
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sunday Snapshots

Stay tuned for a new Crock Pot recipe later today!


  1. Your daughter is just the cutest thing!

    I am trying to love my crock pot...but my week of crock pot meals did not entice me one bit. I am going to skip it this week...and get up the courage to try something else next week.

  2. Thanks! Lucky for her she is cute because she is trouble!
    I am lovin' the use of the Crock Pot and trying out new recipes. I haven't fallen in love with one recipe yet, although I am making the rigatoni again this week with some modifications. I do like being able to put dinner together earlier in the day and let it cook. I need to get a grocery list together for the rest of the week's meals. Any ideas?

  3. Good Lord...
    As I'm looking at your pictures, my husband and son are discussing a dream one of them had about a new JD. I think JD should offer some sort of twelve step support group for familys members and friends of the owner/operator.

    Enjoy your Sunday and those 2 cute kiddo's

  4. cute!! I love your recipes! I made crockpot chili last night...yum!

  5. Mrs. Parks-I feel your pain. Hubby sells the stuff, drives it, collects it, studies it...Tractor Boy lives for JD. He dreams about it too. It's pathetic.
    The Mom-Crockpot chili! Yum! Except I will only eat chili in the dead of winter. I am so hot-blooded anyway...I can't take more heat!

  6. Here you go again with your girl. Enough. She is making me teeth hurt. I do adore your boy too, but that girl...

  7. Too cute! I go through periods where I use my crock pot a lot..then don't use it at all. Why can't I be consistent?!

    Uh, oh, Little Miss is in trouble?

  8. Cute photos !!

    I'm about to try a new chili recipe in my crock pot. It calls for ground turkey breast, but I'm using chunky ground chicken breast. It also has prunes in it. The hubby is definitely looking sideways at that idea.

  9. Mrs. R-Believe me. An hour or so with my precious daughter might make your teeth hurt from gritting them at the attitude. Yes, attitude from a 2 year old. A 16 year old stuck in a 2 year old's pudgy little body.
    Rhea-Little Miss isn't necessarily IN trouble...she just IS trouble. All the time. :)
    Karen-I don't blame the hubby on the prune idea. But...let me know how it turns out!

  10. Your boy looks so serious and grown up! And that is such a precious picture of your little girl :)

    I need to use my crock pot more. I've got a recipe book for it, but I've not been too pleased with the ones I've tried.

  11. You're kids are simply adorable! And I think I'm jealous of the way you can make their pictures look sooo amazing! I have a great camera, just do not know how to use it, LOL Color me blonde, would ya? LOL

  12. absolutely beautiful pictures! Hey I thought you might like to The Big Annoucement over at my blog A Daily Dose of Toni. If you are interested in having your blog included please contact me back either through a comment on the post or through my email Thanks! Love your blog and your kids are too precious!

  13. The black and white photo with the green hat is INCREDIBLE. You really need to frame that somewhere.

  14. Awww - way too cute... I really wanna pinch her cheeks...

  15. as always your kids are adorable! i've given you an award on my blog (i typed that as glob twice before i got my fingers working right, for goodness sakes) come check it out!
