
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Good Intentions

We have an apple tree. Every summer it is completely full of small, green apples. You can barely see the tree for the apples.

Every year, I think to myself, "Self, we are going to do something with those apples this summer."

This year was no exception. The kids and I grabbed bowls, buckets, and wagons and started picking apples.

(And just so you know, I don't usually dress the kids in the same shirts. This was the last day of VBS.)

We picked gobs of small, knobby apples.

I had visions of apple pies, apple crisp, apple tarts, and applesauce.

And yet, three weeks later, what have I made?

Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

The apples still sit. Some in the house refrigerator. Some in the garage refrigerator. And even though I am still holding on to the fantasy of actually using them, I know they will soon end up tossed out into the field to rot.

I wish someone would just peel, cook, and prepare those delicious apple treats for me.

I think I need a farm wife.


  1. I say this every year also. After 15 years in this house I still have not done a thing with these apples:)

  2. I did the same thing but with pine cones. I picked up the prettiest ones and planned to make Christmas wreaths out of them. A year later I finally threw them in the trash.

  3. My husband has visions of me actually doing something with all the fruit he picks and brings into the house. The only ones I do anything with are the blueberries. Toss them in a bag and stick in the freezer.

  4. You MUST make apple dumplings!! SO easy and SO delicious!! You can get the recipe from my cooking blog or from PW.

  5. I feel for ya man...intentions are always way more ambitious than I am. (I'm not sure if that made sense or not)

  6. Applesauce. Quarter, boil down, run through sieve; sweeten to taste. Voila! Eat and enjoy.

  7. Don't burst my bubble! We are still waiting on the apple tree to grow up big enough to make enough apples to bake applesauce and a pie one day (per my childhood memories and my dream I wish to unfold)

    Sigh...I'm sure I will do the same thing, LOL!

  8. Yup. Have 4 apple trees. They are too small to produce much other than numerous deer to chew on the bark. I'll be getting mine from a neighbor soon. I'm planning on pies. If you find some good recipes pass them along. Stay cool this weekend!

  9. Well your still one step ahead of me - I don't even have the idea to do that kind of stuff! I'm so not a suzy homemaker type!

    Zilla would love those things though cause he could hold them easy to eat them!

  10. Apple dumplings are the best! We also make lots of applesauce. The kids love it!

  11. We used to have apples and we used to have pears. I did the same thing. My SIL came to visit and collected all she wanted and traveled half way across the country back to her house and used them.

    Good for her.

  12. You gotta use your apples!! Once you get going it won't take you long!! Come say hi. :)

  13. I just hate the peeling. If someone would peel and core them for me, I'd be all about baking with apples. It makes the house smell divine.

    Stopping by from SITS
