
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Five Years

I started this blog exactly five years ago, on January 1, 2008.  My kids were 4 and 2.  WAHHH!  Babies!  They were just babies! 

In the last five years, I've posted 575 times.  I've made new friends and followers.  I've hosted blog giveaways and done book reviews.  I've posted countless pictures of my kids and of life on the farm.  My kids are now 9 and 7 and have gone from these very first pictures I ever posted

to this.

Le sigh.

Time?  It doesn't stand still.  It marches on, faster and faster with each passing year.  The days may drag on forever...but the years?  They fly by. 

I haven't been posting very regularly lately.  And the time I spend visiting my favorite blogs?  Nonexistent. 

But I want that to change.  I never make New Year's Resolutions.  Well, except this one that I do every year.

But this year, I'm getting back to this blog.  I want to post at least once a week.  And I want to get out there and visit you, my fellow blogger friends.  I've neglected you for too long.

And that changes right now.  Happy New Year!