I love coffee. I can't live without it. I must have a cup first thing in the morning. The bigger the cup, the better.

I like regular coffee with cream. Starbucks is an occasional treat. I get my daily coffee on the way to school each morning. On the weekends, I use Folger's singles.
Because I cannot make a pot of coffee.
This is where you come in.
I need help, people. Every pot of coffee I make smells and tastes like plastic. I have purchased and tried several different coffee pots/makers with the same results. I have tried different brands of coffee...still plastic-y.
I bought yet another new coffee pot this week after having given up the notion of actually being able to make coffee. But I SO want a big, delicious pot of coffee on the weekends, without having to make every.single.cup. I thought maybe this time would be different.
It wasn't.
Am I rushing it? Do I need to make several pots of coffee to rid the maker of the plastic taste? Is it my water? Have I not found the magic non-plastic brand of coffee? Should I try bottled water?
Have you had similar issues? Do you know that smell? That taste?
What do I do?!
We had to give up on the regular coffee pots because our water is so hard it kills them in a matter of months. We actually have a Tassimo one cup maker (filters the water before it hits the machine). They have Starbucks pods to use and YUMMY!. I know you want a regular pot - sorry this is the only suggestion I have.
I always, always run a mixture of vinegar and water through ours several times before I even brew the first batch of coffee. Don't know if this will help.
Mr Coffee.
Costco beans.
Mocha Mix.
1/2 a Sweet-N-Low.
Mmmmm, perfect : )
If you've tried different coffee pots and coffee brands but are still getting the same results you need to look at the one thing that IS the same and thats your water. More than likely you have hard water so try it out with a jug of drinking water and try it out. What kind of filters are you using? I notice a change in my coffee if I use the non-bleached and bleached ones - I like the white bleached ones.
I hope you figure it out because I know I couldn't live without my coffee. We have a Mr Coffee coffee maker that has the brew delay and auto shut off and I LOVE it - coffees done when I wake up and shuts off on it's own after two hours! Good luck!
I use a fresh press. Thats the only way I drink coffee. Bottle water and fresh press. I recently got a electric water pot to heat the water for me quickly. It is the only way to go!! Good Luck!
Bottled or filtered water is a must! I have a cheapy espresso maker made by Capresso...we used to have an expensive one...it died and my hubby never fixed it so I told him to buy me a cheapy! I make myself a cappuccino every morning! I only use water from the fridge filtration system or bottled-I love steamed and foamed milk in my coffee- good luck!
hmmmm... Never had that problem BUT I now use the singles. During my 1st trimester (and before) the Captain and I put away our pot for good. Now that I am in the second trimester, I allow myself one cup (used to be a pot) a day. It's the only way I can CONTROL MYSELF!!!
I can't make a pot of coffee to save my life! My family all drinks coffee...my answer. A Kureig one cup coffee/tea maker! They ROCK!
These are great tips. I will speak up for your doctor, who I'm pretty sure doesn't read your blog, and tell you to CUT BACK!
LMAO! You know I had to. If I understood the mad love at all, I wouldn't have. But I don't. So there.
most pots have a flavor selector...you know, how strong you want your coffee...maybe that's the problem. Try changing that.
Otherwise, I havent got a clue...never had that happen, and I've had several pots and brands of coffee.
Good luck, keep us posted.
I can't really help you with your coffee pot, but I can suggest getting a Keurig. My mom got one for Christmas that will also brew your regular coffee so you aren't forced to always buy the individual cups.
Just my two cents :)
I am so not helpful cause I don't drink coffee at all. My mom does. She likes one cup a day. Then we have to throw out the rest of the pot. Not that it's expensive...but maybe a Keurig would be good...with the bottled water.
Feeling for you. I would go crazy without my joe. My kids know to not even talk to me until I've had my first cup!
I know it is hard to find the right combination of perfect ingredients for the perfect cup of coffee. The only place we enjoy coffee is Casey's or home. We use a Mr. Coffee machine with an extra filter disk. We only use unbleached paper filters-natural. I can't stand that underlying bleach/chlorine taste. I don't like bitter coffee so I avoid flavored coffee. I don't like sweet coffee so I avoid sugar and any other sweeteners. I do like cream. In fact, I require it. And I like Great Value Extra Rich creamer. We only use Great Value 100% arabica coffee and one scoop per pot. Our coffee maker has a setting on it for making different strengths for those who like it stronger. Personally, I don't see how you can drink those Folgers singles! Good luck...Keep trying. Don't give up after one pot. Give the machine a chance to get broke in. We hate it when our pot croaks cuz we have to break in a new one. You do get used to what your pot puts out. Here's to GOOD coffee at home!:}
I just got a Keurig! It is AWESOME! I only make one cup at a time, so it is perfect!
I have an award for you at my place!! Come on by when you get a minute!
The problem is you're making it yourself. For some unknown reason, coffee made by anyone else always tastes better. That's why Starbucks is so successful. :D
Sorry, don't have any real advice but I hope you get it worked out soon!
That picture made me laugh!!!! I don't drink coffee but it sure was funny!
I am new to your blog and am now following. Pop on by to my bloggy blog and follow back if you would like. It is very nice to "meet" you and I look forward to following your blog!
I just blogged about the same problem last week. I CANNOT make a pot of coffee to save my life. I'm thinking of running the vinegar/water mix through my machine and then using bottled water. Maybe the water is my problem.
My hubby makes ours I'd be hard pressed to make a pot. Forgot how.
I have regular coffee maker from Wal-mart at home (mr. coffee? maybe). Nothing fancy. I use the unbleached coffee filters. I do the vinegar, water clean out on it prior to using...run a lot of water through it. Other than that, it's filtered water from the fridge door and Dunkin' Donuts ground coffee. How much coffee are you using for 8 cups? I have some big ole soup spoons at home so I use four of those for 8-10 cups....or 8 smaller regular spoons...kinda eyeball it now.
I have one word for you: Kuerig. You will never regret it!
Coffee is 98% water! The above recommendations on fixing that is sufficient. Our Cuisinart has a waters filter in it...just needs to be changed regularly.
If you use the vinegar and water, make sure to run a couple of pots of just water through it afterwards or your coffee will taste like vinegar! LOL
First of all I want to say I found your blog through SITS which I just joined. The title caught my eye as we are John Deere fans and live in the country. My hubby would maybe even read your blog. You know, since it has John Deere in the title. Anyway, to answer your question, you should definitely run white vinegar through your coffee pot. Then don't wash it but just rinse it out the first few pots. I don't know why but this works. My mom has always done this. We also do this with the pan we make our tea in and our tea container. I only wash it with soap every 4 or 5 times it is refilled. Then it takes 2 times before it is right again. I don't know why. Weird I guess. I loved looking around your blog and can't wait to read more!
I , the coffee conasseur ( excuse my poor spelling..it's late!), am hear for you. Like many others, I suspect it is your water. Try a pot with bottled or filtered water. I should also send you our fav Canadian coffee, Tim Hortons, because no doubt you will love the results!! If you can get your hands on a Bodum ( or French Press as it may be called ) and use bottle water as well. Here's h oping you can get your morning brew and actually enjoy it!
I don't make coffee, at all. Doug likes it, though. He uses filtered water when he makes it. I guess it works. I dunno.
Like others have said - KEURIG! Worth every dime with each sip you take.
I use way more grounds than others so I drink pretty strong stuff with no indication of even using water for my coffee.
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