
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Two Thousand Ten, 2010, Twenty-Ten

No matter how you say it, 2010 was a pretty great year.

January: It started snowing.

February: It kept snowing...putting the end of the school year much too far into June for this teacher's liking.

March: We celebrated the end of the snow and spring break.

April: Perfect weather for Easter.

May: I went on a field trip as a chaperone, instead of the teacher!

June: Summer finally began! And the husband and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary with a kid-free, two-night, all-expense paid trip to Chicago.

July: T-ball ended. We spent plenty of time outside enjoying the hot, dry weather. We ate way too many fried things on a stick at the state fair.

August: We savored every last moment of summer vacation. Then school officially started. My 12th year of teaching. Cole started first grade. Little Miss started preschool, 3 mornings a week.

September: I became an aunt! Little Miss turned 5 with a party at the local gymnastic center.

October: Cole turned 7. We had 58 boys here to celebrate. (Okay, it might not have been 58. But it felt like 58.) We trick-or-treated.

November: My BFF moved away. *sniff*

December: We used our only 2 built-in snow days. We had a wonderful Christmas. We started playing Wii...and can't stop!

Happy New Year's everyone! May 2011 be even better than 2010!


  1. What a great year ya'll had. Well...except for Debbie moving away. I wonder if I could eke out the time to do a post like this? I probably could-and catch everyone up on my doings for the year. But then I might be gone again for another year...

  2. It looks like you had a fabulous year! Hopefully this year will be even better!

    Happy New Year!

  3. Your kids look soooo happy! Happy 2011 may it bring even more happiness.

  4. What a great year! Best wishes for 2011.

  5. Love this post! Miss you! But do not miss your snow.
    Rainy and 60 degrees BFF

  6. Looks like a wonderful year. hopefully next year you'll have a pic of when you visit your BFF and we all get to meet you!!!!

  7. Loved your Year in Pictures :) Happy 2011!

  8. I love these "year in photos" review posts!

    And looking at the fair pics makes me wonder how on earth one goes about deep frying Pepsi...

  9. What a fun year! I became an aunt in October-- isn't it the best ever! I always wish for snow days (TX has none) but then in May I'm glad we didn't have any. I totally understand :)
