
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back at it

I went back to work today.

I missed many things like...

my Kindle Fire.

Facebook and Pinterest.

staying in my pajamas.

sleeping in past 5 a.m.

going anywhere I wanted, when I wanted.

playing games with the kids.

not thinking about lesson plans.


What I didn't miss was seeing students today. I had the entire day to work in my classroom without the 30 distractions.

Tomorrow? Will be a different story.

But I keep reminding myself...the sooner we get back at it, the sooner the year will be over.

I hope.


  1. Spring break is just around the corner.

  2. Hi, my name is Heather! Please email me when you can, I have a question about your blog!


  3. Oh my gosh I can't believe I saw your comment today! I was just thinking about you last week when a friend told me she was planning a John Deere nursery for her first son! I loved the idea and have been wracking my brains for an idea of what to give her.
    Keep plugging away and summer break will be here before you know it. That picture of the stitches is like the story of my life, I hope your little guy is feeling better.

