
Tuesday, June 10, 2008


My obsession (one of many) is purses...and oh, by the way, the wallets must match. I haven't always been this crazy. My BFF from middle school and beyond has always needed her wallet to match and it rubbed off on me. Once you start, it's impossible to stop. Now when I get a new purse, it's like a little adventure for me to find the matching wallet. There are times I wish purse designers would ALWAYS produce a matching wallet, but then there are times that I like the thrill of the hunt. OMG. That sounded completely ridiculous. But it's true. Here are some of my everyday purses and their matching wallet buddies. (Come on, Old School Dell. Don't let me down! You can do it, little buddy!)
Old School Dell came through. Mind you, while the pictures were loading I unloaded and loaded the dishwaseter, cleaned the kitchen, did a load of laundry, and emptied all the trash cans. Where is that dang blasted Fed Ex box?!!!!?!?!??!
This purse has been with me through ups and downs. It doubled as a diaper bag in my early mommy days (and it has the milk stains to prove it.) I love how wide this bag is, without being too deep. I also love the light purple fabric on the inside. You'll have to take my word for it. I am NOT loading anymore pics.
This is most definitely the largest bag I have (a gift from my sister.) I love the soft leather and HAD to find a soft red leather wallet. It was a difficult find, but finally one day in JCPenney, I found its match.
This is a simple straw tote that I carry on occasion in the summer. The wallet isn't the best match I have made, but it is REALLY difficult to match a straw bag. I do love the inside of the bag, though. It has a funky plaid design. Maybe I should find a wallet to match the inside. Hmmm. Must go shopping.
This was one of my most exciting wallet finds to date. I received the purse for Christmas. I love it. It is a great size and shape and holds my cell phone so nicely in the front pocket. I had been using a plain black wallet with it. Then one day, while browsing my local Goodwill, I found the EXACT wallet. Oh my. I was even carrying this purse at the time. It was a very good day for John Deere Mom.
I haven't carried this guy in awhile. I used to carry all large bags and totes, which is when I got this one. Lately I've been carrying medium/small bags. However, I do love the feel of it. It is a very soft leather, as is its matching wallet friend. Even black bags need their own wallets. It needs to be the same look and feel as the purse.

This is one of my favorite purse/wallet combos. The inside of the purse and wallet even match! They are both a light tan. I was giddy when I found this wallet. It matches ever so perfectly despite being a different brand.

My sister got this purse/wallet combo for me. It was a tough adjustment at first due to the size of the wallet. I am typically a checkbook wallet kind of gal. Despite her best efforts, this little wallet was the best she could find. And you know what? I am learning to love it. I have a brown checkbook cover that I use when I carry this purse in the fall. It is one of my smallest purses but holds everything I need.

My green wallet has been multi-tasking ever since I got my Kate Spade knock-off. It is the perfect shade of green so it has been working overtime. I am currently carrying the green bag. It's a good spring purse.

These poor, neglected purses have never seen the light of the day. Why? Despite my best attempts, I have not found matching wallets for them and therefore have never carried them. :(

And there you have it. A little glimpse into my purse obsession. Now, get thee to the nearest department store and find matching wallets for these three purses! Please.

Oh, and one more thing. When Slimlime HP is up and running again, I am going to celebrate with a little giveaway. And the prize MIGHT just be in this post. Oooh, I love a mystery, don't you?


  1. Can't wait for slimline HP to show up at your doorstep! I've checked the blog a zillion times since yesterday in anticipation of your next post. I've even neglected my own blog (GASP) in efforts to see what you came up with next! Those are some really cute purses! I have my standby that I've been carrying over 4 years - small, simple, leather, with a little turquoise beaded cross. I love it. My wallet doesn't match though, and it would be soooo cool to have one that matched it. I now have a new pursuit! Thank you!

  2. Now you are just mocking me after my purse and jewlry post yesterday :-) But I was quite relieved to get back into your good graces because I spend the big bucks on my non-matching purse and wallet.

    I just do the one purse. And when it dies, I mourn. I have a hard time making a change to a new purse. And I am thinking that I am much too lazy to change out purses and wallets. I don't even empty the receipts and other important things out of the one I have...

  3. OMG! You have put that Imelda chick with her shoes to shame! You might need to talk to someone about that though - that's a lot of purses. I think I have 2 - not big on the purses though. The one I have been carrying lately (definitely more of a tote) is HUGE - big enough that I can keep all my usuals (wallet, checkbook, makeup, cellphone) and my breakfast and lunch. Yeah, its that big

  4. I LOVE the wallet-matching obsession! You are so funny. I'm impressed with how well they match.

    I am a big tote purse kind of gal so that I can fit notebooks and novels in my purse...and little cars, Nintendo DSes, and markers and various other kid stuff.

    Can't wait til you get the new computer! A giveaway sounds like fun.

  5. SO funny~
    Gawd, I hope this doesn't pass on to me after mearly reading.....
    I have the perfect sized hideous green wallet that I can easily find in the worst purse situations.
    Through dark of night or dropped Happy Meal that covers the inside of my bag with french fries and dipping sauce, that green wallet beams through!

    I have NO style, but I can always find a bankcard :)

  6. Rub off, indeed! I bought ONE matching set, and what did I get for my birthday but another (almost) matching set. You've not only rubbed off on me, but you rubbed on Shawn as well. Not in that way, perv!

  7. So cute. I don't have a purse obsession. I have a shoe obsession. However, I am in need of a new purse but I hate shopping for one. My aunt still owes me a b-day present. Maybe I can get her to get me one!

    I love the blue purse!

  8. My obsessions are too many to admit, but a few are kitchen utensils, dishes, linens, paper get the idea. I am with another poster who carries big totes to house all my junque and the kids junk too!

  9. I am a little ashamed to say I only own 2 purses and one wallet. I better run to the nearest coach store!

  10. Purses, I'm not too picky about. I do the Vera Bradley knock offs and call it good. BUT. I have "book" that is my brain (Cal., checkbook, everything) that must be carried at all times, as well as a novel. You never know when you might be stuck and need entertainment! So, "pocketbooks" must be large enough for those 2 items! Now, my friends mom has over 50 purses with matching wallets!

  11. Wow.

    I love me some purses but have never tried to match them with the wallet. I have a hard enough time switching purses let alone wallets.

  12. I'm a retard when it comes to purses and wallets.. I get all my sister inlaws pusses handed down to me and I use them until they break and then someone else will get me one.. It's working for me

  13. You have unknowingly put me in an angry place, my friend. That brown purse; I think it's a Relic? is the same one that was stolen from my car in the garage (in the middle of the night, while we slept). Bastards were caught, and they were tried and convicted, but the police STILL have my purse and its contents! They said it was "evidence." I WANT MY PURSE BACK!! I'm going to call those people again tomorrow!

  14. It's probably a good thing you don't go Vera Bradley. You know the fabric bags with the matching wallets and every other accessory known to man. One of the chicks at my favorite shop says that she mixes all her bags and wallets and things like that. I nearly fainted.

  15. Oh you are cracking me up. I love coming to see what you will write about next. Hope you get your HP back soon...I know the old slow ones can be quite irritating....

  16. Oh my gosh!!!!! I LOVE purses!!!! My cousin bought me the cutest ladybug purse (I also have a ladybug obsession) this past weekend. I don't have a ladybug wallet yet, but did get a super cute black one to use in it for now. I have a huge tub full of purses in my closet!

  17. I want to like purses. I try and try to like them. I buy expensive ones that I adore and then neglect because I can't get over how easy it is to just throw my debit card in my back pocket.

    Your purses are very cute!

  18. Can;t wait for slimline HP to arrive.. it's about time.

    I too, share your fetish. My problem can be summed up in one word... COACH.

    I'll wear shoes from salvation army, but man oh man, I love a Coach bag. Been collecting for a really never gets boring...

    And, just a few days ago, I got my 25% off invitation. Yep. Getting me some sunglasses!

  19. I'm not really into the shoes, the clothes...I'm not your girly girl. But I do love me the purses! AND matching wallets. It's a must. Kohl's is calling my name (I hear you!)! My hubby will thank you!

  20. a purse collector like me SWEET!!
    The only differnce, i don't have to have matching wallets. Not even close! the wallet that i am using now is orange with cute flowers on it. It's small, thought it would be way too small-but I love it1 One day, I will have to showcase by purse obsession-i think you would enjoy it. You know that song about the lady with the crocodile purse? I have a purple crocodile purse!! She comes out in the summer and i love her. My kids sing the song to me when i carry it. arent they so funny!!

  21. Oh dear, perhaps I shouldn't or read this post. Now I have the urge to build up a collection of matching purses and wallets !

    I love hanging laundry out to dry. But I can't do it here, because all I can find locally, is plain wooden clothes pegs. I should of bought my coloured plastic ones with me. That way I could colour match them to what I was hanging out :-)

    OCD?? Hmmm ...maybe mild :-)

  22. Nice collection! I've never thought about the matching purse/wallet combo before. I switch out my purse depending on what I'm wearing but I've used my Harley Davidson wallet for 3 years or so. (It's black with a girly design.)

    When I get time I should definitely post about my shoe addiction...then I can show off these purty cowboy boots I just got!!!


  23. I could have written this post. And don't even get me started on my shoe collection!
