glad your little guy had a great day at school.

  19. I'm so glad he had a good day. It is SO WEIRD to have your kid out there and really have no idea what they are doing and how they are doing. I hope he has a SUPER great year!! And that you do too!!!

  20. Yippee to your beautiful and smart son and to his beautiful and smart Momma on surviving the first day of school!! He looks so cute in his pic, I can't stand it.

  21. Ahhhhhhh.... I can't take it!! I'm crying now just thinking about Monday! So I guess you didn't figure out a way to stop it from coming. Dang it!!

    I guess I'll make it, just like you did. :(

  22. I am glad he had a great day!! Very cute first day of school pictures.

  23. AWWW you made me tear! I'm glad he had a magnificent first day and I'm glad you found some comfort in your comments! :)

  24. Kindergarten made me a little weepy. Tomorrow, she starts the First Grade. And I couldn't be more excited for her!

  25. that is great!!!!!!! LOVE all of the pictures of him.....what a little sweetie.....there will be no stopping him now!!!!!!
    enjoy they grow up way to fast!!!!!!

  26. Ok, you are going to think I'm a loon, but aside from everything else that is going on lately, I cried all day on the first day of school. Many reasons, but I think it was just because they were gone. This post made me tearful and smile. It's always harder for us than them, right? Way to survive it Momma!

  27. I had to laugh a little at being locked in the bathroom stall unable to button pants, because that is exactly what happened to my son. we wore elastic waistbands for the rest of the year!

    Glad you both made it through the day.

  28. Last week was my son's first week at school and this year I am not there. I have been teaching at the same school he has been attending since kindergarten. So it has always been a small comfort to us both (I think) knowing that we are both there. Now this year I'm not there and I was so nervous for him and it felt so weird walking him to school and then leaving. BUT, we made it through the week and I think we are going to be okay too. Glad your son had a great first day.

  29. Wait until you cry because he starts his senior year. I've already had those tears and she had a fabulous day - but they treat our seniors like princes and princesses. When she buzzed down the street, on her way to not one, but two breakfasts that morning, I couldn't help but look at her baby picture and just shake my head. It's gone by SO fast. And just this week, we applied to Alabama. (Yes, I'm puzzled, but SEC is SEC:) He's so fine, you just can't understand it!!

  30. Yay, congratulations Cole!!

    It is unnerving, isn't it? Sending them off into the world. Ack! I'm glad to hear he had such a wonderful day.

  31. This is awesome. Glad your boy made a smooth transition. So many people just look at me blankly when I say I have a blog; they just don't get it. It's like the best-kept secret, isn't it? :) Commenters rock.
