
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Five Years

I started this blog exactly five years ago, on January 1, 2008.  My kids were 4 and 2.  WAHHH!  Babies!  They were just babies! 

In the last five years, I've posted 575 times.  I've made new friends and followers.  I've hosted blog giveaways and done book reviews.  I've posted countless pictures of my kids and of life on the farm.  My kids are now 9 and 7 and have gone from these very first pictures I ever posted

to this.

Le sigh.

Time?  It doesn't stand still.  It marches on, faster and faster with each passing year.  The days may drag on forever...but the years?  They fly by. 

I haven't been posting very regularly lately.  And the time I spend visiting my favorite blogs?  Nonexistent. 

But I want that to change.  I never make New Year's Resolutions.  Well, except this one that I do every year.

But this year, I'm getting back to this blog.  I want to post at least once a week.  And I want to get out there and visit you, my fellow blogger friends.  I've neglected you for too long.

And that changes right now.  Happy New Year!


  1. I wish you would post weekly! Then again, I wish I would post weekly!

  2. I've missed your posts. I haven't done well blogging either at all for over a year and I'm sad that I haven't written down all that we've done and stuff like that... I'm going to try posting regularly on my weight loss blog and hopefully I'll lose some of this "baby weight" along the way... (the "baby" is only in 2nd grade and is 7 1/2 years old...)It's WAY past time to lose the lbs.!!! Anyway, SOOOO glad you are back to blogging! :-)

  3. I found your blog on Mrs. 4444's blog. I'm a regular FF post player and her blog is a favorite of mine. I didn't look back at your past posts but have you ever tried the Friday Fragment post? Just once a week.
    Actually I don't suspect I'll hear from you since you have not posted since the first of the year. Blogging takes time maybe too much. I find it amazing that moms blog as much as they do. Just wondering if you happen to read this - do you think facebook and twitter ruined it for bloggers?

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