
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

(Almost!) Wordless Wednesday

*Please excuse the blahness of the picture quality. Picnik and Old School Dell do not get along well.*

After this...

this was a welcome sight.

I do NOT dress this child. She can do it, "all myself."


  1. What a cute picture of your daughter!

    And can you send some of that water down South? It is hot as blazes here.

  2. beautiful pics - all our flowers are dieing b/c of the heat!

  3. Great pics. My son used to say "I can do it, I can do it, I can do it" always three times, like a mantra. Too funny.

  4. Now that is some flooding! Love the other pics too!

  5. Sorry about the flooding out there. Sheesh!

    But let me say that I love how you seem to stop and appreciate the little things. I love that. Love your pictures and could your kiddos be ANY cuter!

  6. Wasn't that rain something! What a mess it is here in the midwest. I am thankful I will have two days to work on our new butterfly garden. Love your flower pics!

  7. Wow! Haven't seen flooding like that since I lived in South Tx. My grandfather would call and say, "ya'll don't need to be going over any low crossings cause the river is comin down" And we, like the fools we are, would say "okay!" and then rush to load up and watch the water flow over the road. Ahhh...the simple pleasures! Your two are so blasted cute! Little miss had on her spring colors!

  8. I don't think we have had rain for three weeks. We need some rain. Not some of that house falling in the river; the lake is gone rain...just some rain to quench my burned and parched yard. Please.

  9. Thank God for sunshine! woohoo! And my daughter has the same fashion sense at age 4.

  10. Glad you got a clear sky after a major deluge of rain.

    GREAT flower pictures.

    Love the outfit she dressed herself in. lol Quite the little trendsetter. hehe

  11. Those little munchkins are precious!
    Do they not flush the toilets there? Geesh that's alot of water!

  12. Holy Cow! That is some water!
    Beautiful pink flowers. I have one that dresses herself.... very similar outfits.

  13. That's alot of water!! UGH...I can't imagine the mosquitos.

    Your babies look precious as always!

  14. I hope things even out soon, you have too much water, others are dying of heat and we are stuck in March weather. What a crazy year - global warming my $#&$%!

  15. Lindsay-We would gladly send water down south. The town I teach in is flooded like crazy. FEMA is in town...the hospital is closed. It's crazy!

    SippyCups-My flowers are doing surprisingly well. Hope you get relief soon!

    Kimmyj-Kids! They are so stubborn.

    Scargosun-Thanks! Luckily the water receeded quicky, although we did lost quite a bit of corn.

    Sunshine-Thanks! It's much easier to stop and appreciate the little things when I am not working. You'll meet scary working John Deere Mom in August...

    Blarney-I know...tornadoes,'s been crazy. Hope you are safe and dry!

    Deanna-Thanks! I don't know what she was thinking with that outfit...but I have learned to choose my battles with her.

    Kat-You can have as much of our rain as you want. We can't handle anymore!

    Merrie-I can't believe how opinionated kids are at such a young age. I thought I had until 10, 11 to worry about clothing issues!


    Rhea-Thanks! I love that pink flower. I bought 2 of them and don't even know what they're called!

    Okay..this personal comment response is getting longer than I thought! LOL

    BB&B-It's funny you mention the toilets. You should see my 2 munchkins with an automatic toilet. They try to pull up their pants and cover their ears at the same time. It's so funyn!

    Juliana-Thanks! You've got some cuties yourself!

    Carrie, Heather, Christie-Gracias!

    The Queen-I agree! The weather is absolutely crazy! I am off to check out your blog now!

  16. What a great series of pictures. That first one really hits home though. Could you send those clear skies my way?

  17. I can't believe that water!! I hope you guys are drying out quick!

    And your daughter is scrumptious. I just want to bite her.

  18. thank you for the offer to send the john deere fruit snacks...but, i forgot my parents are heading to PA on Monday for a week at a senior's camp so they will pick them up for me at Walmart in Scranton! i'm so glad you wrote about them because i know my cousins will LOVE them!!! love your pics from today! i LOVE daisies!

  19. Yeah, that water sure looks familiar. Its either flooding or a heat wave here in MO.

    Your kids are so darn cute...I could your little girl up. I do dread the day my son wants to dress himself....he's like mommies little doll now and I can dress him up anyway I want. Ok, that sounded kind of weird...basically, I just want him to match.

    Thanks for putting that picnik link on your blog...I need to check that out!!!

  20. Those cheeks of your daughter are so cute, I just want to run up to her and pinch them. I love that she is so creative and expressive in her dress. My two year old is already doing that to me too. Ugh!

  21. What beautiful pictures and what beautiful children!

    :) Sharon
