
Saturday, June 21, 2008

Killer Beast

As I type this, there are five (that's 5) buzzards in my front yard. You might be thinking, "Aren't buzzards attracted to dead animals?" Why yes, yes they are. And lucky for them, I just so happen to have some dead animals in the front yard. It's a virtual smorgasbord out there. There are 3 dead birds, a dead groundhog, and a dead skunk.
You are probably thinking, "Why are there so many dead animals in John Deere Mom's front yard?"
You might also wonder, "Is there some wild, savage beast that is stalking animals on the farm and leaving their dead, stinky caracasses in her front yard?"

Why yes, yes there is. And I managed to snap a picture of the beast before it stalked its next victim.

That's right. Jackie. Jackie the Cow. If you see this killer beast, run the other way. She's dangerous, I tell ya. Real dangerous.


  1. Oh but she's so CUTE!!!
    The killers usually pull you in that way though don't they?

    Yea for HP coming home!!!
    At least you had old school dell as a back up though I can't imagine life with no computer (How Sad is That?)

  2. OMG she was VERY busy, huh? And blood, Mom! LOL

  3. What a nice dog to bring home such treasures to share with you!!!

    We had a stray cat that would leave dead birds on our door step. I could never get over that one and really got sick of all the funerals that we had for the poor little things.

  4. Oh, boy, she's upgraded from dragging your garbage and other people's garbage to dragging over dead animals?! Niiiiiiiice.

    Little stinker. She's quite the hunter. Why do you call her a cow?

  5. Too funny! The song is priceless.

  6. Oh yuck. Yuck, yuck, yuck. When we were at the pool this week, there was a skunk that had just sprayed a dog. OH, the smell. I wonder if there are just none around here...

  7. You have a very busy puppy!! So many animals to little time.

  8. Your house is like mine. Uhm.... but you have double the cats, don't you just love them all though? Your puppy is adorable. I have a blue healer called girlfriend and she is a killing machine too.

  9. Farm Guy and his shadow just got rid of the stinky carcasses. Thank you! I am sure Jackie will bring us more treats this week.
    Rhea-When Jackie and her siblings were born, Cole was very (and still is) in love with cows. She has black and white fur like his favorite cow color so he named her Jackie the Cow. I think there for awhile he had convinced himself he really had a pet cow. He has this little fence that he would put fake cows in. One day he stuck Jackie in the fence and exclaimed, "Momma! Look! I never had a real cow in my fence before!" :) From them on, Jackie the Cow has just kinda stuck.

  10. Angie, that's so cute about how Jackie got her name. How adorable that he thought he had a little cow. hehe Thanks for explaining! I really appreciate people who respond to their comments.

  11. lol I so want to get me a killer cat to kill the dang mice I heard running in my house last night! Then I want to get some killer spiders to kill all the flies that flew in when the girls left the garage door open for 2 hours!

    Where are the pictures of the buzzards? That would be too cool!

  12. She killed a skunk before the skunk sprayed her?? I'm in awe of your dog. My dogs are too!

    I had a cat that used to bring me little presents. Nothing like waking up at 3am and finding yourself nose to nose with a dead mouse!

  13. Sounds like my sister's dog. They live on a lot of land and he'll come trotting into the yard with deer parts dangling from him mouth. He has also chewed up an antifreeze container, a mop, and a ceramic something or other they had in the yard. Its a wonder the house is still in one piece! He and Jackie the cow could definitely do some damage up in here!

  14. This is too funny!
